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Share games with ChessBase 15

by Nadja Wittmann
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1/27/2019 – Sharing can be fun — and sharing chess games can be fun but also helpful and instructive, e.g. if you teach chess or work with a trainer. In any case, sharing games with ChessBase 15 is easy. Here's a short tutorial covering your options. | Drawing: ChessBase

ChessBase 15 - Premium package ChessBase 15 - Premium package

The very best: the ChessBase package for professional standards. With Mega Database 2019, new endgame turbo on a USB stick and Corr Database 2018. Plus ChessBase Magazine (DVD + magazine) and CB Premium membership for 1 year!

ChessBase is a personal, stand-alone chess database that has become the standard throughout the world. Everyone uses ChessBase, from the World Champion to the amateur next door. It is the program of choice for anyone who loves the game and wants to know more about it. Start your personal success story with ChessBase and enjoy the game even more.


Sharing games

1. "One Click Publication"

Go to File→Publish this game→Publish this game as HTML

"One Click Publication" opens a page in your browser and creates a link which you can share.

The receivers of this link can open the game you sent in their own browser. In the example above I created the following link:

2. Send games by email

An alternative is to simply send a game as an email file attachment.

File→Send→Send Game

Our selection (CBV, PGN and bitmap graphic) creates an email to which the game is attached — in CBV and PGN — format and as bitmap (BMP) image. Now we only need to send this email to those we want to share the game with.

ChessBase 15 - Download

ChessBase is a personal, stand-alone chess database that has become the standard throughout the world. Everyone uses ChessBase, from the World Champion to the amateur next door. It is the program of choice for anyone who loves the game and wants to know more about it. Start your personal success story with ChessBase and enjoy the game even more.

3. Compress databases

Let's say you want to copy your My Games database to a USB stick to transfer it to your notebook. ChessBase allows you to compress databases to a single file with the extension *.CBV.

  1. Mark the database in the database window
  2. Right-click the database symbol with the mouse and select Tools→Backup Database.

The dialogue "Archive Database" appears. It offers you the choice to encrypt your data or to leave it unencrypted.

Because we just want to copy the database to a USB stick we choose "Unencrypted". Continue with "OK" and enter the path where you want to store the file — in our example on a USB stick.

Compressing databases with Fritz & Co is similar. In the database window of Fritz, first select the database you want to compress. Then go to File and select "Backup Database" from the menu. Or go to the toolbar of the database window and click the icon.

Compressing databases to CBV-files helps you to save storage space and is ideal if you want to send a database via the internet.

Compress a database in (e.g.) in Fritz 16

4. Share games in the ChessBase cloud

You can share cloud databases with other users. Connect to the cloud server and mark the file you want to share.

Clicking "Database Sharing" (or right-click → "Database Sharing") starts a dialogue in which you can give other users access to the databases in the cloud.

Cloud databases that can be accessed by external users are marked with the following icon:

Tip: "Shared with me" in the list on the left shows databases other users have shared with you

users who may access

Click "Add User" and enter the ChessBase account name of the users.

The program checks whether this name is valid. If the name of the account does not exist the program sends a note.

You can give other users of the cloud database three levels of access rights:

  1. No rights — the user can just call up the database list. (If you do not want to give the user access rights to the database uncheck both "Load" and "Save" in the dialogue.
  2. Reading rights — the user can load games.
  3. Writing rights — the user can save games.

The status of the user is shown under "Rights" and with small icons next to the user name.

Use the "Make Public in Web" checkbox if you which to publish your game for all to see.

To review, click "Open Web Site". This creates a webpage with the database you made public:

The URL is automatically added to the window of the shared database.

Click the image above to open this live page!

Changes in the database are automatically updated in the browser. That is quite useful, for instance, when a student works with a coach. Let's say the student sends a game to his coach. Or the coach sends exercises in a training database. If both have access to the database they can both see the changes they make in the database.

This is also helpful if you want to add games to a database you share with others, e.g. a database with games from a tournament. The link always remains the same, no matter how often the database is changed.

Note: if you want to see the database you do not need ChessBase 15 or have access to the cloud - all you need is the link to the website where the database is published.

ChessBase Account

If you have a ChessBase Account you can access to all cloud databases which other players shared with you. For this, you do not need ChessBase 15. After logging in to "My Games Cloud" the databases others shared with you appear under

Under "Properties" in the database window, you cannot permanently assign a symbol to a cloud database. The symbols are connected to the login. After log in all cloud symbols automatically appear in "My Databases". They will be deleted after log off.

First steps with ChessBase 15

The short guide "First Steps" (PDF) shows how to start with ChessBase 15 and explains the most important functions and tools. And ChessBase expert Martin Fischer explains the new features of ChessBase 15. Download PDF for free.

ChessBase 15 - Mega package

Find the right combination! ChessBase 15 program + new Mega Database 2020 with 8 million games and more than 80,000 master analyses. Plus ChessBase Magazine (DVD + magazine) and CB Premium membership for 1 year!


  • All tutorials about our products

Nadja Wittmann Chief editor Spanish ChessBase website, tutorials, marketing.

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