SanDisk SSD Firmware Update - SP72924.exe

This package provides a tool that will run in Windows to update the SanDisk Solid State Drive (SSD) Firmware. This package is available for supported notebooks that are running a supported operating system.

HP Spectre x360 Convertible Ultrabook PC
HP Spectre Pro x360 G1 Convertible PC

Microsoft Windows 10 32
Microsoft Windows 10 64
Microsoft Windows 7 32 Edition
Microsoft Windows 7 64 Edition
Microsoft Windows 8 32 Edition
Microsoft Windows 8 64 Edition
Microsoft Windows 8.1 32-bit
Microsoft Windows 8.1 64 Bit

SanDisk SD7SN6S-128G-1006 "SanDisk X300 M.2 126GB
SanDisk SD7SN6S-256G-1006 "SanDisk X300 M.2 256GB
SanDisk SD7SN7S-512G-1006 "SanDisk X300 M.2 512GB
SanDisk SD7SB6S-128G-1006 "SanDisk X300 2.5' 128GB
SanDisk SD7SB6S-256G-1006 "SanDisk X300 2.5' 256GB

Fix and enhancements:
- Enhanced the relibility by disabling the Workload Logging(WWL) feature from this tool.
- Enhanced the SSD controller slumber behavior.
- Modified the drive to maintain its original firmware version (X3511006).

1. Download the file and save the file to a folder on your hard drive (make a note of the folder where the downloaded file is saved).

To run the utility locally under Windows:
1. Execute the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions.

To deploy the utility to an enterprise:
1. Execute the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions.

2. Go to the directory where the downloaded files are saved. The default directory location is C:\SWSetup\SP72924.

3. Use the SanDisk SSDUpdate.exe utility in combination with the '-s' (unattended) and '-r' (reboot) switches to deploy SanDisk SSD firmware updates.

4. The application will shutdown twice and need a manual power on to complete the update. When complete, a "Congratulations! Your SanDisk SSD was updated successfully� message will appear.


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