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How To Promote Your Ebay Online Store?

ebay store
Those who are serious about using eBay to make money online should consider setting up an eBay store; an eBay store gives you a unique URL which you can direct potential customers to which will remain constant. The main benefit of having an eBay store, rather than simply setting up individual auctions, is that because the URL remains the same it is far easier to promote. This means that you can drive more traffic to your auctions, which statistically should result in a greater number of bids and sales.

There are a number of ways you can promote your eBay store, but most of the best ways are also the simplest. For example, making sure you include a link to your store from every auction you run can greatly increase targeted traffic; if someone is already looking at one of your auctions then there is a good chance they’ll be interested in similar items in your store. A simple link such as ‘click here to view my other items for sale’ sounds so obvious, but there are many people who don’t even think to do this.

Similarly, adding a link to your eBay store to any communication which you have with bidders on your auction is a good way to drive extra traffic to your auction; for example, you could add a link to any receipts and invoices which you send to winning bidders, as well as including a link as part of an email signature when communicating with bidders. You could also include the link in emails which you send to family and friends; many will visit your store out of curiosity, and some because there is an increased level of trust as they already know you, they may be inclined to bid.

Promoting your eBay store is very similar to promoting a website, so many of the techniques are the same. For example, writing articles and posting them on article directories or as guest posts on blogs with a link to your store can be a great way to drive more potential bidders to your auction.

Similarly, actively participating in forum discussions related to the goods which your store sells, using a link in your forum signature to promote your store, can also significantly help to drive traffic to your store. It is important to read forums’ rules on links within signatures, as some forums frown upon this and see it as no more than spamming.

If your eBay store is selling high volumes then it may be worth upgrading your store to become featured. This does involve some extra costs, but for popular stores the extra sales which being featured can bring to the store will outweigh the costs.


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