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Genuine Yamaha 168-14190-15 Needle Valve Assembly - XS1 Phazer Enticer XLV VT480
Genuine Yamaha 168-14190-15 Needle Valve Assembly - XS1 Phazer Enticer XLV VT480

Genuine Yamaha 168-14190-15 Needle Valve Assembly - XS1 Phazer Enticer XLV VT480

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Part Number168-14190-15
Descriptionneedle valve assembly

1970 XS1 - Carburetor (Xs1 - Xs1b)
1971 XS1B - Carburetor (Xs1 - Xs1b)
1981 SRX440E - Carburetor
1984 PHAZER (PZ480H) - Carburetor
1984 PHAZER SE (ELEC START) (PZ480SEH) - Carburetor
1985 ENTICER 340 (ET340J) - Carburetor
1985 ENTICER 340T (LONG TRACK) (ET340TJ) - Carburetor
1985 EXCEL III (EC340J) - Carburetor
1985 PHAZER (PZ480J) - Carburetor
1985 PHAZER E (ELEC START) (PZ480EJ) - Carburetor
1985 XL-V (XL540J) - Carburetor
1986 PZ480EK - Carburetor
1986 ENTICER 340 (ET340K) - Carburetor
1986 ENTICER 340T (LONG TRACK) (ET340TK) - Carburetor
1986 EXCEL III (EC340K) - Carburetor
1986 PHAZER (PZ480K) - Carburetor
1986 XLV (XL540K) - Carburetor
1987 ET340TL - Carburetor
1987 ENTICER 340 (ET340L) - Carburetor
1987 EXCEL III (EC340L) - Carburetor
1987 EXCITER (EX570L) - Carburetor
1987 PHAZER (PZ480L) - Carburetor
1987 PHAZER DELUXE (ELEC START) (PZ480EL) - Carburetor
1987 XLV (XL540L) - Carburetor
1988 ENTICER 340 (ET340M) - Carburetor
1988 ENTICER 340T (LONG TRACK) (ET340TM) - Carburetor
1988 EXCEL III (EC340M) - Carburetor
1988 PHAZER (PZ480M) - Carburetor
1988 PHAZER DELUXE (ELEC START) (PZ480EM) - Carburetor
1988 XLV (XL540M) - Carburetor
1989 PHAZER (PZ480N) - Carburetor
1989 PHAZER DELUXE (ELEC START) (PZ480EN) - Carburetor
1989 XLV (XL540N) - Carburetor
1990 ENTICER LTR (ET400TRP) - Carburetor
1990 PHAZER II (PZ480P) - Carburetor
1990 PHAZER II LE (ELEC START) (PZ480EP) - Carburetor
1990 XL-V (XL540P) - Carburetor
1991 PHAZER II (PZ480R) - Carburetor
1991 PHAZER II LE (ELEC START) (PZ480ER) - Carburetor
1991 PHAZER II ST (PZ480STR) - Carburetor
1991 VENTURE XL (VT480R) - Carburetor
1992 PHAZER II (PZ480S) - Carburetor
1992 PHAZER II LE (ELEC START) (PZ480ES) - Carburetor
1992 PHAZER II ST (PZ480STS) - Carburetor
1992 VENTURE GT (VT480GTS) - Carburetor
1992 VENTURE XL (VT480S) - Carburetor
1993 PHAZER II (PZ480T) - Carburetor
1993 PHAZER II LE (ELEC START) (PZ480ET) - Carburetor
1993 PHAZER II ST (PZ480STT) - Carburetor
1993 VENTURE GT (VT480GTT) - Carburetor
1993 VENTURE XL (VT480T) - Carburetor
1994 PHAZER II (PZ480U) - Carburetor
1994 PHAZER II LE (ELEC START) (PZ480EU) - Carburetor
1994 PHAZER II ST (LONG TRACK) (PZ480STU) - Carburetor
1994 VENTURE XL (VT480U) - Carburetor
1995 PHAZER II (PZ480V) - Carburetor
1995 PHAZER II LE (ELEC START) (PZ480EV) - Carburetor
1995 PHAZER II ST (LONG TRACK) (PZ480STV) - Carburetor
1995 VENTURE XL (VT480V) - Carburetor
1996 PHAZER II (PZ480W) - Carburetor
1996 PHAZER II LE (ELEC START) (PZ480EW) - Carburetor
1996 PHAZER II MOUNTAIN LITE (PZ480STW) - Carburetor
1996 VENTURE TR (VT480TRW) - Carburetor 1
1996 VENTURE XL (VT480W) - Carburetor
1997 PHAZER MOUNTAIN LITE (PZ480STA) - Carburetor
1997 PHAZER SS (PZ480A) - Carburetor
1997 PHAZER SS ELECTRIC (PZ480EA) - Carburetor
1997 VENTURE TR (VT480TRA) - Carburetor
1997 VENTURE XL (VT480A) - Carburetor
1998 PHAZER MOUNTAIN LITE (PZ480STB) - Carburetor
1998 PHAZER SS (PZ480B) - Carburetor
1998 PHAZER SS ELECTRIC (PZ480EB) - Carburetor
1998 VENTURE TR ELECTRIC (VT480TRB) - Carburetor
1999 PHAZER MOUNTAIN LITE (PZ480STC) - Carburetor

Fitment data pulled from manufacturer, please verify fitment before ordering. 

Ships Fast!


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