Hero? I Quit A Long Time Ago Wiki

Lin Jie is the main protagonist of the manhua

Lin Ying Jie <3

Lin Jie and his alter-ego zero.


Lin Jie
The Strongest Hero
The Death God
Legendary Hero
God Slayer
SS-Rank Number 0 Booty Warrior Death god


Lin Wan (Younger Sister)

lin ying nan(twin brother)


Loli association

Biographical information

Marital status

-Married (Alternate Timeline)

-With Sis Qian and also had a great-granddaughter

-Married(Original Timeline)-With Lil Qian and Tian Shu Xiao and and he also has a son and a demon daughter.

Physical description





Eye color


Hero? I Quit A Long Time Ago
He who saved Humanity from the monster 5 years ago, naming himself Zero due to his chuunibyou disease. He later disappeared from Humanity after the majority of the monsters were gone. Now, he's looking for a job due to his younger sister forcing him to get a job

( more information on https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Lin_Jie )

Appearance[ ]

Lin Jie is shown to have spiky black hair that reaches past his shoulders. His hair is often tied up into a ponytail. He has a lean, muscular body that has been heavily scarred from his years of battle.

when become zero, lin jie wear a long black cloak to cover himself with red glowing eyes.

Personality[ ]

Lin Jie is a lazy, perverted young man who is content with leading a normal life. As a teenager, he became Zero due to his chuunibyou phase i.e. he was fascinated with heroes and chose to live his fantasy. His interests are watching anime (especially Magic Girls), reading manga, eating snacks, and playing video games.

Lin Jie is mostly indifferent to fame, status, or hero business. However he doesn't like villains taking over the world or terrorising innocents, and will stop them. He is afraid of his younger sister and joined the Hero Association due to her nagging. Nevertheless he cares for her since she is his only family after they were orphaned.

He is also shown to have a soft spot for children, as he adopted Mumu as his other sister and does his best to teach his students at the hero academy. Many women are attracted to Lin Jie due to his overwhelming power, making him a frequent victim of their jealousy tantrums.

As Zero, he is an impressive figure, revered by the vast majority of the public. His rare presence strikes awe and terror among heroes and villains. Some higher ups of the Hero Association view Zero as a threat for not affiliating with them, although the decision to classify him as a criminal was opposed.

Power is not very important to him, but he has to be strong to protect the world and his loved ones, and being threatened and kneeling are the things he hates the most.

Plot[ ]

Very little is known about Lin Jie's past. His parents were exiled from the Lin Clan and they passed away when Lin Jie was a young teenager. Lin Jie became a Chuunibyou and went around collecting artifacts. One of them was the Black Warrior's records, which made Lin Jie extremely powerful, and he worked as Zero. Zero saved humanity from monsters and his existence inspired the creation of hero association. Five years prior to the story, Zero retired to look after his sister Lin Wan.

The story starts with Lin Jie looking for a job after being nagged by Lin Wan. An E rank hero, Xiao Zhan discovers Lin Jie and recruits him after Lin Wan's permission.

Powers and Abilities[ ]

The power that Lin Jie usually uses is Guixu's power, root control, and the powers that this sword mastered are Beginning and End of everything and source of everything.

He can return everything to its original state and erase everything.

Letting-Go Lin Jie's own ability is to return everything to zero.

Letting-Go is not True transcendence or False transcendence, a realm is outside the hierarchy, and Lin Jie reached this when he lost his power.

Supernatural Abilities[ ]

Celestial Sword Will: After obtaining Qing Xuanzi's legacy during his training to become a hero, Lin Jie has been able to develop an incredible sword will which he can imbue into weapons when fighting. With Lin Jie's sword mastery he can even use a common kitchen cleaver to unleash his sword will.

  • 0th Form - Judgement
  • 1st Form - Punishment
  • 2nd Form - Redemption
  • 3rd Form - Slay
  • 3rd Form Revised - Severance
  • 3rd Form Revised - Execution
  • 3rd Form Revised - Demise
  • 4th Form - The Dark Warrior's Endless Battle
  • 4th Form Revised - Extermination
  • 5th Form - The Heavens And Earth Return To The Ruins
  • 5th Form Revised-The Universe is Returning To Extinction
  • Formless Form-Wushi-Zero

Fiction:allows him to deny any aspect of reality

Flight: Lin Jie has been seen to be able to levitate and fly at high speeds.

Summoning: Lin Jie is able to summon various weapons and items when needed.

Physical Abilities[ ]

Immense Strength: Lin Jie has demonstrated his incredible strength countless times as he can casually split oceans and skies and can decimate entire cities. Kicked the Warland Emperor (an enemy that had defeated multiple SS-class heroes and came out unscratched) across the Earth.

Current Lin Jie's physical strength is as much as the devil, and the devil can tear heaven and earth with his hands and can do more things.

For Letting-Go Lin Jie, the weight does not matter because he can reduce the weight to 0, for example, he can carry the planet like a feather, but he can do it against things that are lower than his authority.

Immense Speed:

Current Lin Jie's speed is not exactly unknown, but when he uses Guixu, it is immeasurable because he can watch the entire world in the void, and Guixu is Omnipresent, distance is meaningless.

For Letting-Go Lin Jie, distance is meaningless because he can immediately go wherever he wants because the distance will be reduced to zero.

In the last battle with Dao Qizhan, there was no concept of time between the two.

Immense Durability:

Current Lin Jie has good durability, but he usually uses Guixu for defense.

The attack of all the Gods, the armies of the Gods, and the Main Gods did little damage to him.

Letting-Go Lin Jie was not damaged at all by Dao Qizhan's attack, which destroyed the universe, all concepts... in short, the universe and everything.

Fighting Style[ ]

Lin Jie is an experienced fighter after countless battles, he can predict what the enemy will do.

Weapon Mastery: Throughout the series, Lin Jie has been shown to be proficient in handling various kinds of weapons.

He can use any weapon directly at its best.

  • Qing Xuanzi Legacy
  • Black Warrior's Endless Battle Record

Hand-to-Hand Combat: Although Lin Jie primarily fights while armed, he has been shown to be capable of fighting opponents barehanded. It was revealed that his father had taught him martial arts as a child.

Lin Jie is very good and can fight the demon that has lived for tens of thousands of years and gone through countless battles.

He defeated Dao Qizhan, who lowered the Dao destruction sword, using his fists.

Equipment[ ]

Weapon Collection

Lin Jie Selling Weapons

Through his years as a hero Lin Jie has amassed countless powerful weapons and artifacts. He had so many that he had previously sold off these powerful pieces of equipment incredibly cheap prices. However, as Lin Jie wasn't able to provide authenticity documentations for the items he collected he wasn't able to sell all of his items off and still retains them. This was convenient as he would later use these items again since re-entering the hero world at the start of the story.

  • Anti-Demon Sword
  • Celestial-Binding
  • Guixu
  • Celestial Executioner Sword
  • Celestial Severance Sword
  • Celestial Slayer Sword
  • Celestial Demise Sword
  • Courage
  • Crescent Blade of the Azure Dragon
  • Dragon Abyss Sword
  • Dual Hammers
  • Earth Spirit Sword
  • Evil Spirit Wolf's Teeth Club
  • Fire Spirit Sword
  • Galaxy Sword
  • Golden Cudgel
  • Heavy Iron Sword
  • Spatial Diviner
  • Sword of Conviction
  • The Portrait of Myriad Gods
  • Wood Spirit Sword

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