PS4 vs PS5: Should you upgrade or stick with the older generation PlayStation? | Gaming News

PS4 vs PS5: Should you upgrade or stick with the older generation PlayStation?

PS4 vs PS5: More than one year has passed since the launch of PS5. If you are still holding on to your PS4, is this the right time to upgrade or is the PlayStation 4 going on strong? Find out.

| Updated on: Aug 22 2022, 13:39 IST
PS4 vs PS5
PS4 vs PS5: Do you need to make the jump to PlayStation 5 or does the older console still offer value for money? Find out below. (PlayStation)

PS4 vs PS5: It has been around one-and-a-half years since the PlayStation 5 was first released. Initially, many gamers felt reluctant to upgrade to the newer console because new games typically take a while to develop for a console and as such, PS5 was always going to run the risk of getting less games. And on top of that, PlayStation announced backward compatibility for the first time in its consoles, meaning the games made for PS5 would also be playable on PS4, provided the developers put in the extra work. On the other hand, the PS5 has all the spectacular specifications and features like 4K resolution, ray tracing support, 120 FPS and more. So, should you upgrade to PS5 or will PS4 still give you value for money? Read on to find out.

PS4 vs PS5: Game titles

Publishers continue to release games which are compatible with both PS4 and PS5, and today there are more PS4 titles being released than before 2020. However, if we talk about the exclusives, PS4 has about 10 exclusive titles compared to a large list of exclusive titles for PS5, which continues to grow. If you stick with PS4, you might still get titles but all the upcoming games will not be available to you. But for now, if you do not want to upgrade, this will not be a huge deal breaker.

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PS4 vs PS5: Price

On Flipkart, you can get the 1TB PS4 for Rs. 29,990. On the other hand, the PS5 Digital Edition is priced at Rs. 39,990, and the PS5 console costs Rs. 49,990. So, there is a significant price bump for someone to invest in PS5.

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PS4 vs PS5: Graphics and Performance

If graphics and performance is what you are looking for, then the choice is pretty simple. PlayStation 5 comes with ray tracing, HDR support, up to 120FPS, haptic feedback with DualSense controllers and more for compatible games which takes the gaming experience to a different level.

So, should you upgrade to PS5 or stick with PS4? The answer depends on whether you are comfortable burning a Rs. 49,990 hole in your pocket for superior performance or are you largely satisfied with the performance and slow but steady flow of new games coming in for the PS4. Now, only you can decide which one fits you better.

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First Published Date: 05 Jul, 16:38 IST
Tags: playstation

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