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  • The Communication Meeting of CSBT Temporary Cadres Held in Beijing

    On December 8, the communication meeting of CSBT temporary cadres was held in Beijing, hosted by CSBT deputy secretary-general LIU Qingning. President ZHU Yongming, CSBT secretariat staff and temporary cadres working in secretariat from 2017 to 2023 attended the meeting. 

    During the meeting, President ZHU firstly welcomed all cadres to come back and witness the development of CSBT secretariat. He emphasized that all the improvements in management and working environment were benefited from joint efforts and sustainable promotion by all cadres. Besides, he was gratified with everyone’s growth and gains in work achievements, ideas as well as methods. He hoped everyone could keep making more progresses and serving blood transfusion industry well.

    Representatives of temporary cadres from different positions then reported on their growth and gains during recent years, and put forward constructive suggestions for the development of CSBT and the work of secretariat.


    Date: December 8, 2023;

    Source: CSBT;

    Translated by ZHU Shengjiang; 

    reviewed by ZHU Shanshan, JIANG Nizhen.

  • CSBT Exhibits at ISBT International Congress

    The 34th Regional ISBT Congress was held from November 18 to 22 in Cape Town, South Africa, attracting over 800 delegates from 63 countries and regions. It was the second time for Regional ISBT Congress to be held on the African continent following the 19th Regional Congress in Cairo, 2009. CSBT had an exhibiting booth at this congress, which made it the second time for CSBT to exhibit at the Regional ISBT Congress since the 30th Bangkok congress in November 2019.

    On June 23, 2019, CSBT had signed a cooperation agreement with ISBT in Basel, Switzerland. So far, a 5-year cooperative partnership was established in jointly organization of blood transfusion conferences, talent training, exchange of educational materials, as well as communications among branch institutions. Hence, ISBT had conducted an exhibition promotion at the 7th Blood Service Leadership Forum of CSBT.

    During the congress, ISBT executive officer Ms. Jenny White and current chairman Mr. Mike Busch, along with 4 previous ISBT chairmen, visited CSBT booth.


    Date: December 4, 2023;

    Source: CSBT;

    Translated by YE Xiayan; 

    reviewed by ZHU Shanshan, JIANG Nizhen.

  • CSBT Holds a Project Team Meeting on Blue Book of Blood Services

    On November 17, a project team meeting on Blue Book of Blood Services was held by CSBT in Tianjin. 

    Firstly, President ZHU Yongming reviewed the history of Blue Book and the project team. The Blue Book series has been published continuously for 8 years since its preparation in 2015 and initial release in 2016.

    HU Wei, chief editor of 2023 blue book, gave a work summary of editorial board and reviewed the key points and experiences on compilation organization. GENG Hongwu, executive editor in chief, summarized the compilation process and publication status from publishing perspective. LIU Qingning, vice secretary-general, reported on the promotion and distribution. The blue book Annual Report on Development of China's Blood Collection and Supply Industry (2023) was published and distributed at the end of this June, which was the first time for the book released in the first half of the year. Mr. ZHANG Rongjiang, chief editor of 2024 blue book, reported on draft outlines and publishing plans. After discussion, the themes of each report were preliminarily determined. In addition, each chief editor of blue book from 2025 to 2028 was determined.


    Date: November 20, 2023;


    Translated by ZHOU Yanjun; 

    reviewed by ZHU Shanshan, JIANG Nizhen.

  • CSBT Assists Blood Donation in Rural Counties

    In November 2022, CSBT had received a notice from the Ministry of Civil Affairs on assisting poverty-stricken counties. According to the requirements of the notice and the industrial characteristics, CSBT had formulated key tasks for 2023, including assistance to Chengkou County(Chongqing City), Jishishan County(Gansu Province) as well as Tongwei County(Gansu Province).

    In August 2023, CSBT signed assistance agreements with these 3 counties. For Chengkou county blood bank, CSBT entrusted Chongqing Blood Center with 20,000 yuan to buy and send blood donation souvenirs. These souvenirs meeted its urgent needs, thereby enhancing the voluntary blood donation development in Chengkou County.


    Source: CSBT;

    Translated by LI Wanli; 

    reviewed by ZHU Shanshan, JIANG Nizhen.

  • Chairs Meeting and Branch Secretary Training Meeting Held

    On the afternoon of November 14th, the chairs meeting of CSBT branch committee was held online.

    The current term of each branch committee will expire at the end of this year. In the following month, the task of each committee would be heavy that apart from annual work such as annual summary and plan be completed, there remains the handover of chair, secretary, and supporting institution, etc.

    During the online meeting, President ZHU Yongming made arrangements for the next stage. Besides, participants discussed the work of each branch committee. It was indicated that committee activities would be carried out in strict accordance with regulations of the civil affair departments and CSBT. President ZHU wished the incumbent and succeeding chairs to jointly promote sustainable developments of both CSBT and branch committees.

    The branch secretary training meeting was held offline on the morning of the same day in Nanjing. Discussions and exchanges on daily work as well as financial system were actively carried out by both incumbent and succeeding secretaries.


    Date: November 16, 2023;

    Source: CSBT;

    Translated by TANG Dingjie; 

    reviewed by ZHU Shanshan, JIANG Nizhen.

  • The Paper by HU Wei’s Team published in JCR Q1

    Recently, a paper by HU Wei’s team titled Association Between Concerns About COVID-19 Infection and Blood Donation Intention: Cross-Sectional Survey Study Through a Mobile Communication Platform was published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research.

    Since the COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented impact on blood inventory, a random survey on the public's psychological cognition and intention related to blood donation, and factors affecting their worries was conducted among residents aged 18-60 years in Zhejiang province, which provided scientific references for the strategy of voluntary blood donation during the public health contingency and the post-COVID period. 

    The Journal of Medical Internet Research (Journal Impact Factor 7.4), founded in 1999, is one of the leading digital health journal globally, focusing on emerging technologies, medical devices, apps, engineering, telehealth and informatics applications for patient education, prevention, population health and clinical care. 

    Date: November 15, 2023;

    Source: Zhejiang province blood center;

    Translated by FENG Tao; 

    reviewed by ZHU Shanshan, JIANG Nizhen.

  • The Largest and Most Modern Blood Donation Venue Opens in Shenzhen

    The blood donation hall at the new site of Shenzhen Blood Center, located at No.2, Antuoshan 1st Road, Futian District, was officially opened on November 8. On its first day of operation, over 100 caring citizens visited the hall and 92 people donated blood successfully. This newly opened blood donation hall, which combines whole blood and apheresis platelets donation services, is currently the largest and most modern blood donation venue in Shenzhen. The bright, spacious and open-style waiting hall is equipped with seven health counseling machines, which help to complete height, weight and blood pressure measurement and health counseling in just 3-5 minutes. Shenzhen has taken the lead in exploring and promoting voluntary non-remunerated blood donation in China since 1993, with a total of over 5.34 million blood donations, over one billion milliliters of blood donated and over 1.75 million patients rescued.

    Coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the implementation of voluntary blood donation in Shenzhen this year, Shenzhen Blood Center completed its overall relocation. It will provide a better platform for all Shenzhen citizens to give love, and help Shenzhen to become a model of civilized practices in this new era.

    Date: 11/14/2023;

    Source: Shenzhen Blood Center;

    Translated by CHEN Xin;

    Reviewed by FENG Chenchen, JIANG Nizhen

  • CSBT, WHOCC and ISBT to Sign the New Round of Cooperation Agreements

    On November 10, ZHU Yongming, President of CSBT and Director of WHO Collaborating Centers for Blood Transfusion Services (WHOCC), and Jenny White, Executive Officer of ISBT, held a working meeting in Shanghai to discuss further cooperation. ZHU Ziyan, Deputy Director of Shanghai Blood Center and WHOCC, attended the meeting.

    Since the 3rd round of the Education Course for Leadership of Blood Service (ECLBS) in 2009, ISBT has sent experts to inspect the organization of ECLBS and participate in the lectures on site for two consecutive years. In 2011, ISBT officially signed a contract with Shanghai Blood Center (the initiator & secretary of ECLBS and the WHOCC) to become the co-organizers of ECLBS.

    In 2019, CSBT and ISBT signed a cooperation agreement in Basel, Switzerland, where both sides agreed on various cooperation projects in the areas of personnel training, blood transfusion congresses, organization promotion and literature introduction. Over the past four years, the cooperation agreement has been implemented by both sides, overcoming difficulties such as inconvenient international travel.

    ZHU Yongming expressed his gratitude to ISBT for its active participation in the ECLBS. He also expressed satisfaction with the progress of various programs since the signing of the agreement between CSBT and ISBT in 2019. It is agreed that the international and inter-institutional contacts and cooperation are important ways to promote the development of blood service, improve blood safety, cultivate talents in the field and advance sustainable development. The meeting agreed to sign a new round of cooperation agreement on the ECLBS as soon as possible, and sign a cooperation agreement between CSBT and ISBT. The meeting discussed the new version of the draft agreement and agreed on the structure and terms of the draft.


    Date: 11/23/2023; 

    Source: Shanghai Blood Center, WHOCC;

    Translated by YANG Ying;

    Reviewed by FENG Chenchen, JIANG Nizhen 

  • the New Construction Project of Anhui Province Blood Center Officially Roofed!

    The new construction project of Anhui Province Blood Center has been successfully roofed recently. It will meet the growing clinical blood demand and provide strong support for the construction of a national regional medical center in Hefei after being put into use.

    The new project of Anhui Blood Center, located in Hefei New & Hi tech Industrial Development Zone, is a building with 15 floors on the ground (4 floors of the annex building) and 1 floor underground. Equipped with auxiliary buildings, the construction covers an area of 38,000 square meters and is officially initiated in September 2022. 

    At present, the main building has been roofed, and is undergoing wall masonry and secondary structure casting. Immediately after that is the construction of external wall plastering, curtain wall decoration, fire protection and strong and weak electricity installation. The construction is scheduled to be completed in 2025.


    Date: 11/12/2023;   

    Source: Anhui Province Blood Center;

    Translated by YU Xi; 

    Reviewed by FENG Chenchen, JIANG Nizhen 

  • More

    About CSBT

    The Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion (CSBT) is a national non-profit industrial social organization voluntarily formed by institutions, enterprises, and related professionals in technology and management of blood transfusion medicine.

    Founded in October 1988,CSBT has about 530 business members. Its organizational structure incorporates one secretariat, three internal committees, and 24 working groups including 17 working parties and 7 working committees. CSBT has held 7 national member conferences and 9 national blood transfusion congresses since it was established.

    The 7th CSBT Council was established on November 11, 2016. A total of 182 council members were elected, including 61 standing councilors.

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