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Let us know your ideas we will come up with a best solution for your app

let us understand your ideas and requirements allow us to turn those into an app success story

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We are always with you throughout your app success story

We offer services from app development, redevelopment app launch to support and maintenance. We provide one stop solution to your apps needs

Get in Touch
App Development

App Development

Our expert developers work hard conforming the best standard and practice to develop your ideas into beautifully crafted apps.

App Redevelopment

App Redevelopment

Sometimes it becomes necessary to fix or rebuild your existing app, We carefully study your existing app and provide thoughtful consultation on your case.

Support Service

Support Service

We provide after sale support so that you can rest assured that all your needs served by one company.

Maintenance Service

Maintenance Service

We maintain your app to keep it error free by collecting feedback and bug reports and strive to give your users a smooth experience of using your app

What we did

Some of our happy customers

A brief overview of some our works

Let's listen to your ideas !

How We Work

Take control over your business by deploying an all in one business data monitoring solution for your business.


Requirement Gathering

At this stage we carefully listen to your ideas and requirements. We pay particular attention to your important points, strategies, and objectives.

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Analysis And Discovery

Our product engineers analyse your app requirement ; compare and contrast your ideas and requirements that are currently available on the market

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Prototyping And Feedback

This is the very first stage where your ideas get its first visible shape. We create prototype of the proposed solution to gather feedback from you on its look and feel.

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UI/UX Designing and Testing

Our UI/UX designer prepare the user interface and tests it on various devices to give the best look and feel of your app to its users keeping the functionality in mind.

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Coding and unit testing

At this stage, our software developers start developing your app and perform unit testing and collaborate with you to fine tune the functionality of the app.

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Final Testing and launch

Once the development is completed, we do rigorous testing and submit the app to you for real use. Upon success we prepare the app for launch.

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Mobile Apps Development company UK 

Appforest is a UK based low-cost mobile, tablet and watch app development company, we are a specialised app development company in UK with 14 years of experience in software development. We provide Android, iOS, Windows mobile app, and webapp development and related services. From the inception of your ideas to the launch of an app we play vital roles of app development throughout its development lifecycle. We engage you in every step of our development process. As an app development agency, you can fully rely on us with all your needs of app development and remain assured that your app development will take place with high quality and best practices by our expert developers. As we are your local development company we can be contacted and collaborated without worrying of the time zone. We thrive through our dedication of work and customer support.

Mobile App Developer UK 

We have a wonderful talented team of mobile app developers who are willing to take any kind of challenges thrown to them in terms of complexity of developing your mobile/tablet/watch apps. Our developers are highly skilled and enthusiasts they achieve their goals by dedication to their work. Our team has a combination of experienced software architects and young energetic expert graduate developers who simply love to code with passion.

Android and iOS Mobile Apps Developers

Our mobile app designers and developers develop your app keeping the usability, user experience and device compatibly in mind so that your app can be viewed and used from multiple range of devices with high usability and user experience. Our Android developer team takes care of your app development to ensure it performs the best in all android devices conforming the android developer guideline. Our iOS developers work carefully and design your iPhone/iPad app with accuracy, best practice, and best standards to comply with apple app store.

Technologies we use

We are backed by Experienced Team

We have a strong team of developers, engineers and designers with ample years of experience of projects

14 Years








Tell us about your app idea !

Drop us a few lines with your ideas or query. One of our team members will have a look into to it and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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