Quantity of players

PS4 has more active players than Xbox. I think this is an advantage because you can play with more amount of people and is almost impossible to don’t get matchups if you are waiting to play online. There’s also more probabilities of your friends to have a PS4, to play with them.

PS4 1-0 Xbox

Exclusive Games

PS4 have much more exclusive games than Xbox and, even though this depends on personal tastes, PS4 ones are better. Unchurted, God of War, Spider-man, etc. are exaples of PS4 exculsive game that have been hits this last year.

PS4 2-0 Xbox

Resultado de imagen de god of war Resultado de imagen de spiderman ps4


PS4 controlers are charge through USB entries while Xbox controlers work with bateries. This is an advantage for PS4. But Xbox controlers are more confortable, by general opinion. But this last thing depends on personal tastes.

PS4 3-1* Xbox

Resultado de imagen de xbox vs ps4

Online servers

In both consoles you must pay a suscription to play online. At the begining Xbox online servers used to be more expensive than the PS4 ones,but with time, they have been equilibrated. Anyways, Xbox online servers are better, the PS4 ones usually fall down due to service errors while the Xbox one are very consistent

PS4 3-1+1* Xbox


Xbox One allows to play with games for the previous consoles (Xbox, Xbox 360) while PS4 doesn’t

PS4 3-2+1* Xbox


Xbox hardware is more powerfull. This is even admitted by Sony (PS4 developers). It can run videogames at 8K while PS4 only at 4K at certain times.

PS4 3-3+1* Xbox

Resultado de imagen de xbox vs ps4

I would personally buy PS4. I think that exculsive games are a very important point, and also the fact that more people uses it. Also in my opinion both controlers are as confortable as the other one

The online servers are a real disadvantage, but the retrocompatibility is only efficient if you have already the previous console. If you are going to buy your first console, this doesn’t really benefits you. And the 8K quality is only an advantage if you have a screen that runs at 8k. If not this isn’t an advantage. But nowadays many screens run at 8K.


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