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Orlando Jones

This cast just keeps getting better and better. Orlando Jones has joined the star-studded cast of American Gods!

American Gods, the upcoming Starz show based on Neil Gaiman’s best-selling contemporary fantasy novel of the same name, has reeled in another amazing, fandom-beloved actor. It was announced today that Orlando Jones (who was great on Sleepy Hollow, you know, before he was killed off) will play Mr. Nancy.

Mr. Nancy, also known as Anansi, is an old West African trickster god and is generally depicted as a spider; he loves to tell stories and is a close friend and confidante of Mr. Wednesday. He joins Wednesday’s army of old gods aching to set fire to the new America (and its new gods) and watch the world burn. We meet Nancy when the gods assemble at House on the Rock.

By the way, Nancy is the titular character in the spinoff follow-up to American GodsAnansi Boys. If, you know, you need something to read this summer.

Demore-BarnesAlso announced today, Demore Barnes (12 Monkeys) has been cast as Mr. Ibis, the keeper of stories, past and present. Ibis is an incarnation of the Egyptian god Thoth and, like Nancy, is on the side of the old gods. He runs a funeral parlor in Cairo, Illinois, and is fascinated with death, probably because Thoth was a god of the Egyptian underworld. He briefly mentors our main character, ex-con Shadow Moon.

Jones and Barnes join previously announced stars Ricky Whittle (Shadow Moon), Ian McShane (Mr. Wednesday), Emily Browning (Laura Moon), Crispin Glover (Mr. World), Gillian Anderson (Media), Peter Stormare (Czernobog), and Cloris Leachman (Zorya Vechernyaya), among others.

American Gods will premiere on Starz sometime in 2017. They are currently on production of their fourth episode. Bryan Fuller and Michael Green are the showrunners. They also wrote the pilot episode, which will be directed by David Slade.

Author: Jamie Sugah

Jamie has a BA in English with a focus in creative writing from The Ohio State University. She self-published her first novel, The Perils of Long Hair on a Windy Day, which is available through Amazon. She is currently an archivist and lives in New York City with her demon ninja vampire cat. She covers television, books, movies, anime, and conventions in the NYC area.


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