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YourStylist: Personal Stylist, an AI-Based Mobile Application

Illustration with mobile app screens

Client Company

An independent investor and Inventale鈥檚 partner


A frequent problem for many people is one of clothes choice, both everyday and party outfits. In some countries, there is a trend to apply to stylists that guide clients through shopping routines and help to clear their wardrobes. Stylist training courses have also gained popularity. However, both stylist services and the classes are expensive and time-consuming. Our partner thought that Artificial Intelligence could come to help, and a handy mobile application would save users both time and money.

Solution Description

Personal pocket stylist that is always at hand and helps both with an everyday choice of user鈥檚 clothes from their wardrobe as well as getting trendy ideas from online shops. The application enables one to find their style considering age, body type, personal color analysis, user preferences, current trends, etc.

Technology background

Al-algorithms and Machine Learning as the basis of the App鈥檚 recommendation engine. The expert system analyses billions of clothes combinations and offers the best matching items from the user鈥檚 clothes assortment and online shops. The system鈥檚 primary characteristics are:

  • Personal

    considers the user鈥檚 appearance, wardrobe, occasion, preferences
  • Real-time

    analyzes photos to give recommendations as the user visits shops or pictures clothing anywhere
  • Professional

    all recommendations are made by AI based on expertise of professional stylists
  • Virtual Fitting Room

    shows how the user will look in the chosen clothes, both with the items from the wardrobe or a shop
  • Universal

    connected with online retailers, selects the options most suitable by style and price
  • Self-Learning

    likes and dislikes are the basis for adjusting recommendations

Results and Current Status

The pilot application supports English and Russian languages, has been successfully tested in Russia and the USA and received positive feedback from the test group of hundreds of users.

We and our partner are now seeking investment to complete the implementation and release the product into the world market.

We're seeing great interest in this application from potential users.

According to Google Analytics, YourStylist webpage is in 2nd-3rd position on the list, gets 105 views on average per month, and a user spends 3+ minutes on this webpage. Additionally, we get 2-3 requests for the presentation each month - no other project receives such a high level of interest.

A sure thing to invest in! Contact us to develop this project together.

We're seeing great interest in this application from potential users.

According to Google Analytics, YourStylist webpage is in 2nd-3rd position on the list, gets 105 views on average per month, and a user spends 3+ minutes on this webpage. Additionally, we get 2-3 requests for the presentation each month - no other project receives such a high level of interest.

A sure thing to invest in! Contact us to develop this project together.

YourStylist YourStylist YourStylist YourStylist

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