Saturday, June 1, 2024
Kentucky baby found in maggot infested stroller loaded with drugs

Kentucky baby found in maggot infested stroller loaded w/ drugs

Scandal and Gossip
Joshua Lee Goldman, Glendale, Arizona dad, shot dead by 14 year old son.

Arizona teen, 14, shoots Glendale dad dead after argument w/ sister

Scandal and Gossip
Adrienne Harborth teacher at Lamar CISD viral videos

Texas elementary teacher explicit videos make school rounds

Scandal and Gossip
Kentucky baby found in maggot infested stroller loaded with drugs

Kentucky baby found in maggot infested stroller loaded w/ drugs

Scandal and Gossip
Tiffany McCord and Thomas Parker Kentucky parents busted with cache of drugs in baby's maggot infested stroller after observed acting suspiciously.  Probably not the parents of...
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5 Reasons to Turn Your Photos into a Hardcover PhotoBook

5 Reasons to Publish Your Photos in a Hardcover Book

Pop Culture
5 Reasons to Turn Your Photos into a Hardcover PhotoBook: Innovative ways of treasuring memories and photos as gift ideas Are you an established or...
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Joshua Lee Goldman, Glendale, Arizona dad, shot dead by 14 year old son.

Arizona teen, 14, shoots Glendale dad dead after argument w/ sister

Scandal and Gossip
Joshua Lee Goldman, Glendale, Arizona dad, shot dead by 14 year old teen son after the boy overhead the father arguing with his sister...
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Adrienne Harborth teacher at Lamar CISD viral videos

Texas elementary teacher explicit videos make school rounds

Scandal and Gossip
Adrienne Harborth elementary teacher at Lamar CISD viral video makes the rounds as educator now claims being the victim of revenge p*rn as investigation...
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Jamal Mitchell Minneapolis police officer shot dead by mass shooting suspect pretending to be victim

Minneapolis cop killed by mass shooter pretending to be shooting victim

Scandal and Gossip
Jamal Mitchell Minneapolis police officer shot dead by shooting suspect pretending to be shooting victim in ambush shooting responding to calls of mass shooting...
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Annabelle Jenkins Idaho high school graduate protests school district's book banning

Idaho high school graduate defiant stand over book banning

Scandal and Gossip
Annabelle Jenkins Idaho high school graduate defiant stand against her school district's book banning as the teen explains what motivated her as her actions...
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Kara Bryson, Waynesville, North Carolina high school cheerleader killed after tree falls on trailer during storm.

High school cheerleader killed after tree falls on her during storm

Scandal and Gossip
Kara Bryson, Waynesville, North Carolinia high school cheerleader killed after tree falls on trailer she was sheltering in with friends during sudden storm.  A high...
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Payton Shires Ohio social worker pleads guilty to sexual misconduct of 13 year old teen boy

Ohio social worker pleads guilty to having sex w/ teen during 3 way call

Scandal and Gossip
Payton Shires, Ohio social worker pleads guilty to four counts of sexual misconduct with 13 year old teen patient who she was suppose to...
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Robert Marcu Florida dad chokes 10 year old boy following altercation with his son at park.

Dad arrested choking 10 year old boy who picked on his son

Scandal and Gossip
Robert Marcu Florida dad strangles 10 year old boy following altercation with his son at park in Sunny Isles Beach, viral video captures.  ‘I wanted...
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Dillon McCormick 90 year old USAF veteran to retire after $222K GoFundme fundraiser

90 year old veteran working at grocery store to retire after $222K GoFundme

Scandal and Gossip
Dillon McCormick 90 year old veteran working at Louisiana grocery store to retire after $222K GoFundme fundraiser started by former New Orleans news anchor...
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Micah Price Kentucky high school graduate denied diploma after praising Jesus and telling attendees to seek out God during graduation speech. 

KY high school student denied diploma after praising Jesus during graduation speech

Scandal and Gossip
Micah Price Kentucky high school graduate denied diploma after praising Jesus and telling attendees to seek out God during graduation speech.  What if he had...
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Lisa Fitzgerald, Morristown, N.J woman has leg amputated by NJT train only to then lift herself back on the platform.

NJ woman has leg amputated by train, then lifts self up on platform

Scandal and Gossip
Lisa Fitzgerald, Morristown, N.J woman has leg amputated by NJT train only to then lift herself back on the platform and call for help...
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Actor accused of beating Hollywood makeup artist gf had prior domestic violence citations

Scandal and Gossip
Nick Pasqual actor boyfriend of Hollywood makeup artist, Allie Shehorn stabbed more than 20 times had prior domestic violence citations and restraining order placed...
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Robert Kawada, Brookline, Massachusetts man tricks pregnant girlfriend to take abortion pills he claimed were iron pills

Man tricks pregnant gf to take abortion pills he claimed were iron pills

Scandal and Gossip
Robert Kawada, Brookline, Massachusetts man tricks pregnant girlfriend to take abortion pills he claimed were iron pills and vitamin pills. Incriminating web searches also...
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Clear Lake, Texas woman in her 60's, found in jaws of alligator in Houston bayou.

Woman in her 60’s found dead inside alligator’s mouth

Scandal and Gossip
  Remains of Clear Lake, TX woman, 60's, found dead in jaws of alligator at Houston bayou one day after she went missing. Texas police...
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