Coupon Center Aliexpress

Save on your first purchase on AliExpress ($2 to $100)

Are you a new user on AliExpress? Well, you’re in luck, because our favorite Chinese online store gives welcome coupons to all new users.

All you have to do is go to this page and click “GET”.

If that link doesn’t work for you, try logging in here, click on any item, and see if a pop-up appears with that warning.

In the next article in the “ Help” section, we’ll explain how these coupons work for new users and tell you about other tricks, so you don’t have to be a newbie to make the most of your savings on AliExpress.

New user coupon for Aliexpress
Coupon for any product for newcomers

What are new user coupons and how to use them

New User Coupons are coupons for $2 or a bundle of 5 coupons for up to $100 for new users and are available only to new AliExpress accounts. To get them, just go to the AliExpress page we told you about, or this one, and wait for AliExpress to detect in your browser that you haven’t previously registered. If so, a pop-up window will appear offering you these welcome coupons.

We click on the window and it will take us to the next page where you might be asked to fill in a captcha, we will register on the same page, and that’s it. A new page with coupons will appear, for example if you registered when the promotion was “$100”, on this page you will see 5 coupons of different values that AliExpress offers us to buy on their page:

  • Coupon $2 for purchases of $5 or more.
  • A $8 coupon for purchases of $120 or more.
  • A $10 coupon for purchases of $150 or more.
  • $30 coupon for purchases of $450 or more.
  • A $50 coupon for purchases of $750 or more.

(Indeed, there is tricky, and there are several coupons for different purchases with minimal outlay.)

The upside is that these coupons are not from a specific store, but “AliExpress” coupons, so you can use them on any store and on any item on the page, you just need to add the items you are going to buy to your cart. When you go to the payment page, they will be applied automatically if you reach the minimum purchase amount.

You can only apply one coupon per purchase, so if you buy something for $130 and something for $10, you better pay separately, so a $130 purchase will apply an $8 coupon and a $10 coupon for $2 applies. They also have an expiration date of about 10 days from the time we register.

How to combine multiple discounts and save more money

These coupons are not the only ones offered by AliExpress. In fact, there are many ways to save money on AliExpress, and the best way is to combine multiple coupons offered by AliExpress. As mentioned above, “AliExpress coupons” cannot be combined with other “AliExpress coupons,” but they can be combined with other coupons. That’s why we will look at 3 different types of coupons that exist, and which ones you can combine with welcome coupons:

  • AliExpress coupons: New user coupons are an example of this. These are coupons that can be used in any store and on any AliExpress product. All you have to do is make sure that your shopping cart reaches the minimum purchase amount indicated on the coupon itself.
  • Seller coupons: the sellers themselves may offer small discounts if you spend the minimum in their store.
  • Special coupons: these are generic coupons (if we have a special coupon, we can apply it in different stores), but to apply it, you will need to reach a minimum amount in the store that accepts them. We have an article dedicated exclusively to coupons on AliExpress, where we explain in detail how they work.

Where can I see all my coupons?

To see the coupons you currently have, simply go to your account and find “my coupons”.

Update : by clicking here, you will be able to access directly.

You have 3 tabs for the 3 types of coupons we talked about. If the coupon is displayed in red, it means that it is still active and can be used, if it is gray, it means that the coupon has already expired.

Coupons Codes Aliexpress
AliExpress Coupons/Codes

How can I see the seller and choose coupons?

These AliExpress coupons are valid for the entire cart and all AliExpress products, all you have to do is reach the minimum order quantity. But this is another topic we explain in our main article on AliExpress coupons (which, by the way, we have also just updated, so I highly recommend it).

More tips and tricks on our blog

This article is part of our tutorial section where you will find many other tips and tricks to buy safely on AliExpress and save money. If you are just starting to buy from AliExpress, I recommend you to read our Basic Buyer’s Guide for AliExpress , where we explain what it is and how to buy. And remember that you will also find the best reviews on our blog about cheap products to buy on AliExpress.

How about you? Were you able to use these AliExpress coupons for new users? We’d love to hear what you think, so be sure to leave a comment below with your experience.
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Active shopper on AliExpress since 2015. I write step-by-step tutorials, share my own tips and tricks, create cool product picks on Telegram and make YouTube guides.

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