How to Get a DHL Account Number? Step By Step Instructions

Are you confused as to how to obtain a DHL account number? When you are just getting started with your eCommerce business, the process of registering accounts and setting up shipping profiles can be very overwhelming. This is especially true if you are trying to ship a lot of different products. There are a great number of factors that must be considered, a great number of problems that must be solved, and a great number of roadblocks that must be overcome along the way.


When you first begin the process of establishing your eCommerce site, it is not uncommon to feel completely overburdened by the amount of work that is required to get everything up and running properly.


However, opening a shipping account is much simpler than it initially looks like it would be. In fact, once you’ve got the ball rolling, it’s fairly simple. 


This article will walk you through the process of getting a DHL account number in as few steps as possible, as well as show you how to start shipping with DHL in the most efficient manner possible.


But before we get into that, let’s take a moment to go over some of the highlights of DHL shipping and the benefits it offers.


Table of Contents

DHL: A Brief Overview

DHL is a privatized shipping firm that operates all over the world and ships packages from one location to another. Deutsche Post DHL is the most successful logistics corporation in the world, particularly in the areas of sea and air mail delivery.


DHL is a popular choice among small business owners for their shipping requirements, along with other shipping services. Having started out in the States in 1969, the firm eventually reached customers all around the globe by the 1970s. Even though DHL offers domestic shipping options, the company is best known for the global services it offers under the brand name DHL Express.


Over 1.3 billion packages are delivered by the organization every single year. Customers from different corners of the globe can take advantage of these services. Signing up for a DHL account is simple, and the company offers discounts and perks that can help businesses save money and run more efficiently.


Personal and business accounts are the two categories that makeup DHL’s customer base. Anyone can use DHL to mail letters and parcels without signing up for an account, and occasional shippers may find it unnecessary.


On the other hand, the ease of use provided by a DHL Express account is favored by a significantly large number of people and especially businesses that solely rely on shipping products on a regular basis. Opening a DHL account is required for access to their business rates and services.


Benefits of a DHL Account

Having a DHL account for your business comes with a number of benefits, including the following:


Discounted Rates: DHL may offer you discounted rates on select services. DHL will not charge you for many of the items that are needed for shipping, such as boxes and envelopes, which could help you save money on your monthly office supply costs. You can also get price estimates online, which can be useful when deciding how to proceed with your delivery.


Customs and Paperwork: Shipments crossing international borders require the use of customs services. The delay caused by customs can result in the loss of both crucial paperwork and valuable sales. Furthermore, your company can suffer losses if the shipment of goods, materials, or papers is delayed for an extended period of time. Your shipments will be able to be shipped and delivered in a reasonable timeframe when you work with DHL to handle any customs-related complications that may arise.


Order Tracking: With DHL’s online shipping tracking and management, you’ll always know where your packages are. 


Order Centralization and Management: Your DHL account can be integrated into the interface of a third-party shipping solution, allowing you to centralize the management of all your shipping accounts.


Steps to Get a DHL Account Number

If you have a DHL account, you will have access to all the support, knowledge, and experience that you could possibly need to expand your company’s operations to other countries. 


Step one is to go to the DHL website and decide what kind of account you want to set up with the company. You have the option of establishing either a Personal or a Business account.

How to Get a DHL Account Number?The second step is to enter your personal and/or business information and then click the “submit” button, as seen below.

Benefits of a DHL AccountOnce you’ve entered all the required information, such as the company name, first name, last name, email address, address details, phone number, and shipping frequency, click Apply Now.

How to Get a DHL Account Number?You will get an email from DHL alerting you that a customer care representative will contact you with the information that you need to create an account, and after that, you will successfully create an account and obtain all of the credentials that you need.

successfully create an account

Easiest Way to Ship with Your DHL Account

Once you have created your account with DHL, the easiest way to start shipping is with the ELEX WooCommerce DHL Express / eCommerce / Paket / Parcel Shipping Plugin with Print Label.

Easiest Way to Ship with Your DHL Account | How to Get a DHL Account Number?This plugin will allow you to display real-time pricing for DHL services like DHL Express, DHL Paket, DHL Parcel, and DHL eCommerce shipping.


As an additional perk, you can customize your box packaging, print shipping labels, and track packages all from within the same unified interface without leaving your WordPress dashboard and switching between different websites.


The following are some of the most prominent features offered by the plugin:

  • Shipment costs will be presented in real-time on the shopping cart and checkout pages.
  • DHL’s shipping insurance protects you against financial loss with every package you send. Insurance can be obtained by DHL for an extra fee if the shipper desires a higher level of safety.
  • Shipping costs can be adjusted by a fixed amount or a percentage.
  • Produce custom-sized and formatted labels for both shipments and returns.
  • A DHL waybill can be requested to ensure the security of your packages and expedite their passage through customs.
  • You have the option of packing items separately, or you may pack them into boxes that have been specifically designed for the contents based on the weight and dimensions of the shipment.
  • Deliveries can be set up to require a signature from the recipient, and you can even check to make sure they’re over the age of 18 if you’re concerned about fraud.
  • All of these features, as well as a great many others, are combined into a single solution in order to meet the requirements that you have for your online store using DHL WooCommerce.


Wrapping Up

We hope that this article has been of use to you in obtaining a DHL account number and getting started with shipping in the most simple manner possible. If you have any questions regarding DHL shipping services, please let us know in the comments section below.


Further Reading

  • How to Integrate DHL India Shipping with WooCommerce
  • How to Add DHL Shipping to WooCommerce for Free?

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