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Background information

Feature films

Robin Hood

Short films

Mickey's Christmas Carol (cameo)
Once Upon a Studio


Mickey Mouse Works
House of Mouse
Once Upon a Time in Wonderland


Don Bluth


Dana Laurita

Character information




Robin Hood, supporting Robin Hood


Being corrected



Family information


Mother Rabbit (mother)
Unnamed father


Skippy (brother)
Tagalong (sister)
Lots of other unnamed siblings

Oh, he's so handsome, just like his reward posters!
―Sis [src]

Sis is an anthropomorphic girl rabbit character and is a minor character in Disney's 1973 animated feature film Robin Hood. She is the daughter of Mother Rabbit and the older sister of Skippy, Tagalong, and lots of other rabbit siblings.



Personality-wise, Sis appears to be a typical young girl. She is friendly, but she can be bossy, and she likes to tease her younger brother Skippy. Judging by one scene, she may harbor a slight crush on Robin Hood, as she mentions that he is handsome, "just like his reward posters" upon meeting him in person.

Physical appearance[]

Sis is a white colored rabbit. She wears a long red dress with pink bloomers, and her ears are tied with a large pink hair bow.

She seems to be taller and skinnier than Skippy and her other siblings, possibly making her the firstborn. In her cameo appearance of Mickey's Christmas Carol, her dress is violet colored.


Robin Hood[]

Sis plays a fairly minor role in the film, having a major role in only one or two scenes. The rest of her appearances are cameos.

She is seen with her family at Skippy's birthday party. Like the rest of them, she is angry when the Sheriff of Nottingham steals Skippy's birthday present, but cheers up with Robin Hood comes with his own present for him. She takes a moment to tease Skippy about Robin's hat is too big, before being scolded by her mother and to have her little sister repeat the scolding.

She then goes with Skippy, Tagalong, and their friend, Toby, to go test out Skippy's new bow and arrow. She warns him that he is shooting the arrow too high and watches him do so into Prince John's courtyard. When Maid Marian invites them in, Sis notes that the former is very nice and encourages Toby and Tagalong to come. She watches as Skippy role-plays Robin's rescue of Marian and laughs when Lady Kluck mimics Prince John and when Marian kisses Skippy.

She later has cameos throughout the rest of the film. She attends the archery tournament and is seeing cheering for the competitors. Later, she is shown during the song " The Phony King of England". After that, she is imprisoned alongside the rest of her family, for not paying taxes, and later escapes along with them (ducking and jumping to dodge arrows). She appears at the end as the newlywed Robin Hood and Maid Marian ride off to which she catches Marian's bouquet much to Tagalong's aggravation.

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland[]

Sis appears on the Once Upon a Time spin-off show as the daughter of the White Rabbit.


  • Lisa Gerritsen, Pamelyn Ferdin, and Kim Richards were all considered for the voice of Sis.


v - e - d
Robin Hood logo
Robin Hood ( Video) • CGI remake filmThe Legacy Collection
Disney Parks
Garden of the Twelve Friends

Fireworks: Wonderful World of AnimationWondrous Journeys
Restaurants: The Friar's Nook
Halloween: Frightfully Fun ParadeKooky Spooky Halloween Night

Robin HoodLittle JohnAlan-A-DalePrince JohnSir HissSheriff of NottinghamTrigger and NutsyRhino GuardsCaptain CrocodileWolf ArrowmenOttoFriar TuckSkippy BunnySis BunnyTagalong BunnyMrs. BunnySkippy's SiblingsTobyMaid MarianLady KluckSexton MouseLittle SisterKing Richard
Whistle StopOo-De-LallyLoveThe Phony King of EnglandNot in Nottingham
Sherwood ForestNottinghamCastle of Nottingham

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