JAPAN SHOWCASE | A guide to Japan's prefectures and major cities


A guide to Japan's prefectures and major cities

  • Tokyo to Nagasaki: Modern marvels to natural retreats


    Tokyo to Nagasaki: Modern marvels to natural retreats

    While Tokyo's neon nights and nonstop energy draw visitors to Japan, the city also acts as a gateway to the country's diverse regions. After experiencing the technological marvels of Tokyo, the beauty of Nagasaki awaits only about a two-hour flight away.

  • Tokyo and Kagoshima: A look into Japan's city life and natural escapes


    Tokyo and Kagoshima: A look into Japan's city life and natural escapes

    One of the most vibrant cities in the world, Tokyo is typically the first stop for most travelers in Japan. However, with so much to see and do, it can be hard to know where to start. A great way to get a glimpse of…

  • Taking the town and country approach in Japan


    Taking the town and country approach in Japan

    by Noam Katz
    Special to The Japan Times

    For travelers to Japan, Tokyo naturally stands out as a key destination, whether for its convenient access, or its economic, political and cultural clout. But any visit to Tokyo would hardly be complete without a stop in Shibuya.The reason? This vibrant city within the metropolis…

  • Pockets of 'old Japan' across Tokyo and Oita


    Pockets of 'old Japan' across Tokyo and Oita

    Tokyo and Oita, both of which are attractive tourists destinations, appear to be worlds apart on different islands. However, it is only an about 90-minute flight from Tokyo's Haneda Airport to Oita Airport. Experiencing quintessential Tokyo and Oita in three nights and four days is…

  • Local pride across the Noto Peninsula

    Ishikawa Prefecture

    Local pride across the Noto Peninsula

    It’s easy to get swept away by the pulse of neon and riot of information that surges throughout Tokyo every day. However, on a tour highlighting the city’s more tranquil locales and the farther flung charms of Ishikawa Prefecture to the west, I found they…

  • Searching for space in Hiroshima


    Searching for space in Hiroshima

    A big metropolis can be an absorbing experience, but sometimes you just need a little room. Tokyo offers pockets of that — everything feels great when standing on the Sky Deck of Roppongi Hills, or when zooming around the streets from the top of a…

  • The Japan waiting out west


    The Japan waiting out west

    by Noam Katz
    Special to The Japan Times

    A trip to Japan would hardly be complete without time spent in Tokyo. Yet when the world's largest metropolitan area becomes bewildering at the ground level, get your bearings from the Tokyo City View perched atop Mori Tower in Roppongi Hills. Excellent views can be…

  • Tokyo to Fukuoka: Modern buzz contrasts with traditional culture


    Tokyo to Fukuoka: Modern buzz contrasts with traditional culture

    Say to most Japanese people that you are going to visit Fukuoka Prefecture and the first thing they'll probably mention is the local cuisine that you have to try such as the Hakata ramen or steamed eel. Certainly food is one of the most appealing…

  • Northeastern Honshu offers history, scenic villages and fresh seafood


    Northeastern Honshu offers history, scenic villages and fresh seafood

    Along the river that runs through the historic town of Aizu-Wakamatsu, in Fukushima Prefecture, stately Japanese inns with wooden facades evoke a sepia-tinted atmosphere of antiquity. Such enclaves of tradition can be found scattered around Fukushima, Japan's third largest province. The sleepy country towns, with…

  • Tokyo to Ehime shows contrasts of Japan


    Tokyo to Ehime shows contrasts of Japan

    An efficient transportation system is one of the great characteristics of Japan. Many tourists enjoy visiting multiple destinations in Japan in just a few days by taking advantage of punctual and frequent train and flight services.Spare four days…

  • Historical sightseeing in Kochi


    Historical sightseeing in Kochi

    Kochi, the southernmost prefecture on Shikoku, is famous for its Yosakoi dance, provincial, yet refined cuisine and lovely sand beaches, for a start.Kochi is also noted for being on the trail of the Shikoku Junrei (Shikoku 88-temple pilgrimage) and for being the home of Sakamoto…

  • Miyagi: The best Japan has to offer


    Miyagi: The best Japan has to offer

    Miyagi Prefecture lies north of Tokyo in the Tohoku region of Japan. Its capital city of Sendai is less than two hours from Tokyo via Japan's famous shinkansen. Matsushima, one of Japan's three most scenic views, lies only…

  • Hiroshima boasts natural beauty, rich history and true Japanese spirit


    Hiroshima boasts natural beauty, rich history and true Japanese spirit

    It is no secret that Japan is a land replete with natural beauty, a rich history and fantastic food. While these sentiments may seem cliche at times, they are certainly well deserved for a good reason. Tokyo is a must-see for anyone seeking some of…

  • The town and country heat beat


    The town and country heat beat

    by By Kit Nagamura
    Special for The Japan Times

    If you're visiting Japan in the summer, the heat will have you hotfooting it for green relief, or air-conditioned sightseeing spots. In Tokyo, shrines are your best go-to place for trees. Try Hatonomori Hachiman in…

  • Oita offers a heavenly experience in 'hell'

    Oita Prefecture

    Oita offers a heavenly experience in 'hell'

    Just two hours from Tokyo, people can visit a place called jigoku, or hell. Yet, for all the bad press hell tends to get, Japan's version in Oita Prefecture is actually pretty heavenly. Settled in the northeast of Kyushu, Oita is just a 90-minute flight…

  • Matsuyama celebrates literary contests, art of haiku

    Matsuyama City

    Matsuyama celebrates literary contests, art of haiku

    Matsuyama, the capital of Ehime Prefecture, is sometimes called the “Haiku Capital” because many famous haiku poets were born and raised there, including Shiki Masaoka.This year is indeed special as it marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of…

  • Tokyo to Fukushima: Route to enjoy modern, old Japan


    Tokyo to Fukushima: Route to enjoy modern, old Japan

    Known as the gateway to the great northeastern Tohoku region of Japan, Fukushima Prefecture features natural landscapes wholly different from those of Tokyo. Rather than neon and skyscraper dominated skylines, rugged peaks, crater lakes and ancient forests define Fukushima,…

  • The vanguard of science, technology and innovation

    Ibaraki Prefecture

    The vanguard of science, technology and innovation

    The city of Tsukuba in Ibaraki Prefecture has been the foremost science city in Japan, leading efforts on industrial innovation and pioneering elementary school education with the use of information and communications technology (ICT).Located about 50 kilometers northeast of Tokyo, Tsukuba is home to a…

  • World-class medical hub sees bright global future

    Kobe City

    World-class medical hub sees bright global future

    As the area with the largest concentration of medical research facilities in the country, there is good reason Kobe was chosen to host the G7 health ministers' meeting on Sept. 11 and 12.The Kobe Biomedical Innovation Cluster (KBIC) is a science park that is home…

  • Leading-edge technology in the heart of the country

    Nagano Prefecture

    Leading-edge technology in the heart of the country

    A G7 Transport Ministers' Meeting will be held in Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture, on Sept. 24 and 25. Located in the center of the country and boasting a variety of transportation networks, Nagano is easily accessible from anywhere in Japan. The prefecture is also known as…

  • Global economic experts to see recovery firsthand

    Sendai City

    Global economic experts to see recovery firsthand

    The G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting is scheduled to be held in Sendai from May 20 through May 21.During the two-day meeting at Hotel Sakan in the famed Akiu hot spring resort in a suburb of the Miyagi Prefecture capital, finance ministers…

  • Idyllic nature, hot springs and fine food await visitors

    Sendai City

    Idyllic nature, hot springs and fine food await visitors

    Special to The Japan Times

    I lower myself into the steamy 42 C water of my outdoor tub. While my mind is not yet awake (it's just 5:30 in the morning), my body feels fully alive, charged instantly by the onsen hot spring water of Akiu Onsen, famously known as…

  • Examining global education issues

    Okayama Prefecture

    Examining global education issues

    The G7 Education Ministers' Meeting will be held in Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture, on May 14 and 15, with related ministers of the Group of Seven and others from international organizations gathering to discuss global education challenges.Under the theme of "Innovation in Education," representatives from Japan,…

  • Leading the way to new energy

    Kitakyushu City

    Leading the way to new energy

    The G7 Energy Ministerial Meeting will be held in Kitakyushu on May 1 and 2, at which global issues on security and sustainability of energy will be discussed by the energy ministers of the Group of Seven — Japan, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and…

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