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Stepford County Railway Wiki

The British Rail Class 185 Desiro is a diesel multiple-unit manufactured by Siemens, in use on both Stepford Connect and AirLink. These trains are formed of 3 or 6 ( AirLink double unit) coaches and cost 1,500 points. The Double AirLink Class 185 can be unlocked after purchasing the single variant AirLink train.

  • Class 185 (CN)
  • Class 185 (AL)

Class 185 (AL)


Train Information

Cost Speed
1,500 Points 100 MPH (161 km/h)
Coaches Doors
6 (Double)
24 (Double)
Manufacturer Family
Siemens Transportation Systems Desiro

Local door

Rear cab door

Powered by

Diesel engine with hydrodynamic transmission

Service Information

Operated by

Airlink 2020 withoutbackground Airlink 2020 withoutbackground

Date put into service

31 December 2018
29 May 2019 ( NGv1)
27 February 2022 ( NGv3)

The British Rail Class 185 Desiro is a diesel multiple-unit manufactured by Siemens, in use on AirLink. These trains are formed of 3 or 6 (Double unit) coaches and costs 1,500 points.

Trivia[ ]

  • Until the introduction of the Class 717 in V1.8.2, the double unit was the only 6-coach train in use.
    • However, it was not the first 6-coach train in use, as Class 700 units were in-game pre- The Big Update.
  • This was the first train with a double variant.
  • There is a 1% chance that one of the 3 car AirLink units can be numbered 185185.
  • The double unit has the same unit number for both units, despite being different units. This is likely a coding limitation. This also applies to the Class 43, Class 68, Class 143/7, Class 158/7, Class 165/1 and Class 195/2.
  • The AirLink variant was the first paper/legacy train in the game to be converted into a Next Generation train with working doors and interiors. The Class 158 and Class 508 were never paper, they were added to the game Next Generation.
    • Until V1.3.10, the pre-NG AirLink variant could be seen at Bodin TrainCare.
  • The double unit is the longest DMU in SCR, at 6 coaches.
  • When the AirLink variant got received a new livery, the AirLink logo was added in the front of the train, similar to the other NGv3 AirLink trains.
  • This is the only diesel AirLink train.
  • This is the shortest AirLink train.

Sounds[ ] opening closing

Trivia[ ]

  • The Class 185s were not often in service due to its poor texturing. In V1.1, this changed, as they were refurbished and the usage also increased when they were upgraded to Next Generation.
    • However, these trains then had noisy motor sounds compared to the other trains, so they started getting unfavourable in around V1.3.20.
      • The motor sounds were changed in V1.8.1 and are more realistic and less irritating compared to the old sounds.
  • This is one of the five trains to be on more than one operator at a time, ( Stepford Connect and AirLink).
    • However, this does not mean you can get both versions with a one-time purchase. They are separated into (CN) and (AL), which is not the same in the game code.
    • The other are the Class 195 and the Class 730, both on Stepford Connect and Waterline, the Class 360, on Stepford Connect and AirLink and the Class 397 on Airlink and Express.
  • The Class 185 is the first train in SCR to offer First Class accommodation. On a single AirLink unit, it is located at the front where you start driving from. On a Double AirLink unit, it is located in the middle.
    • The first class section on Stepford Connect units is declassified, having standard class seats in the normal 2+2 configuration and a glass divider.
  • The double AirLink Class 185 is the only train to have its First Class seats located in the middle. This also makes it unique in announcements.
  • The Class 185 is the train used in QD trainings.
  • The door chimes of this train were not accurate to real life, as the real life Class 185 uses the same door chimes used on the Desiro UK trains, but the sound has been edited to produce an unusually low pitch compared to the 'traditional' Desiro door sound.
    • This was later fixed in V1.8.1, along with a sound update for every other train in the Desiro family.
  • A problem was encountered during this train's upgrade to NGv1, due to the length of the double variant and the wheels. As a result, a new movement system was also implemented alongside the upgrade, in V1.3.1.

Sneak peek of the mesh AirLink Class 185, revealed on 20 February 2022

Gallery[ ]

  1. Class 185 Driver - Roblox

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