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Streets of Rogue creator needs to ramp up the carnage with a聽sequel

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Streets of Rogue allow you to get away with some fairly daft stuff. Want to make a revenue on the zombie apocalypse? Sorted. Feel like possessing the clone of a scientist to kill his genetic supply? Gotcha. But developer Matt Dabrowski reckons there鈥檚 much more mayhem he can throw into the Streets of Rogue blender, and has introduced plans for a sequel to ship simply that. After all, what in the event you may match these 5 bloodthirsty gorillas in a truck?

The of us down within the RPS treehouse (or their respective branches wot with the lockdown and all) favored themselves a little bit of Streets of Rogue. A wildly systemic roguelikelike in a procedural tower filled with shrink rays, werewolves and black market McNuggets, Brendy referred to as it 鈥渁 small and cheerful antidote to the relatively plain-faced immersive sims of the blockbuster sort鈥 in his Streets of Rogue review. We reckon it鈥檚 certainly one of the best co-op games you can play on PC.

Posting in an update announcement for model 88 (itself largely a group of bug-fixes), Dabrowski famous that new options for Streets of Rogue are within the pipeline. But to go additional, Dabrowski reckons he鈥檒l need to make a complete new game, constructing from the tech base he鈥檚 established over the past half-decade.

鈥淪treets of Rogue has now been in development for over six years, with the game being playable from start to finish for nearly two years. It鈥檚 become more and more difficult to add new features to the game that are impactful, but won鈥檛 break the existing game or fundamentally change the gameplay. I鈥檇 like to take Streets of Rogue in some big new directions, but it鈥檚 tough to do so within the current structural confines of the game I鈥檝e created.鈥滭/p>

Now, Dabrowski doesn鈥檛 count on to have something to point out for an excellent whereas but. For the time being, he plans to 鈥渆xperiment with new tech and toy around with new systems鈥? as he figures out what Streets of Rogue 2 (or no matter it finally ends up calling itself) finally ends up wanting like.

Breaking away from the Streets of Rogue base could let him take some dramatic steps, thoughts, as his submit toys with the thought of autos or shifting to an open-world construction 鈥 and whereas his focus will probably be shifting in direction of the sequel, enhancements to the engine could discover their method again into the unique launch.

For essentially the most half, although, it sounds like every sequel will probably be largely iterative 鈥 extra of the identical, however larger and (hopefully) higher. But hey, if meaning Matt can proceed his supersized gorilla rampage, or let Nate watch a wrestler flip a person into paste with a turbo-charged leaf-blower, that鈥檚 superb by us.

After all, what鈥檚 another totally normal day in Streets of Rogue?


Matt Dabrowski, Streets of Rogue

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