there 文法

there 文法

英文中的 there 是用來帶出名詞的,表示這個名詞的「 存在 」或是某人事物的「 位置 」,放在句首的時候其實在中文裡是沒有對應的解釋的。. 剛剛問題中的句子: There are some eggs in the fridge.(有一些蛋在冰箱裡). 就是要表達那些蛋的「位置」是在冰箱裡,前面的 there 並沒有夾帶意思,只是用來帶出主角 some eggs。. 我們再舉其他例子看看:. There

答對了嗎?. 那你知道為什麼答案是 ☝ 嗎?. 想要表達「現在哪裡有某人 、 事 、 物」時,英文是用 There is 或 There are 開頭,至於要用 is 或 are,則取決於後面加的人事物。. There is 後面是加單數或不可數的人、事、物,例如:. There is a dog in the corner. 角落裡有一隻狗。. There is some water in the cup. 杯子裡有些水。. 而 There are 後面是加複數的人、事、物,例如:.

文法說明 (1) There is / are為「有」之意,用於說明「在某處」存在「某人事物」。 (2) be動詞之後的「名詞」為「主詞」 「單數」,則與 “ there is ” 連用 ;「複數」,則與 “ there are ” 連用。 (3) there is / are之後的「名詞」不與the連用

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由於there 是一個代名詞,因此有一種解析的說法是:there 是當主詞。 其公式為五大句型的其中一個句法:S. + Vi. + S.C.。 有些老師除了前述所

英文There is/are用法 (Usage of there is/are in English) There be的意思為「有」,但須注意,真正的主詞是be動詞後的 名詞 ,單複數變化也是由該名詞決定。

結構︰There is+a an one+單數可數名詞+in on+名詞。 說明︰此句型意為“在某處有一個”。或 There are+複數可數名詞+in on+名詞。 there are(is)當“有”解,句尾常有;have(has)當“有”解,是“人或物”,句尾沒有<地方

It’s 和 There is/are的比較 2015/9/26
這問句的簡答是用there will還是there wil be? : 文法討論/ 文法用法教學 • 線上英文 2015/8/20
have been to & have gone to 2015/8/19
there is –> there are? – 文法教學區 – 英語討論區 2011/11/23


但是在文法跟考試時是錯誤的。 There is a speaker on the table. There is some milk in the fridge. There are two watches in the drawer. There are some books on the floor. There’s a TV, a table, and a sofa in the living room. (口語) There are a TV, a

至於There,其實它本身也是一個Adverb,和物件位置有關。問題來了,當我們說「蘋果在那裏」的時候,究竟應是「An apple is there.」還是「An apple has there.」。不少有基本英語文法知識的人也知道,前者是正確答案。 說到這裏,文章起首的問題已解決了。

There is / There are Download this explanation in PDF here. Try an exercise on this topic here. There’s a more advanced explanation about ‘it’ and ‘there’ here. If we want to say that something exists or doesn’t exist somewhere or at some time, we often use ‘there

Grammar. There means the opposite of here; “at that place.”. Their means “belongs to them.”. They’re is a contraction of “they are” or “they were.”. There, their, and they’re are the big trio of commonly confused words. All three of them are pronounced the same, and the

There definition is – in or at that place —often used interjectionally. How to use there in a sentence. there vs. they’re vs. their There vs. They’re vs. Their There, they’re, and their: they sound the same but have different meanings and keeping them straight can be very tricky.


English Grammar Lesson to learn when you use there or it! ⭐ Download my free speaking guide here ⭐ Down

  • There is / There are and It
  • “There’s” and “There are”
  • There is there are
  • Sound Grammar 2
  • There
  • There is / are worksheets

We often use there + to be and It as a subject but they do not refer to any object.There is / are is used to introduce a topic, or say that something exists.It is often used for the weather, time and distance. There’s so much happening. Is there anything much

23 Responses to ““There’s” and “There are”” Cecily on November 05, 2010 4:35 am In written English, it is often appropriate to reduce the number of contractions. However, in non-rhotic accents, including most BrE ones, “there’re” is not at all difficult to say: thair-uh.

There is there are rules, examples there is singular there is plural there’s contraction negatives questions There is there are There is and there are means something exists. There is singular Use “there is” (there’s) for a noun – singular. Example: There is a mouse in the bag.

There is / There are – Grammar Notes Point 1: Use ‘there is’ with singular countable nouns . There is a department store in town. There is a big mall in this city. There is not a place to sit. There

There definition, in or at that place (opposed to here): She is there now. See more. Whether you’re feeling a little fusilli or saucy, this quiz on pasta names is meant for you! Take the quiz to see if you have your pasta facts just right.

there is / there are. grammar worksheets for kids A variety of fun activity worksheets to learn and practise English verbs. They are full of picture clues that make it easier and more fun to learn. Each worksheet comes with the answer key.

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