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TAP Dancing

ISTD Syllabus

The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD) is one of the world鈥檚 leading dance examination boards. Since 1904 they have provided training for dance teachers and examiners, enabling teachers to enter their students for examinations, develop new techniques and spread the joy of dance. 聽聽Most top Dance Colleges in the UK follow the ISTD syllabus.

ISTD Tap has evolved as an American dance form, popularised throughout the world, with debate about its origins coming from African dance, Irish dance and/or clog dancing. The dancer uses their feet to strike the floor, beating out different rhythms, with dancers wearing tap shoes which have small metal plates on the toe and heel to give the distinctive sound. Tap dance is a theatrical art form often seen on stage in musicals.


For younger children.
We offer linked classes and lots of fun

From the age of 4,聽students are introduced to the basics such as rhythm, where fun movement encourage a sense of rhythm and learn to tap on the balls of their feet in time to the music.聽 We combine the Primary Tap with the Primary Modern in a linked class so they can experience both genres from this young age and gain the all strengths that go hand in hand

Grades One to Six

There are six grades for students to progress
through, as they develop their skills and technique

Grade 1

The steps and exercises from the Primary grade are now extended to longer sequences and new steps are introduced to travel and improvisation to use their spatial awareness

Grade 2

Students are now confident with the basic moves, so at this level more complex steps are introduced including 'pick ups' on two feet, 'Turning steps' and longer Amalgamations. These will be practised and extended throughout the higher levels

Grade 3

Building on confidence gained in previous levels, steps such as timesteps will be given added beats and pick ups can be performed on one foot. They will perform individually and incorporated all new steps into stunning performances

Grade 4

By grade 4 students are showing excellent potential and working on developing much more complex steps with clear beat work and tonal quality

Grade 5

The skills and steps learned in the previous grades prepare students for even more complex movement and progression. Wings on two feet are introduced in this grade and new pick up timesteps with various tricky breaks

Grade 6

In this grade dancers can confidently perform very complex steps. Grade 6 is equivalent to a GSCE and will gain UCAS points for the dancer. New changes to this grade includes the Alternative Unaccompanied Sequence and some very quick amalgamations. Great fun!

Take your TAP dancing
to the next level

We also offer
Intermediate, Advanced 1 and Advanced 2 tap dancing classes


We follow the ISTD syllabus with grades from Pre-Primary to Grade 6 then on to 3 vocational grades Intermediate, Advanced 1 and Advanced 2.



Our tap dancing teachers are fully qualified and
have vast amounts of experience and performance expertise
Katy Watson-Reid

Miss KATY聽

Principal and tap dancing teacher

Miss Katy attended Laine Theatre Arts,聽 where she was聽awarded the overall excellence in Tap award in her final year聽and the top grade in her Associate teaching qualification in ISTD Modern and Tap

Miss Kim

Tap dancing teacher

Miss Kim trained at London Studio Centre and obtained a Diploma in Dance and Musical Theatre.

Edited Kim


Tap dancing teacher

Miss Siobhan graduated with a BA Hons in Dance from DeMonfort University, where she found her passion for teaching and choreography.


Our tap dancers are from Primary Tap, various
grades and advanced tap classes

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