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Продолжительность видеоклипа: 00:11Кадров в секунду: 29.97Соотношение сторон: 16:9Подписанное разрешение модели. Стандартная лицензия на видео
hd00:13Woman has trouble sleeping flips channels on TV - HD
4k00:06Family sleeping deeply in bed in small apartment at night. Woman and man lying on the white pillow covered with a blanket.
4k00:35Young couple having problems with sex.
hd00:18Hip young man watches TV in swanky hotel bedroom
hd00:14Woman in bed looking at man on far edge of bed and sighing heavily, conflict
hd00:25Business trips, people traveling, working in hotel room , redhead female Manager goes to bed in large spacious bed.
hd00:13Man relaxes in bed watches TV
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4k00:09Red hand spinner, rotating on man's hand. Man in a suit spinning a fidget spinner in his office at his desk. Twists on the nose. 4k. Slow motion
hd00:23Black woman carrying baby on her shoulder
hd00:10Video of a woman opening her blue eye
hd00:21Mother and Baby. Happy Family. Mom With her Child smiling and laughing at home.
4k00:14Stylish Women Listening to Music in Headphones and Dancing Energetic and Rhythm in Slow Motion. Pretty and Attractive 20s Girl Brunette Looking at Camera Indoors with Colourful Purple Neon CloseUp 4K
hd00:10the groom is going to the wedding ceremony dress watches and straightens his shirt in a suit, emotions slow motion, stylish fashionable bride groom wedding charges an elegance bride
4k00:09A young mother unbuckling her baby daughter from her car seat
4k00:12Beautiful Girl Unfolds Letter With Her Boyfriend and They Both are Really Happy with The News. They Hug. Slow Motion. Shot on RED Cinema Camera in 4K (UHD).
4k01:38CIRCA 1930 - In this stop-motion animated film, a boy breaks a girl's window trying to get her attention, and uproots a fence she can use as a ladder.
4k00:50CIRCA 1940 - In this animated film, a little boy summons a raccoon and squirrel to come play with him.
4k00:54CIRCA 1928 - In this animated film, telephones sing about their uses.
hd00:17Children bodyboarding in ocean waves at Myrtle Beach SC vacation. Family having fun surfing together at Myrtle Beach SC. Ocean fun and family time in water. Children playing in ocean.
hd00:12Children playing in swimming pool on summer day. Happy children having fun in outdoor swimming pool while on vacation together.
hd00:07Children running roadside lemonade stand in summer on the side of the road trying to earn money. Little entrepreneurs setting up business to make money on side of road.
hd00:29Children ice skating on frozen pond in Canada on winter day at Christmas. Family having fun going ice skating in the great outdoors in winter.
hd00:15Family having fun snow sledding downhill at Christmas in Canada. Children enjoying riding on sled in countryside. Family having fun with winter activities in white snow.
hd00:09Youth bodyboarding in ocean waves at Myrtle Beach SC vacation. Children having fun playing in ocean waves surfing on bodyboards. Riding waves at Myrtle Beach South Carolina.
hd00:09Youth bodyboarding in ocean waves at Myrtle Beach SC vacation. Children having fun playing in ocean waves surfing on bodyboards. Riding waves at Myrtle Beach South Carolina.
hd00:09Kids playing on stairs. Children riding down stairs on old mattress having fun playing inside. Young children enjoying playing on steps.
У нас есть более 21 млн видео (по состоянию на 31 марта 2021 г.).

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