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669 articles since creation on May 22nd 2010



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Homefront is a first-person shooter video game series developed by Kaos Studios and published by THQ, a. The game was released for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Windows on March 15, 2011.

Homefront is set in a near future America in the late 2020s when a now-nuclear armed Korean People's Army invades the USA, defeating the United States military early on, toppling it from the superpower status it once held. The series takes place after the initial defeat of the United States. The game is from the perspective of Robert Jacobs, a former Marine Corps pilot living in Montrose.

Homefront: The Revolution

The reboot-and-sequel to the first Homefront, Homefront: The Revolution was released on May 17, 2016. Developed by Dambuster and Deep Silver, it is set in an alternative timeline, where North Korea became the source of the digital revolution, leading it to domination over the worldwide technological markets. By 2029, it is a global superpower, which leveraged America's reliance on APEX Corporation technology to bring it low when the country defaulted on its outstanding debts.

Now occupied by the KPA, the United States is brutally oppressed. You step into the shoes of Ethan Brady, a civilian in Philadelphia who will play a critical revolution in the days to come...

Homefront: The Revolution includes a fully playable TimeSplitters 2 port. See this mod for turning the game into TS2.

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PWS Diablo SMG

The PWS Diablo SMG is a very compact assault rifle (classed in game as a submachine gun) featured in Homefront. It is used by the American Resistance, United States Armed Forces, Survivalists, and Korean People's Army. It fires 5.56x45mm NATO at a rate of 750-900 rounds per minute. It has a similar design to the M4, but is lighter and shorter. Its vertical foregrip makes it the perfect tool for close-quarters combat


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  • ...That the 870 Express shotgun is a 30-day exclusive weapon?
  • ...That Boone Karlson was originally Caucasian?
  • ...That the Homefront campaign has only seven missions?
  • ...That Hopper Lee is a third-generation Korean?
  • ...That Rianna originally had orange-brown hair?

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Montrose, Colorado

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Lordqaz Lordqaz 3 June 2014

Homefront The Revolution

Homefront The Revolution has been announced.

The game is being developed by Crytek UK and published by Deep Silver. Homefront the Revolution will be available in 2015 for the PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The gameplay reveal will be at E3 2014 next week.

Homefront the Revolution is an open world F…

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Lordqaz Lordqaz 24 January 2013

THQ Bankruptcy and Auction

In mid December THQ filed for bankruptcy. THQ's assets have since been auctioned off. What does that mean for the Homefront series and Homefront 2? Crytek, the developers of the Crysis series, made the winning bid of $544,218 for the Homefront IP. The sale in still pending approval by the U.S. Bankr…

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Lordqaz Lordqaz 19 March 2012

Homefront Ultimate Edition

THQ announced, on February 22 2012, that a Homefront Ultimate Edition will be released on March 23 (still plenty of time to pre-order). This edition will only be available in Europe. It has a suggested retail price of £19.99/€24.99. It will include all of the previously release DLC (The Rock, Fire …

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