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A look at the new luxury cruise ship christened in Boston

Versie Dortch


Four Ocean Explorer itineraries will depart from Boston.

Boston-based Vantage Deluxe World Travel’s new ship, Ocean Explorer. Vantage Travel of Boston

There’s a new cruise ship in town.

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Boston-based Vantage Deluxe World Travel christened the Ocean Explorer, its first ocean-going small ship, on Monday at the city’s Raymond L. Flynn Black Falcon Cruise Terminal.

The five-star ship, which offers the latest in satellite and navigation technology, can accommodate up to 162 guests and offers 15 itineraries, four of which depart from Boston.

“We welcome the Ocean Explorer to Boston and congratulate Vantage Deluxe World Travel on this new venture,” Massport CEO Lisa Wieland said in a statement, adding it’s “a step in the right direction toward recovery for the visitor economy, and we look forward to the return of cruising next year.”

The ship’s four itineraries that depart from Boston are:

The atrium of the ship.

The ship includes gourmet dining, a pool, a library, a gift shop, a fitness center, and a spa with massage and hair services, a sauna, and two hot tubs.

The atrium.

Guests can take in “breathtaking views” from the ship’s multilevel observation lounge and lobby, and an elevator transports cruisers between decks. They can mingle at three different bars and several lounges.

A lounge.

The luxury ship offers 77 cabins, including 15 solo cabins.

Guests can choose from several types of staterooms and suites, some with walk-out balconies, as well as triple accommodations for family and group experiences. 

Inside a stateroom.

The various-sized suites may include master bedrooms and bathrooms, verandas, living room and dining room areas, and complimentary mini bars and laundry services.

A cabin inside Ocean Explorer.

The “fashionably nautical” staterooms include hotel-style queen-sized beds that convert to twin beds, some with writing desks and private verandas.

A restaurant onboard the ship.

Hungry guests can eat at a hot-rock cooking restaurant or enjoy gourmet dining featuring regional foods. Complimentary wine and beer accompanies all onboard dinners.

Intimate dining spaces for groups or special events are available upon request.

A restaurant on the ship.

Guests can relax by a raised infinity swimming pool, or attend lectures, musical performances, and other cultural events while at sea.

Offshore small-group excursions such as wildlife viewing, kayaking, and paddle boarding are offered on select itineraries.

The pool and deck onboard the ship.

“At Vantage, our goal is to provide the ultimate in small-ship luxury experience,” said Henry R. Lewis, founder and owner of Vantage Deluxe World Travel, in a statement. “Ocean Explorer will offer a completely unique experience for travelers who want to immerse themselves in the culture of faraway lands and truly experience a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, while enjoying the incredible service and amenities of an intimate small ship environment.”

A look inside the new luxury cruise ship christened in Boston this week

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