Kamen Rider BLACK and Kamen Rider Black RX

Kotaro Minami is the main character of Kamen Rider BLACK andKamen Rider BLACK RX. He has appeared as the title character in both series. In Kamen Rider Decade there are two Kotaro Minamis that are independently BLACK and RX.

Black & Black RX

Rider Forms

After having the Stone of the Sun implanted into him, Kotaro became Kamen Rider Black who used the power of the Kingstone to transform and charge his attacks. After being ejected into space by the Crisis Empire, Kotaro's Kingstone evolved giving him the power to use the more powerful and versatile BLACK RX form.

Batta man

In the first episode, Kotaro briefly transform into this grasshopper themed monster called the Batta Man (バッタ男) before he become BLACK. 


  • Height :197cm
  • Weight : 87kg
  • Jump : 30m
  • Punch : 15ton
  • Kick : 30,5ton
  • Kingstone - transformation device
Rider Machines
  • Battle Hopper
  • Road Sector
Combat Techniques and Other Body Parts
  • Rider Punch and Rider Kick: The primary killer moves in the entire series were the Rider Punch and Rider Kick which is charged with Kingstone Energy at the right fist and the right foot. After delivering either one or both moves to any monsters, they would be engulfed in flames before finally destroyed. Kamen Rider BLACK discovered his weakness when he was fighting a Crab monster. His Rider Punch had no effect on the monster due to its strong shell. To increase his capabilities, Kamen Rider BLACK trained himself to find a new killer move to destroy the monster. While training, he discovered a new Rider Punch which was more effective and more deadly. These stronger variations of Rider Punch & Rider Kick gave out stronger force of light and were more blinding. The difference between the new and the old moves were that the new ones required Kamen Rider BLACK to touch his knees before hitting his enemies.
  • Rider Chop: This move was very rarely executed and did not have enough power to destroy a monster.
  • Multi-Eye: His eyes would glow and the functions were to see monsters' movements in the dark and to detect their weaknesses.
  • Sensoring Ears: The triangular structures on both sides of his head would glow purple and the function was to hear voices and sounds from far away.
  • Rider Sensor: Kamen Rider BLACK's antennaes would move to detect monsters which were moving too fast to be seen.
  • Power Stripes: His Yellow-Red-Yellow bands on his neck and wrists would glow to repel any monsters' sticky fluids or goo on his body.
  • Dragon Shoot: A move only seen in episode 16. The Dragon Shoot was taught by the Interpol Agent, Ryusuke Taki. Ryusuke threw the Ultra Quartz (a wanted object in the episode) towards Kamen Rider BLACK where he quickly jumped and kicked it with one foot.
  • Kingstone Flash: Perhaps the most powerful technique. By shouting out "Kingstone Flash", Kamen Rider BLACK could fire a burst of energy from his belt. It worked every time to fend off the villains; whether it's the High Priests or even the powerful Shadow Moon.


  • Height : 198 cm
  • Weight : 88 kg
  • Punch  : 30 ton
  • Kick  : 45 ton
  • Jump  : 60 m
  • Speed  : 100/5 s

BLACK RX is a photosynthetic warrior as well as the evolved form of BLACK, using the sun as his main energy source. His Sunriser has the two pieces of Kotaro's shattered Kingstone. His signature weapon is theRevolcane sword and can perform the RX Kick dropkick.


  • Sunriser-The Sunriser is BLACK RX's transformation belt that is actually the Kingstone. The Kingstone was split in half in response to BLACK's evolution, and allows for more powerful transformations. The belt design changes in response of BLACK RX's Form changing.
  • Revolcane-The Revolcane (リボルケイン, Riborukien) is BLACK RX's sword comes out from his Sunriser belt. It has a light saber-like mode that executes the Revolcrash thrust finishing attack, whete BLACK RX thrusts with the Revolcane, sending an unlimited surge of energy into the enemy.
  • Acrobatter- The Acrobatter is the revived version of BLACK's old motorcycle, the Battle Hopper. It is now capable of speaking coherent Japanese, and often has conversations with Kotaro. Whenever BLACK RX transforms into any of his two other forms, it does the same.
  • Ridron - High-speed car.


    • Height : 198 cm
    • Weight : 120 kg
    • Punch  : 60 ton
    • Kick  : 30 ton
    • Jump  : 25 m
    • Speed  : 100 m/8 s
    Robo Rider is a form where BLACK RX 's armor becomes bulky and more robotic-like, with black and yellow coloring and his Sunriser resembles a gearbox. During his duration as the "Prince of Sadness", both his strength and defense are enhanced. He is also unharmed by explosions or projectile weapons. The only downsides are that he moves slower than BLACK RX as well as possessing semi-robotic movement, slowing his reaction time. His weapon is the Vortech Shooter, an energy firing pistol.
    • Vortech Shooter- Robo Rider's signature weapon is the Vortech Shooter pistol that shoots a powerful energy blast that can destroy an enemy in one blow. According to material, this gun ranges limitless and never misses the target.
    • Roborizer - Acrobatter transforms into  Roborizer when RX becomes Robo Rider. This form of Acrobatter has two blasters mounted at its rear.


  • Height : 198 cm
  • Weight : 85 kg
  • Punch  : 45 ton
  • Kick  : 75 ton
  • Jump  : 90 m
  • Speed  : 100 m/ 2 s
Bio Rider is a form where BLACK RX's armor becomes much sleeker, blue and silver all over and his Sunriser belt resembles a single Kingstone belt. During his duration as the "Prince of Anger", his speed is enhanced .He can also transform with the speed of up to 1000m into gel for escaping traps or attacking enemies while not getting hurt in the process (gel form is invincible). His weapon is the unbreakable sword, Bio Blade.

  • Bio Blade-Bio Rider's signature weapon is the Bio Blade katana. Like the Revolcane, Bio Blade has also a light saber mode that can slash his enemy in one blow.
  • Mach Jabber - Acrobatter transforms into Mach Jabber when RX becomes Bio Rider.

Kamen rider black op 

Kamen rider black rx op




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