MIMI is an Artificial Intelligence Interface designed for use as a personal assistant with a focus on visually or mobility disabled and to help anyone accomplish routine tasks faster and interact on a human level.

last update: 6/17/2019: Added Librivox and Gutenburg for searching for free audiobooks and ebooks from thousands of books in their libraries. Changed prompt to show what you type or say in the screen next to MIMI's head so you can see if you were translated correctly.

*Full upload may take a minute to complete for MIMI to talk. MIMI will introduce herself when she is ready for commands. If lag persists click R to reset or reload the page which seems to fix the problem with Itch io. Not a problem on desktop version.

This is a work in progress but you are free to try it out while I work on it.

1- You can click on buttons on desk to go to websites available or turn on appliances.

The buttons will alert MIMI to interface with your browser or appliances.

2- You can click on the microphone ( or click cntrl key) on the desk to give MIMI one word commands or enter search terms. May only work in Chrome browsers.

You will need to authorize the use of your microphone for this to work.

Click the microphone on the desk and it will turn green when ready. Speak your command or search terms in to your microphone. Wait a second before speaking again for it to be interpreted. You will see your words in the results at the top of the screen. If you were not interpreted correctly click the microphone and try again. This may only work in Chrome browsers for now.

You can also enter search terms for searching on Amazon, Google, WIKi and Duck. Speak the search terms and then click the website you want to search.

3- Spoken Commands: Click on the microphone to activate.

Coffee, AC, Heater, Laundry, Dishwasher:  Will show the appliance and will be interfaced with smart appliances. You will  see the appliance on MIMI's desk top.

Radio, TV, Movies, News: Will take you to a free online stations.

Google, WIKI, Reddit, Mediate: Will take you to their home pages.

Weather: will take you to your local weather. Enter your zip code on website.

Schedule: Takes you to an easy schedule planner.

Images: Use voice to select a subject and then click IMAGES to see pictures.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, : will take you to your social website. You may need to register or log in to access your account through your browser.

Duck, Google, WIKI: You can use the microphone to choose search terms and then click these buttons to search for that subject on their websites. For example click the microphone and say "dog breeds" and then click the WIKI, Google or Duck buttons.

Amazon, Target, Walmart: Takes you to their home search page to shop.

4- ChatBox: Type your commands directly in the ChatBox at the bottom of the desk. Do not capitalize or punctuate. Example type "amazon" and hit the Return key to go to Amazon website. Works for all commands and websites on the desk.

You can also chat with MIMI by typing in questions.

Type "how old are you" or "what is your age" and MIMI will respond.

Other questions to ask MIMI: "what do you like to do", or "where do you live".

These are just the first of many conversations you will be able to have with MIMI and she will also ask you questions in the next update.

5- MIMI for Research and Education.

MIMI is capable of searching for anything on the web. Click on microphone (or cntrl key) and say what you are looking for in plain English and then click the Google button on the desk and the web page will open with your search request shown.

Example: Ask "how often do chickens lay eggs?" or "Where do camels come from?"

Can also be used with WIKI and DUCK however they are more limited than Google in depth of search.

This is an excellent feature for research or finding quick answers to any question.

6- MIMI for Audiobooks and Ebooks.

Mimi can access Librivox and Gutenburg for thousands of free Audiobooks and Ebooks. You will need to search the categories on the web page for Librivox. Mimi can also access Gutenburg with over 50K free Ebooks and Audiobooks in their library and you can search by search terms by typing or speaking the search terms and clicking the Gutenburg button.

Want a bed time story read to your kids or for yourself? Check out Librivox or Gutenburg!

Summary: This interface will allow a person to use voice or click commands to easily access their personal and business accounts, make calls, get email, and control appliances through a more human AI interface that will address you and can answer questions. MIMI is especially helpful to people that are blind or mobility disabled.

The MIMI character will be very interactive depending on commands given and will be able to carry on basic conversations and learn your interests and needs .

Perceived uses will be for information kiosks in airports and businesses, receptionist for online use and as a personal assistant. MIMI is especially helpful to people that are blind or mobility disabled.

This is a work in progress and I will be adding many more features, voice command and interfaces. If you have suggestions for what features you would like to see put it in the comments and report any bugs please. Follow my progress in the Development log.

NOTE: This Interface does not collect any data from the user and only uses your established web preferences. Any account information is stored on your browser and not on this Interface. Web accounts may require you to log in and have cookies set.

COPYRIGHT 2019.  All Rights Reserved.

Contact me if you want more info for press release or articles about MIMI.

More information
Status Released
Platforms HTML5
Genre Simulation
Made with Construct
Tags ai, alexa, artificial-intelligence, disabled, mimi, mit, robotics, smart-appliances, speech-recognition, virtual-assistant

Development log

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