php else echo $templs; // 蟹邪锌褍褋泻 褕邪斜谢芯薪邪 斜械蟹 胁芯蟹屑芯卸薪芯褋褌懈 懈褋锌芯谢褜蟹芯胁邪薪懈褟 php } // 泻芯薪械褑 泻械褕懈褉芯胁邪薪懈褟 if ($cache && !$off_static_cron or $cache_off_static && $cache && !$cacheIndex) { if ($cacheType == '1') include ('inc/cache_file_end.php'); else if ($cacheType == '2') include ('inc/cache_sqlite_end.php'); else include ('inc/cache_hybrid_end.php'); } unset($_SESSION['rezervuarContent'],$_SESSION['rezervuarImages'],$_SESSION['rezervuarVideos']); ############################## if ($dorgen && !$off_static_cron) { // stats if($i_parse_rand or $i_parse_rand2 or $i_parse or $i_parse2) $i_parsers_info = "
I_PARSERS: $i_parse_rand $i_parse_rand2 $i_parse $i_parse2"; if($content or $keycontent) {$content_parsers_info = "Content parser: $SEparse | ";$totalparsers = 1;} for($g = 0; $g < $globSECparse; $g++){ if (${"icontent".$g}){ $icontent_parsers_info .= ${"SECparse".$g}.', '; if($totalparsers)$totalparsers++;else $totalparsers = 1; } } if($image or $keyimage) {$image_parsers_info = "Images parser: $SEIparse | ";if($totalparsers)$totalparsers++;else $totalparsers = 1;} if($video or $keyvideo) {$video_parsers_info = "Video parser: $SEVparse";if($totalparsers)$totalparsers++;else $totalparsers = 1;} echo '

'.$content_parsers_info; if($icontent_parsers_info)echo "iContent parser(s): " . trim($icontent_parsers_info, ', ') . " | "; echo "$image_parsers_info $video_parsers_info $i_parsers_info
"; if($totalparsers)echo 'Total Parsers:'.$totalparsers."
"; if (!$remote) {$thispage = crc32_strlen($thispage);$md5_only_page = crc32_strlen(str_replace(array($folderDor, "/"), "", $request_uri));} if ($cache and !$cacheIndex) echo " ReCache | DelPage
"; echo 'Memory used: ', convertMemorySize(memory_get_usage() - $startMemory), ' of ', convertMemorySize(memory_get_usage(true)), '
'; if ($pingReport) echo $pingReport; printf ("Render time: %.3f sec., Version: ".VERSION, microtime_float()-$time_start); echo '


'; } ?>