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University of the East

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Who can apply for a tuition installment plan in University of the East?

College and graduate school students from UE Manila or UE Caloocan can now apply for 12-month tuition installment plans.

University of the East - Manila

University of the East - Caloocan

University of the East - Manila Location

Website Manila City, Metro Manila, Philippines

University of the East - Manila Contact Details

  • Phone number (02) 8735 5471
  • Website www.ue.edu.ph/mla/
  • Twitter @UnivEast
  • Facebook UniversityoftheEastUE

University of the East - Caloocan Location

Website Caloocan City, Metro Manila, Philippines

University of the East - Caloocan Contact Details

  • Phone number (02) 8735 5471
  • Website www.ue.edu.ph/cal/
  • Twitter @UnivEast
  • Facebook UniversityoftheEastUE

What are the requirements to apply for a Bukas tuition installment plan at University of the East?

To apply for an installment plan, you must fit the following criteria:

  • Checkmark circle outline - Icon You, your co-borrower, and additional contact person must be Filipino citizens residing in the Philippines
  • Checkmark circle outline - Icon You, your co-borrower, and additional contact person must be at least 18 years old
  • Checkmark circle outline - Icon The student must be enrolled at University of the East
  • Before you get started, make sure you’ve prepared all the necessary requirements.
    Do you have a valid and active mobile number?

    Account verification and important application updates will be sent to your mobile, therefore you must have a working mobile number.

    Do you have a co-borrower?

    A co-borrower is an additional borrower who can be a spouse, parent, sibling, or any family member, or even a friend, who will be equally liable for the loan. Both the borrower and co-borrower need to sign the contract, are equally responsible to pay the loan, and both will receive collection reminders.

    Having a co-borrower puts someone in a better position to manage a loan. Once your loan agreement is activated, the borrower will need to keep both individuals' information updated. (e.g. when updating mobile number, address, etc.)

    The co-borrower needs to prepare any valid ID (even school ID), one proof of residence, one proof of billing, and/or proof of source of income.

    Do you have an additional contact person?

    Your Additional Contact Person will serve as your emergency contact. They must be a resident of the Philippines and at least 18 years old. They will need to provide their contact details, such as their mobile number and email address.

    Do you have the required documents?

    As the borrower, you will need to prepare your school ID (or any valid ID), one proof of residence, and your school assessment form.

    Either the borrower or co-borrower, or both, will need to provide a source of income. ( list of valid proof of income).

Register and Apply Online

Apply for a Bukas Installment Plan whenever you need it. Create an account, complete your profile and submit your application. Your application will be processed in 3-5 business days.

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Get up to 100% Tuition Coverage Every Term

First-time borrowers can apply for partial or full tuition coverage for a specific term. Pay for your monthly dues on time to qualify for additional tuition coverage every term until you graduate.

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Pay in 12 Monthly Installments

After you confirm your Bukas installment plan, your tuition payment will be deposited directly to your school within 1-2 business days. Your first monthly installment will be due 30 days after disbursement. You can pay for your monthly dues online or over-the-counter at partner banks and non-bank payment centers nationwide.

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How much is the interest rate for 12-month tuition installment plans at UE?

Tuition plans for PWU ranges from 1.75% to 4.75% interest rate per month, with a one-time service fee that ranges from 4.5% to 10%. Check out our loan calculator to see your estimated monthly plan.

Getting ready for your first tuition installment plan (student loan).
How much do you need? (Principal)

Before getting a plan, find out how much you need first (this is called your plan’s “Principal” amount). Do you need coverage for your full tuition? Or do you only need partial coverage? Sometimes it’s better to ask for partial coverage to minimize your monthly payments at the start. You can always add more coverage when you need it.

How much will you pay back? (Interest and origination fee)

Now that you know what you need, you can now see how much you will have to repay. This will be bigger than what you asked for due to interest rates and the origination fee charged to your plan.

When or how do you start with your repayments? (Repayment)

Your first monthly installment will be due at least 30 days after the disbursement of your tuition. You can pay for your monthly dues online or over-the-counter at partner banks and non-bank payment centers nationwide.

We’re here to turn your dreams into reality

Our tuition installment plans are designed to be flexible and affordable. Get started today to join thousands of students using Bukas.

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Bukas Quick Guide

Here are the frequently asked questions about Bukas.

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What are the eligibility requirements?

For the borrower (or applicant), co-borrower, and additional contact person, they should all be a Filipino citizens and are at least 18 years old at the time of the application. For the student should be enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student at one of our partner schools.

How can I pay for my monthly dues?

You can pay online or over-the-counter at major banks (BPI, BDO, UnionBank, RCBC, etc.) and non-bank partners (GCash, 7-Eleven, Cebuana Lhuillier, M Lhuillier, Bayad Center, etc.) nationwide.

How long does it take to get my application approved?

It takes 3 to 5 business days to get your application approved. Make sure you provide all necessary information to avoid any delays.

Can I get funding for the whole school year?

Yes, you can! You can apply for a new installment plan every semester to get additional coverage. Make sure you pay for your monthly dues on time to qualify for multiple installment plans.

Our team is ready to help you with your questions

We’ve got your back. Our customer support team is dedicated to helping you with your concerns.

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