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Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

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1 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

2 community keep…away from chance make one’s own decision educate manage society n. 社区;社团 避免接近;远离 n. 机会;可能性 自己做决定 v. 教育;教导 v. 完成;应付 n. 社会 Words and Expressions

3 Lead-in Look at the school rules below, discuss with your partner whether these rules are reasonable or not, why? 1. Don’t smoke. 3. Don’t eat in the classrooms. 2. Don’t drive cars. 4. Don’t listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways. 5. Don’t fight. 6. Wear school uniform.

4 Well, I’m not allowed to fight at school. What rules do you have at school?

5 Well, I am good now. I agree. But I think that’s terrible for you.

6 objectives To learn to use should + be allowed to… to speak and discuss about what you are not allowed to do Agree and disagree

7 接龙 幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同 学应迅速读出并说出中文意思。 每人一词,按行 / 列依次接龙, 3 秒 内说不出,此行 / 列同学即失去此 答题机会,下一行 / 列同学接续。

8 cry lift poem field talk back manage hug badly awful society community educate smoke regret safety license chance

9 1. I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. 2. Do you think teenagers should be encouraged to make their own decisions? 3. Teenagers should not be allowed to have part-time jobs. 4. Do you think we may be allowed to take photos if we don’t use a flash? If you don’t use a flash, then it may be OK. No, I don’t agree with this. Teenagers are too young to make their own decisions. I agree. They aren’t serious enough. I disagree. They can learn a lot from working. Find the answer to the question.

10 1. You must clean your bedroom every day. 2. Parents should encourage teenagers to do social work for their community. 3. Can Lucy do her homework tomorrow instead? 4. Do you think we must keep teenagers away from the Internet? 5. Parents should give teenagers chances to make their own decisions. Rewrite the sentences according to the example. 4a

11 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Should teenagers____ (ask) to move out when they start working? In many Western countries, teenagers ____ (allow) to move out at eighteen. Their parents believe that they should _____ (educate) to take care of themselves from a young age. This way, when they ____ (start) working they can manage their own lives. 4b4b

12 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets. However, in most Asian societies, it is not common for teenagers to ____(move) out. Chinese parents believe that it is better for children to live with parents who can ___ (take) care of them. But the young should then look after their parents as they get older. That is why many Chinese adults ____ (continue) to live with their parents. 4b4b

13 You and your friend are starting an English club. Make a list of rules about what should and should not be allowed. Yes, but they should only use English-English dictionary. Members should be allowed to use dictionaries. 4c

14 You and your friend are starting an English club. Make a list of rules about what should and should not be allowed. Yes, and they can only speak English. I agree with you. Besides, I think members should be allowed to bring their friends here. 4c

15 小结: 英语表示同意或不同意的若干方法 非常赞同 I couldn't agree more! 我非常同意 ! That's absolutely true! 绝对没错 ! I'm with you on that. 我同意这点 ! Absolutely! 肯定了 ! That's exactly my opinion. 正是我所设想的 !

16 小结: 英语表示同意或不同意的若干方法 比较赞同 Yes, perhaps. 可能吧. Well, you've got a point there. 你说的还算有点道理. Mmm, possibly. 恩, 可能吧. I guess you could be right. 我想可能是吧.

17 小结: 英语表示同意或不同意的若干方法 委婉表示不赞同 I'm not so certain. 我不确定. I'm inclined to disagree with that. 我不太同 意你说的. I'm not so sure really. 我不是很同意. No, I don't think so really. 不, 我不这样认为.

18 小结: 英语表示同意或不同意的若干方法 I disagree with you entirely. 我绝对不同意你的观点. You must be joking. 你在说笑吧. 意见分歧 You can't be serious. 你不是认真的吧. I wouldn't go along with you there. 我想我们不能这点上达成共识.

19 本课时重点回顾 1. Teenagers should (not) be allowed to … I agree/ I disagree. 2. Your bedroom must be cleaned every day.

20 Now 2 mins to test your spelling. English-Chinese community society Chinese-English 远离 机会 教育 完成 When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.

21 根据学校的规定,补全对话。 School rules 1. No talking in the library 2. Wear uniform 3. Don’t arrive late for class 4. Keep the classroom clean 5. Don’t listen to pop music 注 : 另附 word 文档。 点击此处链接

22 A: What are the school rules, Alex? B: Well, we are not (1)______ to talk in the library. A: I (2)______. I don’t think anybody can talk in the library. B: we must wear school uniforms. A: I (3)_________. We should (4)__ (5)_______ to choose our own clothes. B: We mustn’t arrive late for class and we must (6)_____ the classroom clean. talked agree disagreebe allowed keep

23 A: I know. I think that’s right. B: We mustn’t listen to pop music. A:(7)_______? We mustn’t listen to pop songs (8)___ the classroom, but we (9)________ be allowed outside. B: I (10)_______ think this rule is fair, either. Really in should don’t

24 Homework 1. Write a passage about your home rules. 2. Preview the new words we will use in the next lesson.

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