Monday, April 6, 2020

The Russian Su-35 fighter jet will armed with unique hypersonic weapons

The arsenal of the Russian fourth-generation Su-35 aircraft will replenish the R-37M air-to-air ammunition. Thanks to the novelty, the “thirty-fifth” will be able to destroy targets in a radius of more than 200 km.

Test flights of Su-35 fighters with ultra-long-range R-37M air-to-air missiles (also known as RVV-BD) began, sources in the military-industrial complex told Izvestia. Test launches are expected by the end of this year. In the meantime, there is a development of electromagnetic compatibility with aircraft equipment and the integration of the latest ammunition in the airborne weapons system.

Earlier, Izvestia already wrote that the R-37M entered the arsenal of domestic fifth-generation fighters Su-57. In September 2018, Boris Obnosov, CEO of Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation, confirmed this information. Also, the RVV-DB will replenish the arsenal of “warships” – heavy supersonic interceptors MiG-31.

Thus, the Su-35 will become the third type of aircraft, the equipment of which will receive a novelty. A powerful radar mounted on the fighter, and communication equipment with automated air defense systems make it possible to effectively use missiles with such a range.

The new weapons will significantly increase the characteristics and combat capabilities of the “thirty-fifths,” said the former commander of the 4th Army Air Force and Air Defense, Hero of Russia, Lieutenant General Valery Gorbenko.

“This will allow him to solve a wide range of tasks in various types of military operations, both offensive and defensive,” he told Izvestia – “Our machines will be able to hit AWACS aircraft, bombers, tactical aircraft. In any case, it will be much more difficult for the enemy to evade such missiles: they will have very little time to maneuver from the moment a threat is detected.”

One Su-35 will be able to carry from two to four RVV-BDs, which will bring it closer in combat capabilities to the Su-57.

R-37M RVV-BD air-to-air missile mounted on Su-35 jet at MAKS 2019 (White is the R-77-1)

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