
What is the meaning of life?

Discover the answer to life’s greatest question in just 25 minutes.

Join our FREE exclusive masterclass today.

So many people live and die without actually knowing why they are put here on earth.

What is the meaning of life?

Why are you born?

Where are we all heading?

Is this all there is in life?

Now, you can know the answer. 

If you’re ready to:

👉 Discover the purpose of your life

👉 Know why you are here on earth

👉 Learn what God has in store for you

Then, this is the workshop for you!

In this masterclass, you will learn:

✔️ The reason you should know the meaning of your life

✔️ The one TRUE source of the answer to life’s greatest question

✔️ The incredible plan of God no one has told you

You will learn all these in just under 25 minutes!

At the end of the class, I also shared a special announcement that will further help you become more equipped to become the BEST Christian God always wanted you to be!

Just click the button above to join the class now!

See you soon!

Ready to join? Click this button below:

Join our Masterclass!

I just launched my best online course called, “ Becoming Christians Academy.” Open that link if you wish to discover an exciting way to become a highly effective Christian with a strong and unshakable faith.

Becoming Christians Academy offers you a wide range of Biblical and practical lessons to help you in your Christian walk. Here are some of the things you will get from the course:

➡️ Discover how to form a close relationship with God.

➡️ Understand various sections of the Scripture in ways you haven’t done before.

➡️ Meet the different people of the Bible and see what they can teach you.

➡️ See how you can become an extraordinary follower of the Most High.

➡️ Start living a victorious, inspiring, and blessed life.

Want to learn more? Join Our Best Becoming Christians Academy Online Courses:

Teach Us to Pray

Learn how to pray like Jesus Christ (Yahshua).

Read Your Bible in 365 Days

Go through the whole Scripture with daily life-changing reflections.

7 Powerful Habits of Highly Effective Christians

Discover how to develop life-changing habits.

Heroes of faith course composite 3D image

Heroes of Faith

Know how you can become a warrior of faith by studying Hebrews 11.

how to live a victorious life composite 3D

Inspiring Stories

Learn how to live a victorious life.

Learn more!

About Us

Becoming Christians is a website dedicated to helping every Christian who would like to follow in the footsteps of our Lord and Master, Yahshua or popularly known as Jesus Christ.

This site believes that the whole duty of man is to “fear God and keep his commandments” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

Therefore, it is important to recognize the need to become like Jesus Christ and have His mind within us (Philippians 2:5). However, it must not stop there. Our belief and faith must be accompanied by actions.

This website is a rich source of different information that will exactly do that – to equip every follower of the Messiah with the necessary encouragement, motivation, knowledge, and wisdom to know the way to eternal life.

Here are some of the most popular categories of the Becoming Christians website.

Recent blogs

  • Why people are not healed? [NEW VIDEO]
  • Is Forgive and Forget Biblical?
  • Walking on Water: Finding Faith in the Storms of Life
  • Should You Read The Bible in 52 Weeks? (Book Summary)
  • Rare Success Advice: Cows Don’t Give Milk

Check out more latest blog posts here.

Meet the Author

I’m Joshua.

… and I’m on a mission to help fellow Christians build a closer and more intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father.

I have nothing to brag about. I didn’t come from any missionary school or earn any doctoral degree in theology.

All I have is passion… passion in doing the will of the Almighty.

I made it my mission to help people find their God-given purpose in life.

My main objective is not to simply equip you with academic knowledge of God’s word, but to teach you how to apply them.

With that said, I pray and hope that the books on this website will help you become the Christian God has always wanted you to be!

Learn more about the author.

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13