Friday, June 25, 2010


It's funny, it always has to be this time of the year. It is not like this is the only time things happens but I guess just there are other portals exist at other times.

Sometimes I think I am tired of this emotional roller coaster. I am not afraid of emotions, they are just tiring and exhausting. Sometimes I feel even tired to just describe them.

I am a strong believer of the possibility of falling in love with anyone. It well could be the next stranger. The point is we train ourselves to love, thus it is independent from the other person. We idealize the figure and that's the figure we love. We fascinate over our own fantasy.

I can not stop myself from rethinking all the moments, chew on every word. So why can't I just reminiscent every other moment in my life like that? Not even the happy ones like the birthday parties and the traveling times? If we should measure the degree of love by the degree of jealousy, then the measurement of memory impact should be the times we review them in our head. Then if one feels no jealousy, one does not love or care? Or does it mean that one is just not a jealousy person. Is the idea of everyone is different really means that everyone is the same? You can't put an equation sign in the middle cause it doesn't fit. Some people match with other people better. Age doesn't necessarily brings knowledge, it just brings decaying.

So how can one be emotionally exhausted if there is no emotion evolved? Can it eventually develop into a more automatic stage of reaction? I can remember the smell and the taste of the skin. The light shedding and the salty taste from perspiration. If I close my eyes, I can feel the similar taste except the different touching skills are reminding me that it is not the same person. How long should it last? Too long sex gets exhausting and it's harder to get to the finish line because it takes more energy to push yourself over the cliff. But when it's too short you feel like it ended abruptly. It's kind of like you are expecting the second layer of chocolate cake and only come to found that it is just a boring one waffle.

In the movie, he said he often can envision his future with a woman before he comes, but afterward he just want them to stop touching him. I wonder if that's true to most people who do not want emotional attachment. I am sick of keep thinking about it and even feel the urge to recording them by typing them out. I don't mind the experiment, but the thing about it after you have experiment for so long, you kind of forgot the feeling of likeness and dis-likeness. You just keep going at it until it stops for one reason or another. Yes, it does it to itself. unstoppable the force.

I finally stop fighting back and just let it happen.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Maybe somewhere in my heart, I know I don't deserve this...

I never mind to pursue someone. Yes, I will feel unhappy and hurt when they don't respond. But once they respond and began to fell, I want to pull away and stop everything. It's not because of the feeling that I don't deserve it, maybe it's still because I know that I will never feel the same way they do and it's not fare to them.

I guess what I try to find is someone who is mature and strong enough to hold me. Someone I want and respond. Who know me so well that can tolerate me and let me do whatever I choose to. Doesn't have to be exclusive but will abandon anything because of me. I know this is beyond selfish and I can't even picture myself like that to anyone. But I guess even though I don't believe in love and marriage, there's hope for something absolutely unique. Because I think everyone deserve one in their lifetime.

Sometimes tired of being the mature one in a relationship. Which is probably why I easily find guys a lot older than me attractive. But I guess another reason for the attraction is the unattainability. They will change once you have it. I hate to see everything fall apart. And I will be more attracted if the person is that mature enough to keep the distance. I think I'm the self-torture type. It's good because I can never have it.

It is a lot to experience in a 24-hours period. The first time was not as great as I'd picture them to be. Probably because of there is no enough feelings to the participant. But somehow there's still hope to be more enjoyable with practice? Pleasure doesn't always have to come with deep feelings. I ask myself that are these all wrong moves? But that's the thing, if you don't try it, you always wonder what it is like and build up too much expectation. I want to have the feeling and know exactly what will going on in my life. Like I always trying to do.

Why marriage doesn't work. Because of the exclusivity. I can never imagine in love with someone for my entire life. Maybe because it hasn't happened to me yet. But I can always have feelings for someone, but it doesn't mean I will be willing to commit myself entirely. This may change in 20 years or whatever years. When the "right one" comes along. But what if there is no such thing as the "right one". What if all it is is a short lasting feels that everyone ever since little being tricked into we should hold on to it forever?

And there's the thing I wish never happened. Still the same thoughts. Wrong place, wrong time, wrong person. It can never be you. Never. I don't want confusion in my life. But sadly there's nothing in this world like everyone is happy.

Maybe I'm just getting too used to the idea of being the special one and it's always me the person get to choose and pick, not the other people. Still, the self-centerness.

Still hurt a little bit. Hopefully my selfishness will hold me through all this chaos. Because I am strong and will continue to be strong. Brave to do whatever I like and brave enough to accept whatever might be the consequence. After all, how bad can life be? Focus on what you want and whatever life choose to happen happens. Live and enjoy.

Peace of mind.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

没什么 没什么

总是觉得 人的感情 是一个很伤人的东西



可是总是人不对 时间不对 感觉不对


Cold Heart...

没什么 没什么

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Just a little tired....

Everyone is living alone in this endless world, passing by various characters

What's the end will be like?

Can I cheat to take a look into the future?

Endless flying and searching

Where is the answer?

Saturday, September 29, 2007




一本读不完的书,一部看不完的电影,一段走不完的旅程,一颗填不满的心。 总是在疑惑,总是在试探,前方究竟是怎样,谁又会知道?

Let us embrace, when we finish the endless journey, when we are in the world's end.......

The discomfort in your eyes....

Sunday, April 15, 2007

















"我 爱 你"





Beatiful Posters, pure and cold...


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ralph Fiennes....隐忍




却也会有着单纯的微笑,会一样在不知觉的时候露出孩子气般的爽朗笑容。脸上会有憨厚讨好的表情。宁愿自己遍体鳞伤也不愿让爱的人有丝毫心痛的Nice Guy.

只是希望,当自己一天厌倦的时候,身边可以有这么一个人依靠。Just a thought, 也许可以排坐着看时间纵情流淌。

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