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Natasha Denona Eyeshadow Palette 5

  • March 29, 2016
  • Beauty

Natasha-Denona-Eyeshadow-Palette-5-Palette 02-review-002

I’ve been so impressed with the Natasha Denona’s beauty bits I’ve tried so far and I was so excited to try her eyeshadows since I’ve heard and seen these most raved about. From her Glowy Foundation and All Over Face and Body Shimmer (reviewed HERE), I am quickly becoming a fan of her makeup line.

On the Beautylish website, there are 28-pan palettes, 10-pan palettes, 5-pan palettes and also a wide range of single shades. I spent a significant amount of time looking for swatches and trying to decide which palette to purchase, and ended up picking up the Eyeshadow Palette 5 #02. I decided to go with this palette because I can see myself using all of these colors.

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Natasha Denona Eyeshadow Palette #02 (US $48.00 2.5 g / 0.08 oz) contains four shimmery metallic shades and one matte shade. This palette is filled with warm bronzy/taupey, brown and wine colors that pair beautifully together. The formula glides smoothly across lids, delivering vivid color payoff with a silky-soft feel. The shades are smooth and buttery and because they are pressed pigments, you do get some fallout so you’ll need to clean up a bit of fallout after application. I don’t mind this at all! The vivid shades are pigmented and blendable and the texture is superb. The shades wore very well for a solid 8 hours with or without primer. The actual colors in the palette are not labeled, but they do have labels on the back of the box packaging as follows: 51M rosewood, 40M lavender grey, 64V shell, 87M light coral, 22M maroon.

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Overall, this is an excellent palette that performs very well and the colors are gorgeous. The only con for me is the disappointing cheap looking package for the price tag of this palette; it doesn’t look like a luxury brand packaging. It has no mirror and as a minimalistic look to it that feels quite fragile.

Have you tried Natasha Denona eyeshadows?


Natasha-Denona-Eyeshadow-Palette-5-Palette 02-review-004
Swatches Indoor – showing very true to color
Natasha-Denona-Eyeshadow-Palette-5-Palette 02-review-007
Swatches By Window on a very gloomy day – also showing very true to color

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