
Top 5 Beauty iOS Apps For The iPad


Forget motoring games, shoot em ups or Mario, our favourite iPad apps are all about health and beauty. There are all kinds of beauty apps available depending on what advice you are looking for – you can browse nail care tips, try different hairstyles and make up on yourself using a photo uploaded from your camera roll, or learn how to do a glamorous updo for a wedding or other special occasion.

Below are our pick of the beauty apps – which ones have you already tried and loved?

1. Beautylish

Beautylish iOS AppThis is our go to for absolutely everything beauty – on Beautylish you can look at fantastic nail art and beauty looks submitted by other users, check out top rated hair and make up products, and share what you love with your social network.

Other great features include expert tips, step-by-step tutorial videos and a forum where you can chatter away about your favourite make up and beauty products with likeminded users. Download now!

2. InStyle Hairstyle Try-On

InStyle Hairstyle Try-On iOS AppWe’ve all lusted after a celebrity hairstyle, gone into the salon with a picture and emerged hours later feeling thoroughly disappointed and looking more drab than A-list fab – but never again thanks to this fabulous InStyle iPad app.

Simply upload a photo and you can try on the hairstyles of a massive selection of famous faces, from Jessica Alba and Katy Perry to Beyonce, Jennifer Aniston, Blake Lively and Reese Witherspoon. If you upgrade to the premium version of the app you can try on more than 500 different hairstyles, get personalised recommendations and try the very latest celeb hairstyles – if an A-lister gets a fringe you’ll be the first to know!

3. Beauty Product Reviews

Beauty Product Reviews iOS AppIf you’re looking for a new mascara or foundation, or on the hunt for a nail polish which isn’t going to chip after one day (aren’t we all) then the Total Beauty app is for you. It’s easy to be sucked into buying a product through marketing spiel but this app has more than 280,000 beauty product reviews submitted by users, helping you to make the best decision.

As well as this you can compare prices, ensuring you get the product you’re after for the best possible price.

4. MySkin

mySkin iOS AppThis app is like having your very own dermatologist to hand all the time. If you’re anything like me you’ll be left dumbfounded when it comes to defining your skin type – sure it’s oily in places but some days it’s dry, some days it’s spotty and on rare occasions I can get away with no foundation.

After an initial consultation MySkin will tell you your skin type, give you a shopping list of all the best products to opt for and advise on the best skincare routines for your skin type. Tips might include swapping creams for light lotions if you have oily skin, and opting for products which have a lot of anti-oxidants if you’re prone to breakouts.

5. Women’s Health Magazine

Womens Health Mag iOS AppIf you’re thinking about trying a new workout regime, you want to start eating healthier or you’re feeling a little rundown and want some pick me up tips the iPad app from Women’s Health Magazine is ideal for you.

This app is mainly based on content from the print version of the magazine. Articles you could find on the app include 15 minute fitness routines, advice pieces on how to eat healthily (but still enjoy a treat) and loads of fitness-inspired fashion shoots and advice articles, from tips on which trainers to wear to the gym to fashionable outfits which have a sporting edge.

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