Gerand (Youtuber) Wiki

KV-44 is a Soviet Union Super-heavy Tank Monster.


  • 3.0
  • In the Minecraft
  • 2.0
  • 1.0
In the Minecraft



Green Golem
Mr KV44


AI (male voice)




Super-heavy Tank/6.4 meters


Landship Class



Season 1



Die from

(1) Shot two time in the neck by Leviathan
(2) KV-44 (Soviet) - Severely damaged after Spaceship crash
(3) Bombed by a Hybrid tank.
(4) Malfunctions after fight with Landkreuzer P-1500 Monster and Royal Ratte.

Overview[ ]

The KV-44 is a super-heavy robot tank of the Soviet Union. It has 77 guns of various calibers. Under the turret is a metal plate that protects the vulnerable point of the tank. At the bottom of the KV-44 there are missiles that it is capable of launching at enemies, but they are also a weak point. Its turrets are capable of 360掳 rotation, a set of three ballo tanks

"Its over Leviathan i have the high ground"

Appearances[ ]

He is an green Soviet Super-heavy tank with a very large tank frame, with about 26 turrets on all sides. Although there are 26 turrets on all sides, only the main 12 were shown to be operational. A head that鈥檚 twice the size of a KV-2, missile barrage weapons on his sides (although he hasn鈥檛 used them until now), and a frontal ramming spike shield designed to cover the tracks. He also has rockets between the two middle turrets that can lift off and fire directly at the enemy.

Armament[ ]

Armament:[ ]

- Main gun caliber 350 mm under the turret 4 guns caliber 76mm 2 guns caliber 240mm 4 cannons 2 caliber 100mm two from below 150 mm rear guns caliber 100 85-76-45-37 front guns 85-76-45-37

76 guns of different calibers. From such tanks as ms 1, kv 1, kv 2, su (isu) 152. Most guns from ms 1 and kv 1

- Missiles in the central part of the hull.

Ability:[ ]

- Berserker mode.

- Excellent reaction.

- Fast recharge.

- A huge number of shells.

- Analysis of the situation (Example: Model - Sentinel. Reaction - Aggressive. Danger level - High).

- Perhaps the almighty powers of Herobrine, which have not yet been fully manifested.

- Change the frame rate (from 30 to 5000 frames per second).

- Hunter mode

History[ ]

KV-44 first death

The first destruction Of KV-44 been shot in the neck twice by Leviathan.

Season 1[ ]

In the first season, KV-44 was made by 1000 destroyed MS-1. After that KV-44 startle moving until he encounter 3 Germans tanks. The 3 German tank tried to destroyed kv-44 but instead it has no effect on it and he easily kill 3 German tanks without any flash, But Kv-44 encounter Leviathan!,,Who just came out of the portal! Leviathan laugh two times with his laughter, Then KV-44 quickly shoot Leviathan's main, And Leviathan shoot KV-44 right in the neck, and he was easily destroyed, with the result MS-1 called the s pace rocket and the Soviets begin to leave Earth to Mars.

KV44 2

The KV-44 2.0 Introduction

Season 2[ ]

When the KV-44 was repaired by engineers, he immediately rushed into battle and saved the Sentry from the Leviathan, who pinned him down and attacked him. Then the KV-44, along with the Sentry, began shelling Leviathan, but the evil lord shows his parkour skills and hides behind a stone. The KV-44 and the Sentinel are shot by Leviathan, but it does not cause much damage to the KV-44 due to the alloy sheet at the weak point, but the Leviathan still rebuffs the heroes, although he also takes damage. Then his Son comes to the villain and now there will be a two-on-two battle. The KV-44 takes over the Leviathan, and the Sentinel Son of Leviathan, the lord cannot inflict any damage on our hero, which cannot be said about the other. While Leviathan cries for his Son, all the monsters that are there begin to fire at him, but he runs away from the KV-44 and the others. Since General Ms-1 accuses the Tsar Tank of desertion, a battle may begin, but our hero offers the Sentry to fight one-on-one without unnecessary blood. And the Sentinel attacks first, dealing damage to the KV-44 and depriving it of visibility in his left eye. With less precision, the KV-44 begins to fight back against the Sentry. When the two are almost destroyed, the KV-44 notices through the Hybrid's rear camera and they both switch to it. When the Hybrid destroys the gun, the T-35 enters the battle for the Sentry, setting it on fire from behind, demolishing the track, in turn, the Hybrid screams in pain, taking advantage of the moment, the KV-44 destroys his front head. The KV-44 is slightly repaired by an engineer, but the Hybrid tells our heroes that it was sent by Leviathan, who is now operating in other points. After that, the Hybrid sets fire to dynamite in himself and says that they will not leave, but the T-35 demolishes his skating rink and the KV-44 begins to act, pushing the Hybrid to the abyss, the second thinks that nothing will work out in the council, but the KV-44 copes and the Hybrid explodes. After the battle, the engineers repair the KV-44 and the Sentry, and then General Ms-1 comes up with a strategy, as a result, the army of the Tsar of the tank must go to Leningrad, everyone says goodbye and they leave. Doctor LTG comes to the Soviets, whose KV-44 asks "Where did it disappear?", and Dr. LTG replies "There were things in the laboratory", General MS-1 also tells MS-1, Soviet Waffle and T-35 to go on the Armored Train to Plant X to create a second KV-44, and everyone else goes to Moscow. General Ms-1 has a dream where the KV-44 fights with a thousand Rattes almost successfully, but suddenly, when it seems that all the Germans have been destroyed, one Ratte throws off the head of the other and shoots the Soviet monster in the head, then General Ms-1 wakes up and sees that everyone is moving on. The KV-44 is infiltrated by a German disguised as a Sharotank (he put General IS-360 to sleep), he penetrates the Soviet monster and begins to take pictures, but very quickly he is revealed and he tries to escape in the other direction. The KV-44 senses that something is going on inside it and stops. The spy tries to kill two Sharotanks, but one manages to press the button and the door opens and the German falls out. Trying to escape, the KV-44 begins to fire at him, but the spy sees the airplane and thinks that he can fly away, but he falls, the KV-44 is surprised and has already relaxed, when suddenly the German takes off teasing our hero (in vain), the KV-44 launches a missile at the spy and he dies, the General IS-360 arrives, the KV-44 takes him away and they leave.

Season 3[ ]

When the KV-44 was repaired by engineers, he immediately rushed into battle and saved the Sentry from the Leviathan, who pinned him down and attacked him. Then the KV-44, along with the Sentry, began shelling Leviathan, but the evil lord shows his parkour skills and hides behind a stone. The KV-44 and the Sentinel are shot by Leviathan, but it does not cause much damage to the KV-44 due to the alloy sheet at the weak point, but the Leviathan still rebuffs the heroes, although he also takes damage. Then his Son comes to the villain and now there will be a two-on-two battle. The KV-44 takes over the Leviathan, and the Sentinel Son of Leviathan, the lord cannot inflict any damage on our hero, which cannot be said about the other. While Leviathan cries for his Son, all the monsters that are there begin to fire at him, but he runs away from the KV-44 and the others. Since General Ms-1 accuses the Tsar Tank of desertion, a battle may begin, but our hero offers the Sentry to fight one-on-one without unnecessary blood. And the Sentinel attacks first, dealing damage to the KV-44 and depriving it of visibility in his left eye. With less precision, the KV-44 begins to fight back against the Sentry. When the two are almost destroyed, the KV-44 notices through the Hybrid's rear camera and they both switch to it. When the Hybrid destroys the gun, the T-35 enters the battle for the Sentry, setting it on fire from behind, demolishing the track, in turn, the Hybrid screams in pain, taking advantage of the moment, the KV-44 destroys his front head. The KV-44 is slightly repaired by an engineer, but the Hybrid tells our heroes that it was sent by Leviathan, who is now operating in other points. After that, the Hybrid sets fire to dynamite in himself and says that they will not leave, but the T-35 demolishes his skating rink and the KV-44 begins to act, pushing the Hybrid to the abyss, the second thinks that nothing will work out in the council, but the KV-44 copes and the Hybrid explodes. After the battle, the engineers repair the KV-44 and the Sentry, and then General Ms-1 comes up with a strategy, as a result, the army of the Tsar of the tank must go to Leningrad, everyone says goodbye and they leave. Doctor LTG comes to the Soviets, whose KV-44 asks "Where did it disappear?", and Dr. LTG replies "There were things in the laboratory", General MS-1 also tells MS-1, Soviet Waffle and T-35 to go on the Armored Train to Plant X to create a second KV-44, and everyone else goes to Moscow. General Ms-1 has a dream where the KV-44 fights with a thousand Rattes almost successfully, but suddenly, when it seems that all the Germans have been destroyed, one Ratte throws off the head of the other and shoots the Soviet monster in the head, then General Ms-1 wakes up and sees that everyone is moving on. The KV-44 is infiltrated by a German disguised as a Sharotank (he put General IS-360 to sleep), he penetrates the Soviet monster and begins to take pictures, but very quickly he is revealed and he tries to escape in the other direction. The KV-44 senses that something is going on inside it and stops. The spy tries to kill two Sharotanks, but one manages to press the button and the door opens and the German falls out. Trying to escape, the KV-44 begins to fire at him, but the spy sees the airplane and thinks that he can fly away, but he falls, the KV-44 is surprised and has already relaxed, when suddenly the German takes off teasing our hero (in vain), the KV-44 launches a missile at the spy and he dies, the General IS-360 arrives, the KV-44 takes him away and they leave.

Season 4[ ]

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KV-44 In a Rage Mode (Ones of it Cannons warm due to use it very much.)

He helps the KV-2 in the battle for the Fortress and begins to attack himself, the artillery fires at the Red Army, and our hero, in turn, launches missiles at them and thereby destroys them. Breaking the fortress, the council sees a window closed with a layer of metal, when suddenly it opens and a very large muzzle climbs out of it, which shoots and destroys our hero one installation with guns. The KV-44 begins to shoot with him, and one MS-1 decides to go to the Fortress, but in front of it he gets stuck in a swamp and is shot. The KV-44 activates the berserker mode, but the German hides in this window, covering himself with an iron alloy. In the KV-44, all the guns overheat and just at this moment the muzzle climbs out again and begins to fire at the council, General Ms-1 notices a hole in the Fortress and orders the KV-2 to penetrate it, but he throws Sharotank and he enters the Fortress. When he saw the monster firing at the KV-44, he was shocked, but not at a loss and, firing at the shells, destroys the Fortress. The KV-44 cools down and pulls Hercules out with hooks. General Ms-1 sees him confused with Dora, and the Hell Monster in turn unhooks from the hooks, but the KV-44 begins to fire at him, Hercules attacks the KV-44, and the council fires missiles at him in response, but the Hell Monster shoots them down. KV-44 pulls out a tree and throws it at Hercules, the second in a misunderstanding shoots at our hero like artillery. The Council, in turn, damages Hercules' cannon and he begins to miss hard, the KV-44 raises an anti-tank hedgehog with its lower cannon and throws it at its main gun, approaching Hercules, begins to beat him hard, and then swings and destroys the Demon's horn. KV-44 asks Dora if he and he fired the missile, but Hercules replies that if he were Dora, the KV-44 would already be dead. The Council angrily pushes the Demon away and throws a hedgehog at him, which is driven into his body. Hercules looks around and sees Konigsratte leaving the Fortress. Now the KV-44 fights against two monsters, but from the first shot it knocks out Hercules and the Konigsratte rides sharply at our hero The KV-44 tries to push the German away, but the enemy turns out to have a stronger engine and it turns out to be the opposite. K枚nigsratte gnaws off the KV-44 cannon, and General Ms-1 and the engineer carries an additional cannon to the council, Konigsratte fires at the KV-44 in full, but our heroes do not lag behind and blow the jaw of the Royal Ratta, who is joined by the awakened Hercules. Well, already two Monsters begin to fire at our hero. Hercules intends to fire at the KV-44 from the front, and the Konigsratte from behind, the council backs up to prevent the German from going around it, but due to critical damage, our hero is still bypassed. Meanwhile, KV-2 commands a small detachment of two Sharotanks and three MS-1s, telling them that they can't help the KV-44 and need to capture the Fortress, which they begin to do. And the KV-44 itself is doing badly, it cannot fight off Hercules, who fires at our hero from the front (but most of the bullets pass by due to a damaged muzzle) and Konigsratte, who fires at him from behind. With his shot, Hercules wakes up General MS-1, and our hero deploys additional guns towards the Royal Ratte, inflicting good damage on him. When GeRacle shoots at the KV-44, the council, almost disconnecting, gives a certain "Order 65" and one of the Sharotanks, asks the IS-360 General "Are we going to die?" to which the IS-360 General himself replies: "If necessary, we will accept it with dignity", when suddenly an idea arises in the third Sharotank. The KV-44, piercing the Royal Ratte Spruce, turns to Hercules, who raises his muzzle to finish off the council, when suddenly General Ms-1 reloads the KV-44 cannon mount and shoots directly into the muzzle of the Hell Monster. Due to the shot of General MS-1, Hercules' projectile flies directly into the Royal Ratta and hits him. The Sharotank, which in the KV-44 turns on the monster to the maximum, from which the council feels as if a second wind and issues the most powerful volley of all guns, which kills Hercules and forces the Royal Ratte to retreat. The KV-44 shuts down, but the Soviets manage to capture the Fortress, two Sharotanks and General IS-360 fly out of the smoking KV-44 and a very tired General MS-1 looks proud at the KV-44. We are shown our hero in the role of the Dark Lord, and the Lord himself in the form of a Soviet monster, and everything goes according to the first scenario, except that Leviathan is now his Son, which surprises Leviathan very much, but behind the KV-44, a T-35 leaves the portal with three heads of L-Tractors on the back. The battle begins, but after they collide, it turns out that it was a dream of Leviathan. The Soviets collect German corpses to be melted down, and General Ms-1 drives up to one car, looks inside and says: "My loveliness)))" looking at the new installations with guns for the KV-44. After that, we are shown a broken KV-44 and General Ms-1 asks the engineer if it is possible to improve the Soviet monster, to which the engineer replies that they would still improve it, and for pumping you need to go to the factory. The KV-44 is being completely repaired, after the KV-2's request to go to the ruins of the Kirov plant, to which General MS-1 gives the go-ahead, but says to take Sharotank with him and the T-34 will go with them on assignment to Doctor LTG, and General MS-1 himself goes and says that it is time to launch the KV-44. The Council is put on a car and taken inside the Fortress, after it was lowered to the ground, it was supplied with electricity and it turned on. The KV-44 receives the title of "Hero Fortress" and the third star, everyone is very happy that they were able to recapture the Fortress, and after the celebration, General MS-1 orders to go to Moscow and take Hercules with him, saying that they will still need his spare parts. The Red Army is being watched by a German to convey that they are going to Moscow, and he is doing it. Suddenly, an imperial plane appears, carrying an important letter from the Tsar Tank, the German notices this and knocks out the airplane, and the German notices the KV-44, which begins to shoot at him, like the entire Red Army. When they kill a German, the KV-44 catches an airplane, the council puts the plane to General MS-1, gives the letter and the Firefighter Sharotank arrives to extinguish the imperial plane. The plane itself says that it has completed the mission, and in turn, General MS-1 thanks him. The entire Red Army is very upset, and General Ms-1 begins to read a note stating that the KV-54 is approaching them. The same advice arrives at the council, but the KV-44 still asks exactly if it is he KV-54, to which the Council says that he is Figeron, who has been sent to help, and General MS-1 confirms that they will need him. This time, a detachment of Germans drives up to the council from behind, who immediately begin to fire at the Red Army, a battle begins, in which, of course, the Soviets win, when Leviathan found out that he was very angry, sending the German KV-6 into the dungeon, after which he himself notices the KV-54. On the road to Moscow, our hero notices and saves the American Ratte, but as it turns out, the council is not friendly and opens fire on the former German, but he does not open fire at first, but shoots once. When Figeron arrived, he began to stop the KV-44, saying that it was an American, but the KV-44 says that he knows it and that it is made from the corpses of the one he killed, our hero thinks that the American Ratte is a disguised Ratte. General Ms-1 recalls how a thousand Ms-1s died from Ratte, but American Ratte says that Leviathan deceived him and then killed him altogether, but T1 saved him. American Ratte also adds that he himself wants to kill Leviathan and takes out T1, asking to be repaired and he will bring an entire US army with him, an engineer drives up to T1 and takes him away, and General MS-1 himself tells American Ratte that they do not need the US Army, but if he wants to, he can go with them himself and American Ratte joins the Red Army. Soon, T1 is repaired by the Soviets, the American Ratte is worried and asks the Soviet engineer if T1 will live, to which the engineer replies that he will wake up in a couple of days. An American Ratte passes near Soviet soldiers who, to put it mildly, are not happy to see it, mentioning the same battle, but the American Ratte with a little sadness drives up to the KV-44 and Fidgeron. General MS-1 explains the strategy, and American Ratte once again offers to ask for help from America, but General MS-1 says that the three of them will cope with Leviathan because no henchmen have been found with him. General Ms-1 also mentions the Armored Train, which was supposed to reach the Plant in time, and the fact that there should soon be a second KV-44, and the hopeful General Ms-1 says that this war is almost over. Our hero says to stop the monsters and General MS-1, Figeron does not understand why the KV-44 said to do this, but then he notices the opening portal from which the Leviathan leaves who looks directly at the KV-44, after Fijeron says "Well, what will we tear his comrades?" to which the American Ratte nods his head and they begin to go to the Lord of Hell. Suddenly, the KV-44 turns back in utter surprise, forcing everyone to do the same and they see the KV-54, even Leviathan is surprised at such a guest and the KV-44 says that he will go to this monster (he is talking about the KV-54), and let the rest go to Leviathan and the very battle for Moscow begins. The monsters disperse, the KV-44 rides the KV-54 at great speed, periodically analyzing the enemy, and they collide, but the KV-54 turns out to be heavier and repels the KV-44. KV-44 shoots once at the KV-54 and it is cut down, the KV-44 is very shocked that the monster fell so quickly, but it was not there The KV-54 opens his eyes (no matter how many of them he has) and starts just shooting in all directions, our hero tries to fight back, but he does not succeed. The KV-44 decides to ram this monster and it succeeds when suddenly the side that is closer to the ground shoots the whole volley and pushes off and leaves in one direction, the KV-44 is not going to let it go and starts firing even using Rocket weapons, but after firing one missile, the rest get stuck and cannot fly out, our hero throws his hooks and clings to the KV-54, but he turns out to be stronger and pulls the KV-44 behind him, and the council again tries to kill the Monster of the Thousand Towers, but the KV-54 again starts firing in all directions, knocking down the KV-44 caterpillar and forcing it to unhook and our hero almost shuts down. When our hero was being repaired, he was seen by Alpha, who was hunting the KV-54. The KV-44, almost ready for battle, notices the disconnected KV-54 and the almost completely broken Alpha, to which the Leviathan is approaching, and our hero says that the engineers should hurry. When our hero drove up to the very place of the battle, he saw how Leviathan lures the KV-54 to his side, General MS-1 drives up to the KV-44 and sees that the Lord of Hell managed to convince the KV-54 and the monster of a thousand towers calmly drives into the portal. KV-44 and Leviathan converge and a battle begins between sworn enemies, the Demon goes to the Council first, but our hero also goes to the Lord, Leviathan again shoots at the weak point of the KV-44 metal withstands the blow of the Demon. The KV-44 tries to launch missiles at Leviathan, but they get stuck, Vladyka quickly notices this, after which he shoots at that point, and a hole appears in the center of the KV-44. Leviathan uses his powers to open a portal and drive out behind the KV-44, shooting it into the rear view camera, while the Council pushes the Demon back and starts firing, breaking the portal. Leviathan pushes the KV-44, also breaking the portal, saying that he was a good warrior, but you can't leave him alive and again goes to the Soviets, the KV-44 does the same. Leviathan, when they almost collide, begins to open the portal and when they collide again, the Demon opens the portal behind the KV-44, the Council tries to drive forward and drive away from the portal, but he fails and Leviathan pushes him into that portal, breaking it. General MS-1, looking at Leviathan, just in a giant shock, sees that he may die soon, and KV-44 finds himself in the hell of Minecraft.

Season 5[ ]

The KV-44 looks at the portal in shock and analyzes the situation around, but it can't, because it doesn't even know this world, and the KV-44 itself thinks that its chips are simply broken. Ifrit flies up to the KV-44, the Council, in turn, introduces itself and asks Ifrit who he serves, and Ifrit, looking at our hero, shoots at him, after which he dies from the shot of the Council, and then experience is attracted to the KV-44, our hero also notices the Ifrit Rod and when he comes to him, the KV-44, so to speak, "takes it into the inventory", the KV-44 itself is shocked after this and simply spreads the hull. After a couple of seconds, the Ifrits fly up to the KV-44, which, as it turns out, appear through the spawner, copes with all the KV-44s. But then Gast appears behind the Council, who does not do much damage and dies from a single shot of the KV-44. The KV-44 notices a pack of Pig Zombies and addresses them as comrades, but the Pig Zombies calmly move on, the KV-44 continues to ask questions of the Pig Zombies and even asks them to tell the Soviet Union if it is. The Pig Zombie approaches the KV-44, but then Gast flies out of nowhere and shoots at the KV-44, our hero wants to kill him, but Gust shoots the KV-44 again. The Council's bullet collides with Fireball and an explosion occurs, killing Pig Zombies and Gast. One of the Pig Zombies says with particular anger that the KV-44 killed the Boar (one of the Pig Zombies who was hooked by the blast wave), but the KV-44 justifies himself and says that it is not him, the Boar has experience, a gold nugget and rotten flesh and all this is attracted to the inventory of the KV-44, the Pig Zombie who blamed the KV-44 shouts for everyone to go kill the Council. The KV-44 appears in General MS-1's dream, where he is just driving with the KV-44 2, when Dora suddenly appears and shoots at the KV-44, but both KV-44s fight back, with a powerful volley they cope with one shot of Dora and they again damage the Vladyka's wife. KV-44 2 decides to go head-on, after which a shot from Vladyka's wife immediately flies into it and Dora begins to say "General, General, General" and General Ms-1 wakes up. After that, we are transported to the KV-44, on which the Pig Zombies are already running, and our hero rides on them in response. Of course, the Steel Monster moves them without any problems and falls out of them: Experience, Rotten Flesh and gold nuggets. Then, in a chain reaction, the rest of the Pig Zombies join in revenge for the Boar and begin to beat the KV-44 with Golden Swords, in response, the council kills them with additional guns, again the Pig Zombie runs at our hero (it looks like some kind of stupid) and the Soviet monster shoots at him without any hesitation this time from the main gun, but suddenly this Pig Zombie deflects the bullet with his Golden Sword on the move, The steel monster in a huge shock takes the field into an additional cannon, from which he does not even take damage, quickly coming to his senses KV-44 kills this Pig Zombie, when suddenly, a few seconds later, the Golden Axe flies into our hero and a loud sound of hitting metal is heard. It turns out that this is the Boss of the Pig Zombie who pulled the Golden Axe into his hands and starting to squeal loudly, the Council takes advantage of the moment to start shooting at the Boss of the Pig Zombie, but the second cuts the bullet into two parts, after which he begins to run at the Soviet monster, pushing him into the lava. The steel monster begins to resist, but all to no avail, when suddenly the KV-44 notices an opening portal in which a strange silhouette appears and this distracts the Boss Pig Zombie. The Golem comes out of the portal and the council, together with the Boss of the Pig Zombies, are surprised, the Golem takes a vial of Poisoning in his hand and throws the Pig Zombie at the Boss because of what the second releases the Soviet monster, the Steel Monster shoots the Boss of the Pig Zombie in the head, but this does not bring much damage. When the Boss of the Pig Zombie began to come to his senses, the KV-44 was already on its way to the portal, the Golem comes in and our hero follows him, but the portal turns out to be too small and only the first part of the council can enter there, and the Soviet monster says this to the Golem, and only the last obsidian remains in the Golem itself, of which the portal just consists. The Golem begins to think and build a portal while the Soviet monster stands and waits, when suddenly our hero decides to turn around and sees that the Boss of the Pig Zombie has finally come to his senses, starting to climb to him, but the Golem manages to open the portal into which the KV-44 enters. The Golem breaks the Portal to Hell and only the Golden Axe manages to fly after the Steel Monster, and the Pig Zombie Boss himself jumps into the portal, but remains in Hell. KV-44 asks aloud "What is this?", and the Golem answers him with the answer "Are you not from this world"?", in the end no one received an answer to his question. Suddenly, the KV-44 notices the Creeper, thinking that he is his comrade (because of the color), the Golem calls our hero to drive up to the Creeper, saying that he is dangerous, but the advice proves its own and the Creeper explodes right next to the KV-44 and the council asks the Golem "Why is everything in this world trying to kill me?", because of the explosion, two Sharotanks and General IS-360 are frightened and run away from the Soviet monster, Our hero calls them back, but in response there was only silence. KV-44 again asks the Golem, "How did I end up in this world?", to which the Golem replied that he himself did not know and only our Shaman from his village knew the answers, calling the KV-44 with him. Our hero is interested in the Golem, how he found him, and the Golem says that he was sent to the Hell Fortress and he saved the KV-44 because of hatred for the Pig Zombie, but our hero does not listen, because he notices someone behind a tree and, stopping in place, did not stop looking at that tree. The Golem asks "What else is there?", to which our hero replies "I don't know", the Creeper runs up to the KV-44 again, but this time from behind, when the creeper was about to explode, the council looked back and threw the Creeper away, for which the Golem praises the reaction of the KV-44 and says that they have already arrived. We are shown how the inhabitants are having fun drinking, discussing their achievements, when suddenly the glass of one of the residents begins to shake, 1 resident ran into the house because of this "earthquake", 1 jumped into the well, all the remaining residents hid in their homes. When the Golem told all the villagers that he had brought a guest, adding that he would help them fight off the Rogues, everyone began to come out to our hero and ask various questions. The Golem immediately told the KV-44 to go to their Shaman. Our hero immediately went to the most luxurious house in appearance (although it was generally a church), but the Golem, embarrassed, said that they were not there, pointing his finger at the unfinished earthen box, and the KV-44 immediately asked the question: "Why does he live in this pile of land?", And the Golem replied that such an atmosphere makes it better to concentrate. Looking into the earthen box, the Golem saw that the Elder was meditating, but still said his request, the Elder ignored him, KV-44 did not like this arrangement and he demolished the roof in the earthen box. The evil Elder turned around, but when he saw the KV-44, the first one quickly simplified his face, saying that our hero was not a local, and the council, in turn, immediately said what he wanted and asked if he knew where to find the portal, the Elder with a smirk said that he knew, but would tell only if the KV-44 helped to fight off the Rogues, our hero agrees, but also says that he needs a fix and the Elder sends him to the Blacksmith. Upon arrival, the blacksmith immediately set about repairing it, and surprisingly the KV-44 turned out to be too easy, but the blacksmith denied this, saying that for the sake of all this iron, the miners did not leave the mine for a month, and even the Creeper blew up two.

Season 6[ ]

Due to its carelessness, the KV-44 falls into a cave and the golem had no choice but to jump after it. After that, they decide to mine diamonds and they succeeded. After that, the golem finds a portal to the ender world, but does not want to show that his friend would not leave (he knew that the portal to the end would return back) and builds it up. After that, the Golem crafted the KV-44 diamond helmet. And they create a Wither, after which they repair and meet with Varden. After another victory, they go to hell, and Varden survives. They then go to battle Ender the Dragon, in which KV-44 wins with the help of Herobrine. Then the KV-44 stands and does not understand what to do, and Herabrinus offers him his help, only our hero must take him with him (opening access to the data). The KV-44 itself wants to agree (and it will), but the Golem asks him not to do it, because he knows that Herobrine is Chaos himself. And Herobrine constrains the Golem's movements so that he cannot prevent him from infiltrating the KV-44. Herobrine manages to infiltrate our favorite character, but the Golem continues to tell the KV-44 that it is not necessary to do this. Yes, the KV-44 thinks and believes the Golem's words, and in his mind he pushes Herobrine away to reload the data. And the KV-44 reboots, losing memory (but it will be able to wake up with outside help). After that, he is thrown into the abyss with an explosion.

Season 7[ ]

Due to its carelessness, the KV-44 falls into a cave and the golem had no choice but to jump after it. After that, they decide to mine diamonds and they succeeded. After that, the golem finds a portal to the ender world, but does not want to show that his friend would not leave (he knew that the portal to the end would return back) and builds it up. After that, the Golem crafted the KV-44 diamond helmet. And they create a Wither, after which they repair and meet with Varden. After another victory, they go to hell, and Varden survives. They then go to battle Ender the Dragon, in which KV-44 wins with the help of Herobrine. Then the KV-44 stands and does not understand what to do, and Herabrinus offers him his help, only our hero must take him with him (opening access to the data). The KV-44 itself wants to agree (and it will), but the Golem asks him not to do it, because he knows that Herobrine is Chaos himself. And Herobrine constrains the Golem's movements so that he cannot prevent him from infiltrating the KV-44. Herobrine manages to infiltrate our favorite character, but the Golem continues to tell the KV-44 that it is not necessary to do this. Yes, the KV-44 thinks and believes the Golem's words, and in his mind he pushes Herobrine away to reload the data. And the KV-44 reboots, losing memory (but it will be able to wake up with outside help). After that, he is thrown into the abyss with an explosion.

Season 8[ ]

On their way stood the next phantom - Dora, who is also defeated. After that, the infernal KV-44 and the Soviet Leviathan appear. After a short but heated battle, the phantoms were destroyed. The last of the illusions is Mephistopolis. He skillfully teleports, preventing the heroes from attacking him. The Guardian appears and almost kills Leviathan. The KV-44 tries to help him, but in vain. Suddenly, the Leviathan regains his powers and throws the Guardian away. Then the Guardian captures the KV-44 with a harpoon. Leviathan tries to help, but he is stopped by spikes crawling out of the ground. In a few shots, the Guardian almost destroys the KV-44, but General MS-1, who gets out of the cage, comes to the rescue, using the Veliar cube. The keeper receives significant damage from the explosion. Leviathan gets out and throws the Guardian into the abyss. MS-1 orders KV-44 to kill Leviathan, who mistook him for a phantom. But everything works out and the heroes go to the "castle" of His Power, which looks like a solid rock. His Power wants to get one soul for sending the heroes to their ordinary world and arranging a duel between KV-44 and Leviathan, locking the Golem and MC in a cage. The KV-44 is almost destroyed, it is already clear who will win the battle. Leviathan prepares the last shot... The golem gets out of the cage and tries to cover the KV-44, but is pushed away by the main IS-360 (who lived inside the KV-44) and dies. His Power has to send everyone to the world of tanks. They end up in the United States, Texas.

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The KV 44 3.0 Introduction.

Kv-44 on the American ship

The KV44 3.0 In the An American Ship.

The KV-44 is in terrible, critical condition. Their battle with Leviathan continues. After analyzing the situation, he damages the cannon to Leviathan and he retreats, citing the fact that he does not have time. KV-44, Golem and MS-1 are sent with two farmers to their village. The MC tries to contact the USSR, but they are stopped by the US military. They escort all three to their base. There, General T-49 negotiates with the MS and the Americans restore the KV-44, updating it to version 3.0. The Americans agree to send the KV-44 to the USSR if it destroys a battalion of Japanese tanks. The Golem remains in the United States, and the KV-44 and MS-1, along with the Turtle, sail off to recapture the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Along the way, they meet the Japanese fleet, where KV manages to repel the cruiser's shots, which saves the ship and himself, however, disconnecting. Later, they landed in the Marshall Islands, meeting resistance from Japanese amphibious tanks.

Season 9[ ]

The U.S. Army, led by the KV-44, breaks through the Japanese defenses. The KV-44 destroys their battery after performing calculations. Soon, in the jungle, they are attacked from an ambush. The KV-44 turns on the hunter mode and easily deals with the enemy. But they are already being attacked by Japanese heavyweights - Oi objects. They, too, did not become a difficult obstacle for the Soviet monster. The Marshall Islands have been recaptured, and the MS-1 understands that the Americans will not let them go just like that, and offers to return to the USSR from Japan.

Season 10[ ]

Trivia[ ]

  • In the Soviet Factory, they used the destroyed lives of about 1000 MS-1's soldiers to create the KV-44 with them.
  • KV-44 was not in the WW2 Tank list, but it fits perfectly for the WoT community by now.
  • A plushie version of KV-44 can be found rarely in one of Gerand鈥檚 episodes.
  • He was sent to Minecraft鈥檚 Nether by Leviathan and trapped him there, as he didn鈥檛 know about the game. However, fans of Gerand started creating builds of him.
  • English people calls KV-44 ,泻胁-44 in russia due to thinking the B is english which is however V.

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