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If you were gay and a recent passenger on American Airlines, you might have used聽in-flight Wi-Fi provided by Gogo just like any other customer. In the course of finding somewhere to stay before you land, you might have navigated to, a version of Airbnb where customers looking for a place to stay can be guaranteed the hosts are gay-friendly. Rather than getting the site's homepage, however, your browser would have kicked you to an interstitial page telling you the site had been censored by Gogo. The given reason would have been the site had been categorized as "adult-and-pornography."

Looking at Misterbnb, there is nothing to trigger a pornography-centric filter on the homepage. The word "gay" appears a handful of times, but there is no salacious language, no risque photos, no video, not even any wild-card advertising space that could turn up a rogue Flash ad, photo, or video that runs counter to the tone of the site. "Travel gay friendly," "build the gay travel community," or "attend the next gay events" is about as hot as the site's narrative gets. In total, the word "gay" appears 11 times in text on the site's homepage.


Gogo and American Airlines are not the first Wi-Fi providers to be touchy about LGBT content; over the last year, a handful of businesses, including Au Bon Pain, Tim Horton's, and McDonald's, made minor news for not allowing their customers to view innocuous LGBT-centric websites, like GLAAD's homepage.

Occasionally these incidents happen for regressive "family-friendly" reasons, where businesses cave to people who would be agitated by a reminder that gay people exist. But many businesses, including American Airlines, appear unsure why the Wi-Fi service they provide their customers prevents those customers from accessing otherwise innocuous LGBT-oriented sites.

Bob Witeck, a consultant for American Airlines on diversity matters, couldn't speak to how the filters worked. "Does the word gay default to bad? Do they question it just because of that word? The answer is I don't know," Witeck said.


Even if the sites are otherwise widely available, Seth Adam, director of communications for GLAAD, points out that timing matters in terms of access to resources for help and reassurance, and conflating resources on gender identification and sexuality with "adult" content is worse than just being discriminatory. "Some of these resources are not only critical but potentially life-saving," Adam said. "It poses a problem, a potentially life-threatening problem."

Which party holds the attitude that "gay" content should be treated with caution is not clear from the outset. American Airlines is Gogo's client, and Gogo is just a vector for providing a service to American's customers. If a porn site pops up uninvited during a flight on some customer's computer, the consumer relationship that would be at risk of damage would be between American and the flier. Hence, the expectation would be that American exerts control over what sites can and cannot be accessed.

How Misterbnb appeared in July 2013, a few months after it was blocked by Webroot, for what Webroot attests were too many instances of the word "lesbian."
Enlarge / How Misterbnb appeared in July 2013, a few months after it was blocked by Webroot, for what Webroot attests were too many instances of the word "lesbian."

Even the classification according to the word "lesbian" seems suspect: Misterbnb's CEO and co-founder, Matthieu Jost, claims that "the website is the same" now as it was when the block was enacted, so he couldn't speak to how instances of "lesbian" would have triggered Webroot's filters. "The answers you have received are聽weird, as the website is dedicated mostly to 'gay' and not 'lesbian,'" Jost told Ars. The oldest-available design of the homepage from July 2013 via shows a site with the same mission, no instances of the word "lesbian," and nine instances of the word "gay."

Misterbnb is unblocked now on American's Gogo in-flight Wi-Fi. "It's vexing for the customer experience," said Witeck, to try to navigate to an innocuous site only to find their interests have been wrongfully shafted as distasteful. "We'll use it as training material," Lonas said of Misterbnb, in hopes that next time Webroot's crawler will be ever so slightly less prone to banish an LGBT site to a porn category.


Channel Ars Technica

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