s谩bado, 26 de julho de 2008

ACDSee 6.0 + ACDSee Pro 8.1 Build 99

ACDSee 6.0
Importe, veja, organize, imprima, melhore, compartilhe e arquive suas fotos digitais. O ACDSee 茅 f谩cil de usar e poderoso. Possui 'Wizard' para localizar e importar fotos de c芒meras, scanners, CDs e outros dispositivos. Veja suas imagens e v铆deos instantaneamente. Veja os detalhes utlizando zoom, pan ou a lente de aumento. Corrija e melhore suas imagens utiizando ferramentas de ajuste autom谩tico acionadas com um simples clique do mouse. Ajuste de maneira precisa cor, brilho e constraste. Remova os 'olhos-vermelhos' de suas fotos. Rotacione, ajuste o tamanho e aplique filtros especiais para dar apar锚ncia art铆stica 脿s suas fotos. Edite e renomeie imagens em lote. Organize suas fotos, imprima cat谩logos e crie tamb茅m protetores de tela (screensavers). Grave suas fotos em CDs ou DVDs e compartilhe-as na web ou por e-mail. O ACDSee 茅 um programa fant谩stico para quem tem poucas ou milhares de imagens. Experimente.

"Import, view, organize, print, enhance, share and archive your digital photos."Brothersoft Editor: Import, view, organize, print, enhance, share and archive your digital photos: ACDSee is easy to use for everyone from beginner to professional level, and also powerful and flexible enough to meet your needs as your image collection grows. "Indispensable," says American Photo Magazine. See Photos & Video Fast: ACDSee's 3-step Acquire Wizard automatically finds pictures for importing from cameras, scanners, CDs and other devices. See your images and videos instantly. Check details by zooming, panning, or using the magnifying glass view.Correct and Enhance for Superb PhotosUse one-click tools such as exposure adjustment to fix photos fast. Use precision controls for fine adjustments to color, brightness and contrast. Fix red-eye. Rotate, resize and crop to standard print or screen sizes. Plus, apply filters such as sepia for stylish effects. Edit and rename images in batches. Find Any Image and Organize to Save Time: Whether you have hundreds or thousands of photos you can always find them fast with ACDSee. Click folders to view the images in them. Click calendars to view by date. Sort thumbnail-size views by any image property such as file size or camera metadata. Perform precision searches. Organize photos into categories, personal ratings and favorites lists. Share Prints, Slideshows, Web Albums and Photos on CD/DVDPrint images in popular sizes or contact sheets. Burn photos to DVD or CD. Make slideshows and screensavers. Share on the web and e-mail. Archive and Back Up Pictures for Safekeeping: Archive photos, video and other files to CD or DVD using a wizard. Back up the image database in full or incremental backups. Save Time with Power Features: Batch, Database, Plug-ins...Power features include a relational database for fast searches, metadata tools, customization features and more batch functions than any other product. Plus, add photo plug-ins for additional specialized features.

ACDSee Pro 8.1 Build 99

ACDSee - the worlds #1 digital imaging software. ACDSee is a comprehensive application ideal for acquiring, organizing, viewing, enhancing and sharing your images. With the image browser, you can find, organize, and preview images and media files on your computer, and you can efficiently acquire images from digital cameras, scanners, and other devices. A full-featured image viewer and media player quickly generates high-quality displays of your images and media files. You can run slide shows, play embedded audio, and display multiple page images. ACDSee supports over 50 image and multimedia file formats. Also, ACDSee includes a wide variety of image editing tools you can use to create, edit and touch-up your digital images.Use tools such as red-eye reduction, crop, sharpen, blur, and embos to enhance or correct your images. Image management tools, such as exposure adjustment, convert, resize, rename, and rotate, can be performed on multiple files at the same time. The new user interface is completely customizable, and provides quick access to tools and features. You can customize the screen layout, the order of images, toolbar display, and many other options to suit your preferences. ACDSee 8.0 is a fast, powerful, and easy-to-use image management system that everyone from novices to professionals can use and enjoy.

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