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Annie Chui (Actress) Height, Weight, Age, Videos, Photos, Biography, Boyfriend, Movies, Wiki and More

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Annie Chui (Actress) Wiki, Height, Weight, Age, Biography, Photos, Videos, Family, Husband, Hobbies and More

Annie Chui is an acclaimed Thai model and actress who has garnered immense recognition for her outstanding performances in movies, esteemed publications, and captivating advertising campaigns. With her remarkable talent and unwavering commitment, she has earned numerous accolades, firmly establishing herself as one of the most highly sought-after figures in the entertainment industry.

In this extensive piece, we will explore Annie Chui鈥檚 upbringing, her impressive career trajectory, personal ventures, and notable physical qualities that have played a significant role in her extraordinary achievements.


Real NameAnnie Chui
Nick NameNot Known
Alternative NameNot Known
Birthplace聽Bangkok, Thailand
Date of Birth28 February 1983
Died28 November 2005 at the age of 22
HometownBangkok, Thailand
Net Worth100K USD

Birth & Early Life

Annie Chui exemplifies the extraordinary impact that unwavering perseverance and dedication can have. She was born on 28 February 1983, in Bangkok, Thailand, and began her acting journey at a young age.


Since her graduation in 2001, Chui has emerged as a captivating actress, making a lasting impact on the film industry. She has solidified her position as an inspiration for aspiring performers, collaborating with accomplished actresses and leaving a lasting impression.

With unwavering determination, she has climbed the ladder of success, establishing herself as a flourishing businesswoman and a highly sought-after model.

Parents & Siblings

Annie Chui is committed to maintaining a significant level of privacy when it comes to her personal life on social media. She purposefully refrains from disclosing the identities or showcasing the faces of her parents and siblings

Husband and Boyfriend

Chui has opted to keep details about her boyfriend or husband undisclosed on social media. She values and prioritizes privacy when it comes to her romantic relationships, maintaining discretion and choosing not to publicly share information about them.

Height, Weight & More

Annie Chui stands at a height of 5 Feet 7 Inches and maintains a weight of 48 kg. She possesses captivating Brown eyes and stunning Brown hair.

Net Worth

Chui鈥檚 estimated net worth is approximately 100K USD.

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Figure Measurement

HeightIn Meter: 1.70m
in Feet: 5 Feet 7 Inches
WeightIn Kilogram: 48Kg
In Pound: 106lbs
Figure Size36-23-34
Eye ColorBrown
Hair ColorBrown

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