Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Pon-pes Tebu Ireng

Tebuireng boarding school founded by Kyai Haji Hashim Ash, 脛么ari in 1899 AD This boarding school was established after returning from studying at a variety of leading boarding schools and in the soil of Mecca, to practice the knowledge they have gained.

Tebuireng was once a name of a small hamlet that are in Cukir, District Diwek, Jombang regency, East Java. It is located eight miles south of the town of Jombang, right on the edge of the highway Jombang, AI Kediri. According to local stories, Tebuireng name comes from, 脛煤kebo ireng, 脛霉 (black bull). [1] Another version has it that the name was taken from a courtier Tebuireng Majapahit kingdom who converted to Islam and then stay around the village.

Tebuireng hamlet was known as a hotbed of gambling, robbery, theft, prostitution and other negative behaviors. But since the arrival of K.H. Hashim ash, and students-santrinya 脛么ari, the pattern gradually changed people's lives, the better the village and community in Tebuireng negative behavior was eroded out. Beginning of missionary activity K.H. Hasyim Asy, 脛么ari centered in a building consisting of two small rooms of bamboo plaiting (Java: gedek), a former shop which covers approximately 6 x 8 meters, which he bought from a puppeteer. One room is used for teaching activities, while others as a place to live with his wife, Nyai Khodijah.

NU organizations spread across the provinces in Indonesia with over 400 branches, but the caretaker-caretaker NU territory whose business is real enough, among others, are located in East Java, Central Java, West Java, DKI Jakarta, North Sumatra, South Kalimantan, and South Sulawesi. [2] Currently, the existence of Tebuireng Boarding School has progressed well and has gained the attention of the wider community.

Pon-pes Gontor

Institute of Education Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor established on the date 20 September 1926/12 Rabi 'al-Awwal 1345

by three brothers:

K.H. Ahmad Sahal (1901 - 1977)

K.H. Zainudin Fananie (1908 - 1967)

K.H. Imam Zarkasyi (1910 - 1985)

5 Shawwal 1355 / December 19, 1936

Kulliyatu-l Mu'allimin al-Islamiyah (KMI), founded by KH Imam Zarkasyi.

A middle-school level, the study 6 th, to print the Islamic teachers, the system of boarding schools, teaches religious studies and general science in a balanced way.

Religious studies and languages ​​(Arabic and English) were presented with language lessons (not translated)


As an educational institution cadres printer clergy, became a place of worship Talab al-'ilmi; and a source of Islamic knowledge, the language of the Koran, and general science, while spirited schools.

A. Form generation superior to the formation of khaira ummah.

2. Educate and develop the next generation of Muslim believers, virtuous, able-bodied, broad berpengeta-huan, and free-thinking, and submissive to the public.

Taught general science and religion in balance towards the formation of an intellectual scholar.

Embody the personality Indonesia citizens who believe and fear of Allah SWT.

Smk Syubbanul Wathon

The Court is standing on a land area of ​​29 000 m2 and is located right in Magelang Tegalrejo Jl.kyai abdan no.3. Smk who stood in 2007 was the desire of the caregiver-Pon Pes tegal Rejo API is Bpk.KH.Abdurrahman Ch (mbah dur) and KH Alm. Joseph Ch (Gus Joseph) in response to the desire of citizens around the neighborhood who wanted to nyantri Tegalrejo but still nyambi with the school, for he was determined to establish both the existing cottage school.
Starting from a grant from the government to lodge $ 750 million to take care of him both begin with the letter and the letter of the establishment of vocational development, and which was given responsibility for building permits are: Mr. Izzudin (Gus Din), Bpk.Maman (Gus Kholil) and Pak Zitro Atray tanto. Responsible for the establishment of the letter is Mr. Hamdani and any needs such as creating a Green design, and master planning done in Jogja.
At the time of the initial review by the PM, then the CMS does not have infrastructure, and therefore the government gives 2 points as a temporary alternative, the STPP (College of Agricultural Extension) and Madrasah Aliyah Negri (MAN) Tegalrejo, and selected places and given permission by the government is held at Madrasah Aliyah Negri (MAN) Tegalrejo.
SMK SyubbanulWathon first operation at the beginning of the school year 2007/2008 with majors TKJ (Technical Computer and Network) at the MAN Tegalrejo for one year with the first batch of students numbering 110 Azka generation students, with the stewardship: Mr. Izzudien as principal, P.Zitro, P Fathurrahman P. Eko, and Bu. Umm as officers, and teachers as many as six people (Rico, Ninik, Ummi, Aji, Joko, and Tutik). By means of which still ride the MAN, and vocational school dormitory is under the Mosque of MAN, a boarding about 50% of the number of students.
Along with that party Smk was also undertaking the construction of school buildings are in Magelang Tegalrejo Jl.Kyai Abdan no.3 and can be used after 6 months of the first development. And learning to move from MAN to a new building coincided with the beginning of the school year 2008/2009 and the entry into force-2 and the addition of a teacher is Bazza Qira'ati team. Smk-owned facilities was limited to 10 computers and 6 local building can already be occupied, but even with limited facilities the students are still outstanding, as evidenced when students are called Qisti and get the champion 2 M.sakirun Na'im Indonesian and BLM District Magelang.
Bazza Diangkatan facilities plus the 40 new computers. And administrators and students who entered only increasing. At first Azka Force will face the National Exam, Smk Syubbanul Wathon not have permission to conduct its own examinations, and had to have its main office in Magelang N1 SMK, but they still get satisfactory results, ie 99% completion percentage and had won the first district level , as well as the UN force, but in the second generation SMK is accredited and can conduct its own examination, the results were 100% pass and also ranked first Magelang regency.
Because of these achievements SMK party gets a lot of help from many quarters, and the addition of buildings and fasilitaspun more rapidly along with the interest of new students coming in the next angkatan2, namely Cazza, Dalla, and Ezza.
On the force to 5 (Ezza) Smk has opened a new department that is Multimedia, thus smk now have two majors, TKJ and MULTIMEDIA.
Hopefully future Syubbanul wathon SMK could be more advanced ....
SMK Bisaa,,,,!
By: Maksum hidayat

Source : Zitro Atray  tanto

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Ponpes An-Nawawi Berjan

Boarding school located in the village Gintungan, District Gebang, Purworejo regency, Central Java was founded by Al Marhum Al Maghfurlah KH. Zarkasyi with the name "Mafatihul 'Ulum" was founded in 1870 M.KH. Zarkasyi is the son of Ky.Asnawi and Paste Dike was born in the village, Sidomulyo Purworejo. He received his religious education from his parents since childhood, and adulthood after he went to study in East Java pesantren Bangil.

After years - years of deepening the knowledge in a variety of boarding school, then he settled in the village of Dunglo, Baledono, Purworejo. Then the Shaykh Sholeh Army recommended to establish a mosque in Hamlet Berjan to provide two pieces of red bricks. And from that moment that stands a mosque which gradually evolved into a boarding school until recently.

Then in around 1960, this pesantren Pondok renamed "Maftahul Ulum" with the approval of the caregiver (KH. Nawawi). In 1965, when the leadership was continued by KH. Nawawi, son of KH. Shiddieq bin KH. Zarkasyi, the name of the boarding school was replaced with the name "Roudlotut Thullab" which means or Student Park Student Park, and later on January 7, 1996, to coincide with the 16th of Ramadhan 1416 H, again changed to "An - Nawawi" as we know it today.

An-Nawawi Ponpes now led or taken care of by KH.Chalwani, Son KH Nawawi Caregivers Ponpes dai before. KH Chalwani raised and educated from a boarding school to boarding school

others, as it also get a formal education provision.

Boarding school - boarding school, among others:

A. Boarding Al Munawwir Krapyak Yogyakarta.

2. Boarding Hidayatul Mubtadi'in Lirboyo Kediri, and

3. Boarding School - Boarding School Other.

At this developmental msa KHChalwani kepemimpina boarding an-Nawawi rapidly growing and increasingly popular fame everywhere, it is proved by the increasing number of students who come for the mole who came from various regions, both from within and outside Java island Java island and there are even who come from abroad, such as high head holder malaysia.Sebagai Boarding School, KH. Achmad Chalwani well aware that a big goal, noble begun by his predecessors, is a mandate that must be nurtured and developed, and an endeavor to increase in line with the times by not leaving a characteristic salafiyahnya boarding. It is intended that the existence of boarding school and its role in the present and future will be able to do more and can provide a greater contribution to the promotion of the dignity of life around it. Besides various regions minus shipping preachers, majlis gatherings and various selapanan always continue to be performed and developed.

Ponpes Watucongol Muntilan

Serambi pon-pes
Pondok pesantren Watucongol, adalah pesantren salaf yang sudah sangat tua. pondok ini terletak di daerah Gunungpring kecamatan Muntilan, kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah.Pondok Pesantren ini didirikan oleh Syaikh Al-Haj Dalhar bin Abdurrahman seorang ulama shaleh yang sangat kharismatik dan terkenal seantero jagat ini. beliau dilahirkan di komplek pesantren Darussalam, Watucongol, Muntilan, Magelang pada hari Rabu, 10 Syawal 1286 H atau 10 Syawal 1798 – Je (12 Januari 1870 M)
Mbah Dalhar

Saat ini pondok pesantren Watucongol dipimpin oleh Kiai Ahmad Abdul Haq (Mbah Mad). Ia sangat disegani oleh banyak ulama lainnya karena kharisma dan 'kewalian' yang dipercayai masyarakat ada padanya. Tatkala ada yang sakit, ada hajat, mau maju jadi pejabat, kebanyakan orang akan 'sowan' ke Mbah Mad untuk minta doa restu. Bahkan, Gus Dur, Megawati, Wiranto, Akbar Tanjung dan tokoh negeri ini pernah datang ke Pondok Pesantren ini.
Mbah Mad

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Ponpes Lirboyo Kediri

Lirboyo, adalah nama sebuah desa yang digunakan oleh KH Abdul Karim menjadi nama Pondok Pesantren. Terletak di barat Sungai Brantas, di lembah gunung Willis, Kota Kediri. Awal mula berdiri Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo berkaitan erat dengan kepindahan dan menetapnya KH Abdul Karim ke desa Lirboyo, sekitar tahun 1910 M.
Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo berkembang menjadi pusat studi Islam sejak puluhan tahun sebelum kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia. Bahkan dalam peristiwa-peristiwa kemerdekaan Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo ikut berperan dalam pergerakan perjuangan dengan mengirimkan santri-santrinya ke medan perang seperti peristiwa 10 November 1945 di Surabaya.
Sebagai Pusat pendidikan Islam, Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo mencetak generasi bangsa yang cerdas ruhaniyah, juga smart-intelektual, mumpuni dalam keberagaman bidang, juga keberagamaan Islam yang otentik. Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo memadukan antara tradisi yang mampu mengisi kemodernitasan dan terbukti telah melahirkan banyak tokoh-tokoh yang Shaleh Keagamaan, sekaligus shaleh sosial.

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Api Tegalrejo

Boarding School Dormitory salaf with the name of Islamic Education (API) is established if the KH. Chudlori bin H. Ichsan Krajan Village, District Tegalrejo, Magelang district on October 1, 1944 AD To the surrounding community and the students are boarding there, more popularly called as the name of the API rather than the name of Islam as the official university residence more comfortable and simple in hearing it.

College Dormitory name of Islam and was taken by KH. Chudlori different with the name of another cottage to an Arab-Arab because mentradisikan Indonesian and it is expected that students boarding there may be a role model after a teacher became alumni.

Dutch atrocities during the independence war II years of 1948-1949 was felt by all students and caretakers of this PP. Buildings and their schools are books of the caregivers in 1948 destroyed and burned by the Dutch. Consequently, for one full year after the events, activities have fathrah Tegalrejo PP (vacuum), with no activity. New in 1950 by KH. Ichsan Chudlori son, son-KH Dalhar, Chairman PP Watucongol, Muntilan Magelang regency. PP Tegalrejo built again.

with students who continue to rise until the number reached 4000 students to the KH. Chudlori died and continued by his sons, namely KH. Abdurrohman Ch.

  PP has a lot of alumni who gave birth to become community leaders. whether it be a religious scholars and people who can be useful in the community. Alumni example API Tegalrejo a very famous and a key figure in Indonesia is KH.Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur)

Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

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