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Artificial Intelligence: the applications that increase business productivity

5 min

Artificial Intelligence is one of the most versatile solutions to implement in the enterprise. The reason is simple: the software and technologies required are flexible and can be modulated according to the size of the business and the budget to invest. Today, AI is no longer in the experimental stage, and this allows us to know in advance how it could intervene in business processes to improve their performance and efficiency. But what are the possible applications of Artificial Intelligence? Let’s see it through the benefits it brings to the main business departments.

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Artificial Intelligence to turn data into useful information

Applications of Artificial Intelligence offer benefits, especially for data management and analysis. Thanks to software that enables a transformation of raw data into useful information, leaders, and decision-makers will be able to choose, decide, and act in less time and with better results. Today, not only do large companies need support, but small and medium-sized businesses are also starting to struggle during the strategy phase. In fact, the raw data coming in from various departments need time and resources to be processed. And it is at this stage, Artificial Intelligence comes into play, automating the synthesis, processing, and classification of the mass of data. Reading the information and coming up with a forecasting strategy will thus be much more streamlined.

Moreover, as the company size grows, the information becomes more and more dislocated and sectorial. We enter the field of Big Data, the management of which is decidedly more complex. That’s why multinational companies hire Data Scientists to collect, curate, tag, and analyze internal and external data from multiple sources. Based on the relationships and structures that unite such data, Artificial Intelligence algorithms are educated. This will help identify patterns and calculate probabilities.

Application of Artificial Intelligence

Marketing: AI to improve customer relationships

The beneficial effects of AI are most evident in the marketing department. There are many KPIs to keep under control between sales, the study of customer behavior, and competitor analysis. Companies that have chosen software equipped with Artificial Intelligence have seen a significant increase in Customer Satisfaction. In fact, collecting customer data when they enter into a relationship with our company helps the marketing department study targeted strategies.

Case in point: data collected during a customer’s purchase process on an online e-commerce platform. This information shows the customer journey of the consumer, i.e., the path they take before, during, and after the purchase. By studying the timing and actions, it is possible to identify the best strategy to transform a customer from potential to acquire. Not only that, when the users express their preferences, they give the brand the possibility to personalize the advertising and consequently increase the ROI.

Today, there is a lot of talk about omnichannel, and AI is indispensable in this area. Getting an analysis of the data related to each channel used for marketing campaigns allows, in fact, to reach the target through a more targeted strategy that generates very little dispersion. Moreover, with the use of chatbots, customer service and support also improve significantly.

Finally, the contribution of AI also impacts content creation, which today is essential to increase brand awareness. In fact, for now, Artificial Intelligence cannot emulate the sophisticated human creative process. It can, however, produce content with a simple structure through the processing of text entered during the initial training phase. It may not be fresh, original text, but we have the human mind for that.

Artificial Intelligence transforms raw data into useful information to improve customer relationships, increase productivity, and provide resource management support. Share on X

Manufacturing: AI to increase productivity

Digitalizing production processes for many companies has already represented a significant step forward. Artificial Intelligence is, however, the next step that generates not only greater efficiency but also constant control and future prediction.

How can applications of Artificial Intelligence increase business productivity? Here are some examples:

  • By improving quality control. In fact, Artificial Intelligence can detect defects in a product on the production line. This makes it possible to modify the process in real-time. In addition, the number of false positives is greatly reduced through image processing algorithms, i.e., those products whose defect is so small that it is not perceived in a first analysis.
  • With proper inventory management. Concerning the supply chain, machine learning makes it possible to predict the amount of supplies needed in a given period. This will reduce excess inventory and the risk of running out of products before demand is satisfied.
  • With the improvement of predictive maintenance. IoT and Artificial Intelligence make a difference in predictive maintenance by reducing, consequently, machine downtime.
  • With a more accurate design. Artificial Intelligence is also widely used in the prototyping and design phase of products.

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Human Resources: AI to select, manage and administer resources

The applications of Artificial Intelligence also offer benefits to the human resources department. In this case, we have a double advantage: it improves the internal experience and consequently the potential candidates’ employee experience. How? Through, for example, the creation of intuitive and straightforward processes that speed up data entry. Companies that have adopted this approach have seen a significant reduction in candidate abandonments during compilation.

In addition to the tools used for applications, smart access to data from previous archived applications can also make a difference. In fact, making access to the database that stores resume smart can bring back previously discarded candidates because they didn’t fit the open positions but are now found to be suitable.

Finally, AI can also serve in the phases following the selection process, i.e., when the administrative part has to be defined. These last steps, which involve repetitive actions, can be carried out by chatbots or applications that work remotely and optimize time. In fact, candidates and HR managers will interact on a deferred basis at the most convenient times for both.

AI also plays an important role in internal employee management. How? Through algorithms that allow, for example, to monitor the KPIs of resources. In this way, it is possible to determine when they have achieved the set goals and therefore deserve a promotion. In addition, through personalized feedback, you can better understand the needs of employees, and you can study actions aimed at increasing their degree of satisfaction. This translates into a reduction in the risk of employee turnover.

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