Convert WAV to MP4

Convert WAV to MP4 with images, videos and text
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A simple way to convert WAV to MP4 in your web browser

Are you looking for a way to convert WAV files to MP4 easily? You’re in the right place! Flixier allows you to easily turn your WAV files into MP4 videos from your web browser. No downloads, installs or video editing experience is required. 

You can easily add images and videos to your WAV file just by dragging and dropping. Adding text to your file is just as easy and you can customize it fully, making our online video editor a great tool for creating lyric videos for your WAV recordings! You can also use Flixier to generate subtitles automatically in multiple languages and add them to the MP4 videos before converting.

Convert WAV to MP4

Try an online WAV to MP4 converter

Our WAV to MP4 converter runs entirely in your web browser. This means that you don’t need to download or install anything in order for it to work. In fact, you don’t even need to create an account. Just click on Choose Video above, select your files and you’re good to go.

Convert WAV files to MP4 in minutes

Flixier uses powerful cloud servers to process your files. This means that our tool will always run fast and smoothly regardless of your computer specifications, allowing you to convert your WAV files in minutes. Just make sure you have a stable internet connection.

Convert WAV files to MP4 from different sources

Our cloud integrations allow you to bring media over from a variety of different sources, including cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Dropbox or Microsoft OneDrive. You can even bring images over from Google Photos or import YouTube videos to combine with your WAV file when converting it. 

Edit and convert WAV file to MP4

Flixier is a fully featured video and audio editor. This means that you can use it to cut or trim your WAV files, adjust the gain and volume settings, pan your audio from left to right or apply an equalizer to enhance the sound of your files. There are multiple equalizer presets that you can choose from, but you’re also free to create your own!

How do I convert a WAV file to MP4?

How do I convert a WAV file to MP4?


Start by uploading your WAV file to the Flixier library. You can bring the file over from your own computer or choose from a variety of online sources.


Edit and combine

Drag your file down to the Timeline. You can edit your file, combine it with other audio files and even add visual elements like images, videos or text (otherwise your final MP4 file will just feature a black screen).


Convert to MP4

When you’re done editing your WAV file, click the Export and Download button in the top right corner. Make sure that Video is selected under Format and then click on Export and Download again to save your new MP4 file.

Why use Flixier to convert WAV to MP4?

Combine and convert WAV to MP4 online 

Flixier’s powerful timeline supports multiple audio tracks. This means that you can combine multiple WAV files together. You can either layer them and have them play at the same time at different volumes, or have them play one after another in sequence before you convert them to MP4.

Take advantage of a free WAV to MP4 converter

Our tool is free to try. You don’t even need to create an account in order to use it. All of our essential converting and editing features are available to free users, so you can try Flixier out and see if it’s the right tool for you before deciding whether or not you want to upgrade to a paid account.

Save time with a simpline online WAV to MP4 converter

We developed Flixier to be as intuitive and easy to use as possible. This means that you won’t have to waste hours on YouTube watching tutorials in order to be able to use it. Everything is intuitive and easy to figure out, so you can get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Generate subtitles and convert WAV to MP4 online

Flixier lets you generate subtitles automatically in seconds, translate them to over 30 different languages and edit or customize them manually. You can hardcode the subtitles into your new MP4 video or save them separately to your computer in a number of different formats. 

What people say about Flixier

Steve Mastroianni -

I’ve been looking for a solution like Flixier for years. Now that my virtual team and I can edit projects together on the cloud with Flixier, it tripled my company’s video output! Super easy to use and unbelievably quick exports.

Steve Mastroianni -
Evgeni Kogan

My main criteria for an editor was that the interface is familiar and most importantly that the renders were in the cloud and super fast. Flixier more than delivered in both. I've now been using it daily to edit Facebook videos for my 1M follower page.

Evgeni Kogan
Anja Winter, Owner, LearnGermanWithAnja

I'm so relieved I found Flixier. I have a YouTube channel with over 700k subscribers and Flixier allows me to collaborate seamlessly with my team, they can work from any device at any time plus, renders are cloud powered and super super fast on any computer.

Anja Winter, Owner, LearnGermanWithAnja

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Flixier convert WAV to MP4?
Can Flixier convert WAV to MP4?

Is Flixier an online WAV to MP4 converter?
Is Flixier an online WAV to MP4 converter?

Can you convert WAV to MP4 on windows?
Can you convert WAV to MP4 on windows?

Need more than a WAV to MP4 converter?

Edit easily

With Flixier you can trim videos or add text, music, motion graphics, images and so much more.

Publish in minutes

Flixier is powered by the cloud so you can edit and publish your videos at blazing speed on any device.

Collaborate in real-time

Easily collaborate on your projects with Flixier, we offer real-time feedback and sharing of projects and files.
Choose Video
Choose Video
Choose Video

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