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Passive Voice.

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1 Passive Voice

2 一.概念 主动语态 主语是动作的执行者 语态 被动语态 主语是动作的承受者 二.被动语态的构成: 助动词be+及物动词的过去 分词

3 三.被动语态的时态:以work 例: 一般现在时: am / is/are+ worked 一般过去时: was / were+ worked 现在进行时: am /is/are+ being+ worked 过去进行时: was /were+ being+ worked 现在完成时: have/has+ been+ worked

4 一般时态:am/is/are +过去分词 The Chinese food _____ to be the healthiest in the world. A. considers B. is considering C. is considered D. has considered 过去时态:was/were +过去分词 John ___ , for he went swimming yesterday without permission. A. would punished B. had punished C. punished D. was punished 现在进行时态:am/is/are +being +过去分词 ---- Have you moved into the new house ? ---- Not yet .Rooms _______. A. are painting B. are painted C. are being painting D. are being painted

5 过去进行时态:was/were + being +过去分词
.Mr. Wu was in hospital . when we went to see him , he ____on . A. operated B. was operated C. was operating D. was being operated 一般将来时态:will + be+过去分词 The new school ______ when the new term begins. A. finishes B. will finish C. will be finished D. would finish 过去将来时态:would + be+过去分词 The old scientist said that he __ to visit their country before long . A. invited B. had invited C. was inviting D. would be invited 现在完成时态:have/has + been +过去分词 With the help of the Hope Project, more and more new schools _____ in the poor area. A. built B. have built C. have been built D. have been building

6 四、被动语态的用法 (1) 不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁。 如: Some new computers were stolen last night. 一些新电脑在昨晚被盗了。 (不知道电脑是谁偷的)    This book was published in 1981. 这本书出版于1981年。

7 (2) 强调动作的承受者, 而不强调动作的执行者。
如: The window was broken by Mike. 窗户是迈克打破的。    This book was written by him. 这本书是他写的。

8 注意 1. 只有及物动词才有被动语态,不及物动词(词组)没有被动语态, 如:happen, take place, die, appear, disappear, fail, remain, lie, last, sit ,stand, break out, come true, belong to等.如: What has happened to your brother?

9 2.但许多不及物动词加介词或副词构成的短语
动词,相当于及物 动词,也可以有被动语态。 但短语动词是一个不可分割的整体,变为被动 语态时,不可丢掉构成短语的介词或副词。如: eg 1) The child has been taken good care of by Grandma Wang all these years. A notice has been put up on the wall.

10 3. 带有双宾语的动词变为被动语态时,可以把其中一个宾语变为被动语态的主语,若将直接宾语(sth
3.带有双宾语的动词变为被动语态时,可以把其中一个宾语变为被动语态的主语,若将直接宾语(sth.)变为主语,须根据习惯在原间接宾语前加上介词to或for 用to的常 见 词有:give, show, send, lend, pass, pay, teach, throw, take, bring etc. 用for的常见词有:make, choose, sing, play, draw, save, buy, get, leave, cook etc. 1. Mary gave him some books. He was given some books by Mary. Some books were given to him by Mary. 2. Her father bought her a new bike. She was bought a new bike by her father. A new bike was bought for her by her father.

11 4.特殊情况 (考试重点 ) 1)感官动词 ( taste ; feel ; smell ; sound ; look ) 用主动形式表示被动。 How sweet the music sounds ! Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth . 2) write、read、sell、keep、prove、weigh、number、drink、wear、pay、wash、open常用主动形式表被动意义。尤其是有副词 well, easily时。 The book sells well ( 这本书销路很好。 ) The door will not open ( 这扇门就是打不开。 ) This dress washes better . ( 这衣服较好洗。 ) The sign reads as follows . ( 这牌子告示如下。 )

12 3)need, demand, want(需要), require, be worth等后用动名词表被动。
The desk needs repairing. The novel is worth seeing. 注意:need后可接动名词表被动,又可接动词不定式的被动形式。但若有附加成分有用动词不定式的被动形式。比较: The desk needs repairing. The desk needs to be repaired this afternoon.

13 Change the following sentences into the
Passive Voice 1.They make TV sets in that factory . TV sets are made in that factory 2.Bell invented the telephone in 1876. The telephone was invented by Bell in 1876. 3.China has sent up man –made satellites into Space. Man –made satellites have been sent up into space .

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