Seals of Fence - gbc rpg mockup

Seals of Fence - gbc rpg mockup

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Seals of Fence - gbc rpg mockup

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Title: Seals of Fence - gbc rpg mockup
Pixel Artist: Rhamnys  (Level 4 Deputy :: 2805 points)
Posted: 1/12/2013 17:04
Statistics:  33 comments     199 faves     0 avatars


-Battle screen

-New mugshots

-4 colors per tile, color limit according to gameboy color standard;

-Title screen with animation;

-Pause menu.

PS: Nintendo's logo used only for illustration purposes(of course =p)

Top Pixel Art - January 2013 (#9) Top Pixel Art - January 2013 (#9)


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MasterGrand (Level 4 Deputy) @ 1/28/2020 06:28

Wow amazing game, Can I play it and when release ?

Aaron Lycan (Level 1 Rookie) @ 5/8/2017 15:56

I love this, but I have to point out, the purple sprite in the 4th window (the battle one) is barley readable. Maybe I'm just dumb though.

Everything else is great though. These 4 scenes make me wish that this was a game instead of mockup. You've managed to make your characters look interesting, and the world really pops. Nice choice of colors.

wonman321 (Level 6 SWAT) @ 4/14/2017 00:07


FlyingPineapple (Level 1 Rookie) @ 7/10/2015 06:09

.__. wow. Looks better than any real GBC game I've ever played.

-DE- (Level 11 General) @ 4/3/2015 00:22

Excellent mock-up! Good job!

Rhamnys (Level 4 Deputy) @ 3/4/2015 21:57

Thanks Artifice. I'm working on a gba/ds version of this title 

Artifice Machine (Level 6 GBC) @ 3/3/2015 19:56

So much goodness... Takes a while to absorb it all.

ClownAround (Level 3 Game Boy) @ 8/19/2014 03:39

Fantastic! The design and screen layout of the mockups is perfect. I totally wish this was a real game. Excellent work.

MrBailey (Level 3 Private Eye) @ 7/29/2014 09:16

The colors, the overall style, and the seriously game-like feel here all combine to make this a mockup I wish I could play.  Beautiful work.

Wugabuga (Level 1 Rookie) @ 6/18/2014 01:01

This is too freaking awesome!!

JustinGameDesign (Level 8 Marshal) @ 4/9/2014 10:07

You got the GBC style spot on. Looks reat. Wish I could play it.

bienmexicano (Level 2 Flatfoot) @ 4/25/2013 08:05

 i love everything about this, i would love to play this GB Color RPG

paler123 (Level 1 Rookie) @ 1/30/2013 11:38

very solid work!

reis (Level 6 Serial Killer) @ 1/19/2013 14:25

 Perfect mockup

Chrispy (Level 7 Sheriff) @ 1/16/2013 12:35

I really like this, but the overworld sprites are a little hard to read

allaze-eroler (Level 1 Rookie) @ 1/16/2013 07:10

i would love to play that game, if nintendo accept to release it as a new gameboy color game :D

jalonso (Level 11 Godfather) @ 1/14/2013 19:22

Oh, what a few little touchups can do to any piece. It was great before and its so much better now.

|||| (Level 9 Orchid) @ 1/14/2013 16:45

The new more varied portraits are great and the title screen's BG much better! Thanks for editing. I already gave full marks but would go higher if I could haha.

Sylon (Level 3 Stalker) @ 1/14/2013 09:29

"No way! We Schall go back!" Haha


Great work!!!

Kr鋒e (Level 1 Intern) @ 1/14/2013 04:31

Fensu no Shiiru, haha. Nice :D I really like this. Title animation looks rather broken, though, and I'd say that moving ground has some banding going on at the top of it. Besides that, lovely. 

Rhamnys (Level 4 Deputy) @ 1/13/2013 23:57

I'm making changes based on the comments! Thanks guys 

MikauKahn (Level 4 Team Leader) @ 1/13/2013 17:50

 Reminds me of Azure Dreams (GBC port).

You should totally check it out.

Kian (Level 1 Depressed) @ 1/13/2013 17:01

 Could actually be a short game. Nice.

Terrify (Level 3 Chief) @ 1/13/2013 15:56

 I would play this.

Delicious (Level 10 Capo) @ 1/13/2013 11:05

 Looks all good except the title screen background. Define those pixels, brotha

Rayovatron (Level 6 SWAT) @ 1/13/2013 09:24

 Is it finished? The title screen background looks unfinished.

Elk (Level 5 Irish Elk) @ 1/13/2013 09:03

 wow awesome

ianlennonford (Level 2 Flatfoot) @ 1/13/2013 08:37

Wow.  Lovely.  Want to play.

atprises (Level 6 Commander) @ 1/13/2013 05:53

 perfectly well!! 

dianamatos (Level 1 Rookie) @ 1/13/2013 04:54

 hooooo.... I would love if this was a real game D=

Mrmo Tarius (Level 10 Master Sniper) @ 1/13/2013 04:38


Ashkin (Level 8 Rear Admiral) @ 1/12/2013 21:04

This is amazing. I love everything here.

|||| (Level 9 Orchid) @ 1/12/2013 20:48

Insta fave indeed; this looks great! The only thing I don't like is how the portraits all have the same exact base. otherwise the portrait style is awesome.

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