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3 Easy Ways to Register DLL Windows 10 | How to Use the Regsvr32 tool

Date of publication of the material 08.10.2019 Article views 720 Number of likes to article 0 Number of Comments


Most fans of computer games, sooner or later, but faced with various kinds of errors, in which there was a mention of incorrect operation or the absence of a dll file.

Similar problems are encountered very often, including they can also occur when using someone else's software whose work is somehow or other connected with the functionality of the mentioned dynamic libraries.

Faced with such errors, it is worthwhile to understand that solving the problem by downloading the problematic “dll” file, and then placing it in the system directory, or installing it using the installer, does not always bring the desired result.

The main recommendations for resolving the mentioned error include registering a dynamic library file in the operating system, and it is this action that should be given attention in this article.

How to Register dll

It is worth noting that the successful registration of a dynamic library file does not always guarantee a successful solution to the error, and here's why:

  • Most of the dll files offered to the user for download are just “dummies” that are of absolutely no use. Before downloading and placing the file in the system directory, you should think and check several times to see if the resulting “dll” contains malicious software.
  • Even if the downloaded file meets the requirements and really carries the correct functionality, this does not mean that its registration is possible in principle, since not all dynamic library files support the “DllRegisterServer” function, and it is it that is responsible for those considered in this article of action.

Returning to the issue of registering a DLL. The mentioned registration manipulations can be performed in three ways, which are not very complex, but require certain actions with the Windows system components.

Solution 1

Before proceeding to the direct implementation of the registration process, it should be noted that when using the Windows operating system of 64-bit capacity, two different variants of “regsvr32.exe” are created, with the use of which all subsequent work is connected.

One is in "C:\Windows\SysWOW64", the second is in "C:\Windows\System32", and the 64-bit version is located exactly in "System32".

Subsequent actions are as follows:

  • Press the key combination “WIN + R” to open the item “Run”;
  • In the window that opens, enter the command "regsvr32.exe path_to_dll_file".

    Etern commang: regsvr32.exe path_to_dll_file

    The path to the dll file previously placed in the system directory should be indicated in full in order to prevent an error with the confusion of the two options used that were mentioned above.

If everything went right, then in response to the command you will be given a notification about the successful registration of the dll file.

Successful register dll file in System: DllRegisterServer in Dir succeeded

Solution 2

  • Press “WIN + S” and enter “cmd.exe” in the search box;
  • Click on the result with the right mouse button and select "Run as administrator"; 

    Run as administrator Command Prompt

  • Type and run the command "regsvr32.exe path_to_library_dll", similar to the above. 

    Type and run the command: regsvr32.exe path_to_library_dll

Solution 3

The third method is the simplest and perhaps best suited for novice users, namely:

  • Open the directory where you previously placed the dll file you downloaded;
  • Find it and right-click on it;
  • Click “Open with” and select “Find another program on this computer”;
  • Open the path “C:\Windows\SysWOW64” or “C:\Windows\System32” and select the file “regsvr32.exe”.

    Find regscr32.exe to register dll library on PC

As you can see, the above methods are, in fact, the same thing, only in several different ways.


In conclusion, there are a few key points that can avoid the problems with registering a dynamic library and, in principle, make it unnecessary.

  1. Find information about exactly what functionality is performed by the problem file, and look at what system components it comes with. For example, files starting with “d3d” are bundled with “DirectX,” which is available for download on the official Microsoft website.
  2. In most cases, versions of software and games come with their own dynamic library files, which are necessary for their operation.
    This circumstance leads to the fact that the file with the extension “exe” does not refer to the copy located in the system directory, but to its own version, which causes an error.
    Therefore, to fix it, you just need to delete the “copy” from the folder with the software product used.
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