“Parasite” currently is one of the most-talked about films at the box office. Directed by Bong Joon-ho (“Snowpiercer,” “The Host, “Okja”), the international hit has already won the coveted Palme d’Or at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival. There’s a strong Oscar buzz, too, with industry experts predicting that the movie may bypass a nomination for the Best Foreign Film for more prestigious nominations (Best Picture, Best Director etc.) at the 2020 Academy Awards.

While the film touts some of South Korea’s biggest movie stars — such as Song Kang-ho, who portrays the patriarch of the impoverished Kim family — the movie also includes some actors and actresses who are well known to K-Drama fans.

Park Seo-joon

He plays Min-hyuk. It’s a pivotal cameo that gets the story line rolling. When Min-hyuk gives up his tutoring job to study abroad, he recommends his best friend, Kim Ki-woo (played by Choi Woo-shik). Ki-woo utilizes fake diplomas to infiltrate the unsuspecting and wealthy Park family. Soon, his sister and parents also end up working for the Parks. All of this leads to disaster.

Where you can find Park Seo-joon on KOCOWA: “ Fight for My Way,” “ Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth,” “ She Was Pretty,” “ Kill Me, Heal Me


Choi Woo-Shik

You may remember this Korean Canadian actor from “Train to Busan.” Here, he plays the Kim family’s son, Ki-woo. A street smart young man, he has the looks and mannerisms that fool the Park family into thinking he is a well-educated student from a “good” family. In other words, he’s a suitable tutor for their daughter. He is forced to address his dark side as his family’s subterfuge leads from one criminal act to another.

Where you can find Choi Woo-Shik on KOCOWA: “ Fight for My Way,” “ Rooftop Prince

Park So-dam

She portrays Kim Ki-jung, the daughter of the Kim family. Once her brother gets a tutoring job for the Parks, he recommends “Jessica” (in reality, Ki-jung) to be the art teacher for the Park’s young son. Ki-jung then manipulates the Parks into hiring her parents as their family driver and housekeeper. The four Kims now have the run of the Park household. Literally.

Where you can find Park So-dam on KOCOWA: “ A Beautiful Mind


Lee Sun-kyun

He’s the kind of actor that gives K-Dramas a cinematic feel (e.g. his starring role opposite IU in “My Mister”). As the patriarch of the Park family,  he is known to all as Mr. Park, because someone of his hierarchy wouldn’t be addressed by his first name. He is somewhat of a sympathetic character, until viewers hear him talking about “poor-people odor.”

Where you can find Lee Sun-kyun  on KOCOWA: “ Coffee Prince,” “ Behind the White Tower Remastered,” “ Miss Korea,” “ Golden Time,” “ Pasta,” “ Triple

Cho Yeo-jeong

Once a teen model, she is a strong actress who embodies her characters with willful empathy. In “Parasite,” she portrays the easily manipulated Mrs. Park, who will believe just about anything if told with the right nuance. She wants what’s best for her children, but is blindsided by what she thinks is appropriate, rather than what actually is.

Where you can find Cho Yeo-jeong  on KOCOWA: “ Babysitter,” “ Love in the Moonlight,” “ Ms. Perfect

Jung Ji-so

Many K-Drama fans recognize Ji-so for playing the younger version of Han Hyo Joo in “W” (which also starred our favorite, Lee Jong-Suk). The actress, 20, gives a nuanced performance in “Parasite” as the wealthy Park daughter, Da-hye, who has Ki-woo smitten with her.

Where you can find Jung Ji-so   on KOCOWA: “ May Queen,” “ Hyde, Jekyll, Me

Jung Hyun-joon

This young actor doesn’t even turn 8 until November 11, but his expressive face was perfect for his role as the Park’s young son, Da-song. He started acting just two years ago in the K-Drama “ You are Too Much” and already shows great potential as an actor.

Where you can find Jung Hyun-joon on KOCOWA: “ The Nokdu Flower,” “ Queen for Seven Days,” “ You are Too Much

Have you seen “Parasite”? Did you recognize these K-Drama stars? Let us know in the comments below!

You can watch these and many of your other favorite K-Dramas by subscribing to  KOCOWA.

Be sure to follow  @GoAwayWithJae, where I tweet about all things Korean.🇰🇷


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