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Community Update 107

A ridiculous amount of great videos this week, including a cool base tour, a live-action Rust film, speed art, and more.

11 October 2016
The header is from Rhinocrunch's Channel and the virtual paint brush of Tatten. As you can see, it's the usual slice-of-Rust image that he does so well, but there's a small twist. That base? It was in game, built by Rhino and his team, and recorded in a base tour a while ago. Like some sort of magic painting, let's step inside and see what the base looks like from ground level... and by that I mean just smoosh your face against the monitor and scroll down until you see the video. Such a neat idea. I believe this fulfills the criteria of 'mixed media', which means games are definitely art. Here's a larger version of the image, btw. Thanks, Rhino!
Rust: Raider Rampage
The more I watch this live action Rust movie, the more I'm impressed by a tiny detail. There's the costumes, and the weapons, the joke about meat in Legacy tasting better, but my favourite part is the Code Lock that looks like it's made out of Plasticine. That's the real star. Well done, Film Siege. This is great. Love the ending. And would you like to see how they made this? Sort of? Kind of? Ok, here you are. Now to add a Plasticine lock to the game!
Speed Painting
Well, not really. I mean, this is speeded up painting, but also done swiftly nevertheless. It's a collection of Bizzlesnaff's art, as often seen in Ser Winter's vids. Having a clan artist is probably the sign you've made it in Rust: your base takes on a whole new personality when it looks good, and you'd want to protect this stuff, as well as make a base that shows it all off. There is more on his channel, but also clearly not enough.
Further Art
And here we are, the bit with the art. On the left is Scottish™'s sketch; the right is another gif by Seb. That was art.
Rust Your Enthusiasm
Within the past month, Brunt Force Trauma has turned Rust into GTA, added another episode of Extremely Flawed Detective, and now this... I don't think there's a Youtube channel out there with the breadth of scope as this incredibly filthy and grim group. If you think about that ending, not even Larry David went that far. It's closer to Costanza.
And Finally...
This is a couple of months old now, but it's great. Via Classypax and also BooG. That made me feel all warm inside, mate.
Get In Touch
Think you're working on something awesome? Tell me all about it. Now's the time to share your base designs, or get into the growing Raid Cam business, or show off a game-mode from your server, or if your server has an interesting theme. There's a dedicated forum post, or you can fish for upvotes in the Subreddit. I also shuffle around the the Steam Community, so feel free to show me to things from there. You can follow and respond to Rust on Twitter, and I'm on there as well. I can't respond to everything, but I read every comment and take it all in.


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