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Alexa and Echo Device Reviews and Setup Guide

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Echo Device Reviews
Echo Device Setup Guide
Factory Reset Echo Devices

Because of Alexa’s growing popularity, you may already own a device or subscribe to a service that is compatible with Alexa. Alexa integrates with other devices and services using Alexa Skills. Some Alexa Skills can connect with your current subscriptions, like YNAB or Pandora. Others may interact with devices you already own, like the HP Printer skill, Find My Phone, or the iRobot Home skill.

Amazon Echo devices are very popular introductory items for new smart home enthusiasts, and it’s easy to see why! Echo devices are used to access Alexa, Amazon’s voice assistant. Alexa is not stored on the device, but lives in Amazon’s servers and is frequently updated and optimized. Her abilities are always changing and growing. Alexa can control smart home devices, answer general trivia questions, query your calendar, stream music, and so much more!

Echo devices, and Alexa, can be used as one of your smart home’s interfaces. An interface is a device used to control or automate your other smart home devices. Learn more about how interfaces work together with the other parts of the smart home.

Echo Device Reviews

Echo 3rd Gen.

The Echo 3 sports a modern look. It has a wider base, and much smoother finish than previous generations. It also has auxiliary input/output, so you can use it as an external speaker for any other device. The Echo 3 has the deepest bass of the bunch, which makes music streaming a much better experience than on other Echo devices. It’s an inexpensive smart speaker that can give an experience similar to other, more expensive, connected speakers. All that and a useful smart assistant wrapped into one!

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Echo Dot 3rd Gen.

The Echo Dot 3 is the perfect budget device for new smart home enthusiasts. The Echo Dot 3 is a large improvement over the Echo Dot 2. It has a much more robust and modern design, making it look closer to the Echo 3 than the Echo Dot 2. It works great as a music streaming device and can easily fill a room with sound.

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Echo Device Setup Guide

Setting up Echo devices is pretty easy using the Alexa app, which you can download through the App Store, or on Google Play.

Alexa app login page
If the app doesn't recognize the new Echo, you will need to navigate to the  More section on the bottom right of the screen.
Then click the top right corner to add a new Echo device.
  1. First, you will need to log in to the Alexa App, using your Amazon login details.
  2. If the app doesn’t recognize the new Echo, you will need to navigate to the More section on the bottom right of the screen.
  3. Then click the top right corner to add a new Echo device.
Select Amazon Echo from the device set up screen.
On the next page, choose the specific Echo device you are setting up.
Confirm that the device is plugged in and in setup mode, by tapping YES.
  1. Select Amazon Echo from the device set up screen.
  2. On the next page, choose the specific Echo device you are setting up.
  3. Confirm that the device is plugged in and in setup mode, by tapping YES.
When your Echo is discovered, the Alexa app will prompt you to continue set up. Choose the WiFi network you want to connect the device to and enter your credentials. You can also choose to save this network and password to simplify set up for future devices.
Your Echo will now attempt to connect to the WiFi network you chose.
You will get a prompt when the Echo connects successfully.
  1. When your Echo is discovered, the Alexa app will prompt you to continue set up. Choose the WiFi network you want to connect the device to and enter your credentials. You can also choose to save this network and password to simplify set up for future devices. 
  2. Your Echo will now attempt to connect to the WiFi network you chose.
  3. You will get a prompt when the Echo connects successfully.
The first question you will be asked, after you connect your Echo is which room it is located in. This question will create a group for that room and place the Echo inside it. If you just have the one Echo or are putting them all in different rooms, you can skip this question and keep everything separate.
Next, you'll be asked what address the Echo is at. You'll need to select or enter a new address to move on from this screen. A selected address will have a check mark off to the right. This is helpful for finding local information like the weather, drive times, and local business hours.
  1. The first question you will be asked, after you connect your Echo is which room it is located in. This question will create a group for that room and place the Echo inside it. If you just have the one Echo or are putting them all in different rooms, you can skip this question and keep everything separate. 
  2. Next, you’ll be asked what address the Echo is at. You’ll need to select or enter a new address to move on from this screen. A selected address will have a check mark off to the right. This is helpful for finding local information like the weather, drive times, and local business hours. 
  1. Now your Echo is set up, there are some more settings you may be interested in changing like the device’s name. To do this, click Echo & Alexa in the top left corner of the Devices screen.
    • Click the device to see all of its settings. Click Edit Name and give it a new name. 

Factory Reset Echo Devices

There always comes a point where a device is no longer working properly or begins acting strangely. In these cases, it’s a good idea to try to factory reset your device.

Echo and Echo Dot – 3rd Gen. Reset

Hold down the Action button (the one with the dot on it) for 25 seconds. The light ring will turn orange and the device will enter setup mode.


Amazon’s Echo devices are high quality smart speakers with a smart assistant rolled into one! With so many different types of Echo devices available, there’s bound to be one to fit your preferences. Different Alexa Skills can be used to meet your way or style of living. Alexa is getting smarter all the time and they keep adding updates to the Alexa ecosystem. You may be surprised by how many devices you currently own that are already compatible. To learn more about what Alexa is capable of, you can visit Amazon’s Alexa page.

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