
【英语单词】彻底解释“improve attendance”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“improve attendance”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“improve attendance”的意思

“improve attendance” 是由二个英文单词( improve、attendance )组合而成的一个单词短语。

  • 「improve」 的意思是: 变得更好或使某事变得更好
  • 「attendance」 的意思是: 去某个活动或地点(例如学校或教堂)的人数,或者他们去那里的频率


参考:「improve attendance」示例短语列表

He was going back to his old school to talk to the pupils to try to improve attendance rates.
【英语单词】彻底解释“improve attendance”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Secondly come the cases that confound all, even the most strenuous attempts to improve attendance .
They are also working with schools to try to improve attendance .
This was put in place in an effort to improve attendance .
【英语单词】彻底解释“improve attendance”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Taking clinical teams to schools has dramatically improved attendance and has also helped staff and other pupils to understand the condition better.

improve attendance是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Improve attendance at the next show with popular speakers, topics, and vendors.
What’s interesting is that Publicolor has heard from school administrators who say that attendance improves , graffiti disappears and kids actually say they feel safer in these painted schools.
有趣的是,Publicolor 从学校那里听说,在这些色彩鲜艳的学校,出勤率 更好, 涂鸦更少,孩子们感觉更安全。
From many years’ experience in school feeding, we know that this intervention directly improves children’s attendance and educational performance, as well as their physical height and weight.
多年的学校供餐经验表明,这些干预措施可以直接 提高 儿童的 出勤率 和学习成绩,以及身高和体重。
So if you met an educationalist and said, “I can improve education attendance rates by 25 percent with just one simple thing,” you’d make a lot of friends in education.
如果您告诉教育工作者您可以通过一件简单的事情将 出勤率 提高 25%,许多教育工作者都会成为您的朋友。
With a readily accessed view of employee time, they can easily keep on top of attendance and improve compliance.
轻松查看员工时间,以便您可以让员工 继续工作 并提高 合规性。
unitech Healthcare< Supporting Security System T&A Security Unitech’s time and attendance solution allows staff to track attendance and improves security by alerting staff if patients leave secure areas.
unitech Healthcare < 支持:安全系统 安全管理终端 Unitech 的时间和 护理 解决方案还允许工作人员跟踪 护理 状态并在患者离开安全区域时向工作人员发出警报,从而 提高 安全性。Masu。
This project aims to improve the school attendance rates and academic performance of 451 children by improving the learning environment in an area that was adversely affected by high HIV/AIDS infection rates.
该项目的实施目的是 提高 艾滋病高发地区451名儿童的 入学 率和教育水平。
SolutionIn May 2011, DAL Group and DAL Dairy Factory introduced the pilot school milk programme in the remote areas of Khartoum to alleviate malnutrition, improve health and school attendance levels, as well as habituate milk consumption among school children.
解决方案 2011 年 5 月,DAL 集团和 DAL 乳品厂在喀土穆农村推出了学生奶试点计划,以减少营养不良、 改善 健康和 出勤率 ,并增加学生获得牛奶的机会。
The meals being provided by donations help fill the stomachs of hungry children. At the same time, the meal service is expected to help improve school attendance rates and academic performance, strengthen children’s primary health and protection against disease, and build community by involving schools and parents, thus playing an important role in resolving the problem of poverty.
捐赠学校午餐不仅可以解决孩子们的饥饿问题,还具有提高 入学 率和学习成绩、 增强 孩子基本体质和疾病预防、构建学校与家长共同体的作用,有望在解决问题上发挥重要作用。贫困。
The compensatory award was thus reduced by 33.3% to £19,075 from £28,599. – Implications This case highlights the importance of employers undertaking a rigorous investigation into how changes can be made to improve an employee’s attendance in their current job, or to properly consider alternative suitable roles within the company.
影响:此案例重申了雇主严格调查提高 员工 出勤率 或考虑公司内其他合适职位的重要性。我们已经做到了。
If there’s any way we can improve this report to better help you predict attendance , we’d love to hear from you.Share Tweet
请告诉我们是否可以通过此新功能进行任何 改进 ,以更好地预测活动 参与率 。分享推文
After two years of operational success in the enterprise market, Kronos has updated su attendance InTouch mode cloud, incorporating biometric technology and improved WiFi capability to achieve faster deployment of employees and improve productivity. InTouch ensures one data capture needs, and thanks to the integration of biometric technology offers higher processing speed and support for as many employee records.
经过两年在企业市场的成功运营,Khronos 升级了 In-Touch 辅助模式云控制,融入生物识别技术和改进的 WiFi 功能,能够更快地部署员工 并提高 生产力。In-Touch 提供更准确的数据捕获、更快的速度得益于生物识别技术的集成和对员工记录的更多支持。 。
A new programme to improve children’s nutrition and school attendance in Burundi A new programme to improve children’s nutrition and school attendance in BurundiMilk is new on the school menu in Burundi as a part of a growing school food programme.
布隆迪牛奶 改善 儿童营养和 入学率 新计划是布隆迪学校午餐菜单的新增内容,作为学校供餐 发展 计划的一部分。
About 120 people in total of the 2 sessions were on hand for the event. ONE CEO Jeremy Nixon gave a comprehensive explanation of the business environment, the background of the company’s business outlook for fiscal year 2018, which was disclosed on October 31, and future strategies to improve profits, and then took questions from investors and journalists in attendance .
发布会上,ONE首席执行官杰里米·尼克松对经营环境、10月底披露的今年盈利预测的背景以及未来盈利 改善 策略等进行了全面的讲解,随后向机构投资者和媒体 参与者 致辞。已经回答了你的问题。
Of course we must improve these small increments of combating poverty by supporting local governments with international programs can continue to increase the audience involved, especially thinking to women and minors, often engaged in work activities that are at the expense of school attendance .
当然,通过国际项目支持市政当局,通过鼓励年轻人,特别是妇女和未成年人从事往往以牺牲 入学 率为代价的工作活动,可以在消除贫困方面取得这些小进步。必须 改进 思维使相关受众能够不断增加。
Improving school attendance among refugee children in Syria and Lebanon Improving school attendance among refugee children in Syria and LebanonA new school milk programme in Syria and Lebanon is helping boost nutrition, improve enrolment and decrease drop-out rates among refugee school childrenChallengeThe crisis in Syria has led to millions of displaced people, in Syria and its neighbouring countries.
提高叙利亚和黎巴嫩难民儿童的入学率 叙利亚和黎巴嫩实施的新学生奶计划 正在改善 难民学生的营养状况和学校 参与 率,并降低辍学率 挑战 叙利亚和黎巴嫩 在邻国,数百万人因内战而流离失所。
So there’s been many studies, including this one, that show that if you use active learning, interacting with your students in the classroom, performance improves on every single metric – on attendance , on engagement and on learning as measured by a standardized test.
有很多研究,包括这里列出的研究,表明在课堂上使用主动学习和与学生互动 可以改善 所有指标的结果 :出勤率、参与度 、通过标准化测试衡量的学习。
At what came to be known as the Annapolis Convention, the few state delegates in attendance endorsed a motion that called for all states to meet in Philadelphia in May 1787 to discuss ways to improve the Articles of Confederation in a “Grand Convention.”
参加 后来的安纳波利斯会议的几位国家代表决定, 各国代表 将于 1787 年 5 月在费城举行全体会议,讨论如何修改《邦联条例》,请求获得批准。
We upgrade the original gate and the new purchase part of the gate at the south gate region to achieve holidays open 7 ticket channel, effectively speed up the attendance rate, improve tourist three is to add validation for ticket, special verification specification documents.
我们利用现有机器和新采购的零部件,实现了南门片区七个检票口通道, 提高了 游客的 进站 速度和游客的旅游满意度。三是增加了投票点验证和标准专用证书验证。
Des Moines Public Schools identifies and helps at-risk students Organisation: Des Moines Public SchoolsProblem: Manual Excel reporting meant administrators couldn’t see up-to-date data like attendance , preventing timely intervention.Solution: Des Moines Public Schools (DMPS) used advanced analytics to improve dropout intervention rates and better understand the impact of various teaching methods on individual student outcomes.
得梅因公立学校可以识别并帮助有风险的学生 组织:得梅因公立学校 问题:手动 Excel 报告使管理员无法查看 出勤 等最新数据,从而无法及时进行干预。但这是可能的。解决方案:得梅因公立学校 (DMPS) 将使用先进的分析 来提高 辍学率,并更好地了解不同的教学方法如何影响个别学生的成绩。

听“ improve attendance ”的沉稳声音(发音)!

读法是【ˌɪmˈpruv əˈtɛndəns】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˌɪmˈpruv əˈtɛndəns】。

【必听】美国人解释“improve attendance”的含义




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