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Microsoft Releases New Skype Preview App in Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary Update

Skype UWP now available for mobile users in AU

Aug 17, 2016 09:19 GMT  ·  By
Skype Preview on Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary Update
   Skype Preview on Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary Update

Microsoft rolled out Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary Update a few hours ago, and together with it, the company is also providing retail users with the new Skype Preview app that’s already available on PCs.

The new Skype Preview application was specifically developed to replace the existing Skype app, so if you were already running the old version, the transition should be performed all automatically, and you should be able to launch the client from your Start screen, with a live tile to be added too.

If this hasn’t happened, however, you can always go to the Windows Store and download the new Skype manually just like any other app.

Microsoft says that integrating the new Skype app right into Windows 10 Mobile brings in a series of advantages, including support for quick replies straight from the action center.

“Since Skype Preview is built into Windows 10, you can reply to messages directly from notifications without having to open the app via quick reply. We’ve additionally updated the UI to take advantage of the Windows 10 look and feel; however, if you prefer the light background version of Skype, go to settings and select ‘Light theme’ under Personalization,” the company explains.

Skype for Windows Phone no more

But although the new Skype app is available on Windows 10 Mobile devices running the Anniversary Update, Windows Phone users are getting ready to lose the app completely, as Microsoft is moving to a new architecture that no longer supports old clients.

Starting early 2017, Skype will no longer be available on Windows phones, and there’s no way to change that, even though only 12 percent of the devices are said to be running Windows 10 Mobile. This means that Microsoft is leaving behind more than 80 percent of its Windows Phone users in a decision that raises quite a lot of questions regarding the company’s plans for the smartphone platform.

# Microsoft# Windows 10 Mobile# Windows Phone# Skype