Home News & LifestyleWelcome To 536 AD: The ACTUAL Worst Year In History
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Welcome To 536 AD: The ACTUAL Worst Year In History


So You Think 2021 Was Rough?

Before learning about 536 AD, I genuinely thought that 2021 was a pretty rough year. And I’m not alone. According to a small survey of 1000 adults in America, more than half of them said that 2021 was the worst year of their lives!

Covid was a big thing, and continues to be, so that certainly contributed to the madness. Travel, work, and industries across the world continued to be disrupted beyond belief. Politically, things were tense and divisions over a vaccine were fraught. People got sick of working from home. Then they got really sick of working from home.

In addition to all of this, fires raged all over the place, property prices continued to skyrocket, and social media was a place of division and depression. And speaking of depression, Statistic Canada reported that in 2021, one in four Canadians aged 18 or older screened positive for symptoms of depression, anxiety, or post traumatic stress disorder. In 2020 during the same season (autumn) one in five reported the same.

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There’s so much more, I know. However, believe it or not, there was a particular year in history that kicks 2021’s butt when it comes to being the worst year ever. But hey, it also helps to remember that things could always be worse (as they definitely were for the tragic Lovers Of Valdaro)!

Think Again. 536 AD Was Worse. Much Worse. 

When you learn about this year in human history, it’s actually hard to even compare. Not only did they not have any means of communication, but transportation and medical care was in the dark ages.

I mean wow. We thought we had it bad.

It All Kicked Off With A Volcano

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Image: @ben_gilliland_ on Instagram

Recently, scientists discovered an ancient ice core that revealed over 2,000 years of historical information. Essentially, an ice core is the epitome of human history (and pollution) frozen in time. It tells scientists things about the environment with alarming accuracy.

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This ice core informed scientists in no uncertain terms that in early 536 AD, a massive volcano erupted. Because of this, volcanic ash rained across Europe, the Middle East, and parts of Asia. This even included most parts of what was previously known as the Eastern Roman Empire.

Did We Mention That It Was Extremely Cold?

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Image: @astridwarngren on instagram

Blocking out the sun has funny effects on global temperature. The volcanic eruptions and a mysterious fog left the human population frozen for the better part of a decade. And it all started in 536.

There Was A Plague Too (Hey, That Sounds Familiar!)

536 AD
Image: @theplaguearchives on instagram

Falling temperatures meant awful things for farming and agriculture. There was a huge strain on food resources. Remember, significant parts of Northern and Central Europe were in almost total darkness!

Because European order was already in turmoil from warlords fighting, it only got worse from there. While the “plague” actually started in 541, experts feel it was due to the massive shortage of food from 536-539.

People Were Pretty Hungry

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Image: @cristiandelacerda on Instagram

Temperatures in the summer of 536 fell to 2.5 degrees Celsius. Because of this, the weather initiated the coldest decade in the past 2300 years. Snow fell in China, crops failed all over the world, and people starved to death.

Even the Irish chronicled their total lack of bread from the years 536-539.

‘Worst” Is a Matter Of Perspective

536 AD
Image: @erikaleesears on Instagram

Now, consider all of these things… without Facebook or Instagram. Or phones. Or freaking lightbulbs for heck’s sake.

We may have had a rough go the past couple of years, that’s true. However, if you have a home, food, natural light, you’re not dead, and there’s lack of ash blocking out the sky by your house, you’re golden compared to our homies in 536 AD.

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