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REGARDED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REGARDED?

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Need another word that means the same as “regarded”? Find 30 related words for “regarded” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:
  • Associations of "Regarded" (30 Words)

Associations of "Regarded" (30 Words)

accordingAs reported or stated by.
According to historians.
awarenessConcern about and well-informed interest in a particular situation or development.
A growing environmental awareness.
believeFollow a credo have a faith be a believer.
I believe we ve already met.
bethinkCome to think.
He bethought himself of the verse from the Book of Proverbs.
cautiouslyAs if with kid gloves; with caution or prudence or tact.
Such laws have been cautiously welcomed.
cogitateUse or exercise the mind or one’s power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments.
He stroked his beard and retired to cogitate.
cognitiveRelating to cognition.
The cognitive processes involved in reading.
considerShow consideration for take into account.
Consider the possibility of moving.
considerationA payment or reward.
Another consideration is the time it would take.
contemplateThink deeply and at length.
I contemplated leaving school and taking a full time job.
deemKeep in mind or convey as a conviction or view.
The event was deemed a great success.
deliberationSlow and careful movement or thought.
The deliberations of the jury.
imaginableCapable of being imagined.
The most spectacular views imaginable.
inferGuess correctly; solve by guessing.
From these facts we can infer that crime has been increasing.
intendMean or intend to express or convey.
This one roomed cottage was intended to accommodate a family.
logicallyAccording to the rules of logic or formal argument.
Each room leads logically to the next.
perceptualOf or relating to the act of perceiving.
A patient with perceptual problems who cannot judge distances.
ponderReflect deeply on a subject.
She sat pondering over her problem.
ponderableCapable of being weighed or considered- James Jeans.
Something ponderable from the outer world something of which we can say that its weight is so and so.
reckonJudge to be probable.
I don t reckon his chances.
reconsiderConsider again; give new consideration to; usually with a view to changing.
They called on the US government to reconsider its policy.
reflectReflect deeply on a subject.
The clergy were strictly charged not to reflect on the Catholic religion in their discourses.
seeGo to see for professional or business reasons.
I can see what will happen.
thinkAn act of thinking.
I think he is very smart.
thinkingEndowed with the capacity to reason.
The selectors have some thinking to do before the match.
thoughtA personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty.
19th century thought.
thoughtfulnessConsideration for the needs of other people.
Her generosity and thoughtfulness was unbounded.
viewPurpose the phrase with a view to means with the intention of or for the purpose of.
Matisse s view of Collioure.
visualVisible- Shakespeare.
A visual presentation.
wrongheadedObstinately perverse in judgment or opinion.
A wrongheaded policy.

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